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When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the ()

engine room logbook


voyage logbook


engine room logbook or voyage logbook


engine room logbook and voyage logbook


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更多 “单选题When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the ()A engine room logbookB voyage logbookC engine room logbook or voyage logbookD engine room logbook and voyage logbook” 相关考题
考题 Duty officer and keep navigational watches on the bridge at seaA.seamanB.sailorC.duty sailorD.OS

考题 When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0 A.engine room logbookB.vovage logbookc engine room logbook or voyage loglookD.engine room logbook and voyage logbook

考题 When will an Engineer Officer in charge of watch call Chief Engineer?

考题 With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched will control the main engineA.the bridge officer on watchB.the chief engineerC.the duty engineerD.the duty motorman

考题 If anything abnormal be found on the load change of main engine when the ship is entering in shallow waterway, before taking measures the engineer on duty should _______.A.stop main engine immediatelyB.ask the captain and the chief engineer's permission for stopping the engineC.inquire the bridge for the situation initiativelyD.stop engine and inform bridge

考题 At an unsheltered(开放的) anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with ______whether or not to maintain an underway watch.A.the engineer officer in charge of watchB.the deck officer in charge of watchC.the masterD.the chief mate

考题 Before sailing,mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with ______.A.ship's clockB.engine movement recorderC.repeatersD.navigation lights

考题 It is the job of ()(值班水手)to drop off the pilot.A、the duty sailorB、the 2nd officerC、the captainD、the duty officer

考题 When a ship is in port, who will keep gangway watch?()A、An officer.B、A sailor on duty.C、Wharf man.D、An engineer.

考题 Duty officer and ()keep navigational watches on the bridge at sea.A、seamanB、sailorC、duty sailorD、OS

考题 单选题During the running of the diesel engine, if the supply of cooling water is interrupted or the temperature of cooling water out of the cylinder is too high, the duty engineer should ()A notify the duty officer, reduce the engine speed, take some measures to remove failuresB notify the duty officer and stop the engine immediately, find the cause and remove failuresC notify the C/ED notify the captain

考题 单选题Before sailing,mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with().A ship's clockB engine movement recorderC repeatersD navigation lights

考题 单选题With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched () will control the main engine.A the bridge officer on watchB the chief engineerC the duty engineerD the duty motorman

考题 单选题At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with () whether or not to maintain an underway watch.A the engineer officer in charge of watchB the deck officer in charge of watchC the masterD the chief mate

考题 单选题The person on a ship who is responsible for maintaining the engineering spaces in a clean and sanitary condition is the().A Master,or person in chargeB Chief Engineer,or engineer in charge if no chief engineer is requiredC Senior mechanic,or mechanic on duty if no senior mechanic designatedD Senior electrician,or electrician on duty if no senior electrician designated

考题 单选题In the voyage, duty officer should inform () situation to the duty engineer immediately.A in/ut portB passing through big bridgeC big steering angle for direction changingD in/out port and passing through big bridge

考题 单选题If anything abnormal be found on the load change of main engine when the ship is entering in shallow waterway, before taking measuring the engineer on duty should ()A stop main engine immediatelyB ask the captain and the chief engineer’s permission for stopping the engineC initiatively inquire the bridge for the situationD stop engine and inform bridge

考题 单选题One hour before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check ()A tachometer and engine telegraphB oil and water reservesC clock and engine telegraph and test the rudderD crews

考题 单选题() you the officer on duty?A IsB BeC AreD Have

考题 单选题The duty officer and engineer should obey regulation for the speed of the M-E that established by ()A captainB chief engineerC chief engineer and captain consult togetherD chief engineer and superintend consult together

考题 单选题When the chief engineer is in the machinery spaces, the officer in charge of the engineering watch shall()A continue to be responsible for machinery space operations despite the presence of the CEB hand over the responsibility activelyC be responsible for the watching together with the chief engineerD assistant the chief engineer to control the machinery

考题 单选题In the event of minor emergencies when the machinery spaces unattended () will be informed of malfunction in the machinery by his cabin monitor.A the chief engineerB the engineer on cabin watchC the bridge officer on watchD the master

考题 单选题When the machinery spaces are in the periodic unmanned condition, shall be immediately available and on call to attend the machinery space().A the chief engineerB the designated engineer from shipyardC the designated duty officer in charge of the engineering watchD the designated surveyor from classification society

考题 单选题When a ship is in port, who will keep gangway watch?()A An officer.B A sailor on duty.C Wharf man.D An engineer.

考题 单选题Duties shall be so organized by the chief engineer officer that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and the subsequent relieving watches are () and otherwise fit for duty.A well trainedB in good luckC in good healthD sufficiently rested

考题 单选题During the watch keeping at sea, routine adjustments should be ()A made and noted as required by the duty engineerB reported to chief engineer immediately after being made by duty engineerC never made before getting permission from chief engineerD made as required but not logged

考题 单选题During tours of inspection in the machinery space, you found a fire on a running generator, what should you do first?()A inform chief engineer officer immediatelyB stop the generatorC let the duty officer in bridge determine how to doD wait for help