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额定电压(rated voltage)


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更多 “名词解释题额定电压(rated voltage)” 相关考题
考题 voltage的中文译文是电压。 A.错误B.正确

考题 The power factor of an AC generator operating singularly is determined by the_______ .A.connected loadB.prime mover speedC.field excitationD.generator's rated voltage

考题 熔断器的额定值主要有()。A额定电压、额定电流、额定电阻B额定电压和额定电流C额定电压、额定电流和熔体额定电流D额定电压

考题 故障电压(fault voltage)

考题 将适当的词语填入括号内:GNS voltage on()A、喷嘴电压关B、调整电流C、喷嘴电压开D、传感器开/关

考题 额定转速(rated speed)

考题 额定电压(rated voltage)

考题 预期接触电压(prospective touch voltage)

考题 接触电压(touch voltage)

考题 GDCB参数Rated mtr i Arms用于决定过电流保护和电梯额定运行电流值()。

考题 额定绝缘电压与额定工作电压的数值()。A、应该相同B、额定绝缘电压不小于额定工作电压C、额定工作电压不小于额定绝缘电压

考题 熔断器的额定值主要有()。A、额定电压、额定电流和额定电阻B、额定电压和额定电流C、额定电压、额定电流和熔体额定电流D、额定电压

考题 选用晶闸管的额定电压时,应根据实际工作条件下的峰值额定电压的大小应为()A、额定电压等于实际峰值电压B、额定电压远远小于实际峰值电压C、额定电压大于实际峰值电压D、额定电压略小于实际峰值电压

考题 船舶电力系统的基本参数是()A、额定功率,额定电压,额定频率B、电流种类,额定电压,额定频率C、额定电压,额定电流,额定频率D、额定电压,额定电流,额定功率

考题 在Advanced下的Voltage Monitor可显示计算机电源输出的各类电压和CPU核心电压。

考题 额定功率密度 rated power density

考题 voltage的中文译文是电压。

考题 ()是指由设备生产厂给出的设备或设备主要部件耐冲击过电压的最大值。该值与设备的绝缘水平有关。A、总放电电流total discharge currentB、标称放电电流nominal discharge currentC、冲击电流impulse currentD、耐冲击过电压额定值rated impulse with stand voltage

考题 单选题The output voltage of a three-phase alternator is regulated by the ().A AC voltage to the armatureB AC voltage to the fieldC DC voltage to the armatureD DC voltage to the field

考题 单选题Generators should have an excitation/voltage regulation system which will enable them to share the steady state reactive load () no machine exceeds its proportional share of reactive load by more than 10% of the rated reactive load of the largest generator.A whenB so asC such thatD though

考题 单选题The power factor of an AC generator operating singularly is determined by the ()A connected loadB prime mover speedC field excitationD generators rated voltage

考题 单选题The power factor at which a paralleled AC generator operates is usually adjusted by the ().A connected loadB prime mover speedC field excitationD generators rated voltage

考题 名词解释题接触电压(touch voltage)

考题 判断题在Advanced下的Voltage Monitor可显示计算机电源输出的各类电压和CPU核心电压。A 对B 错

考题 名词解释题特低电压(extra-low-voltage或ELV)

考题 判断题voltage的中文译文是电压。A 对B 错

考题 名词解释题故障电压(fault voltage)