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更多 “单选题_____A inB atC withD for” 相关考题
考题 He has become () his study, so he often daydreams in class recently. A、lost inB、lost withC、bored withD、bored of

考题 The company will send a representative to () their business in that region. A.attend toB.attempt atC.associate withD.approve of

考题 He is going to apply ( ) a job in the bank. A、inB、atC、for

考题 The children are quite happy ____ the thought of the coming summer holiday. A、inB、atC、uponD、on

考题 The weather has helped me( )some/a certain extent. A. inB. atC. toD. on

考题 It is not clear yet when the workers( )strike will return to their factories. A. inB. atC. onD. from

考题 The students stood( )attention while the headmaster made a speech. A. asB. atC. withD. by

考题 The child was born() the night of October 14 lastyear. A. inB. atC. onD. by

考题 Mr. Cook has not commented ________these reports.A.inB.ofC.withD.on

考题 19.A. Take pride inB. Talk aboutC. Help withD. Talk to

考题 Iwasimpressed_______theefficiencyoftheworkdoneinthecompanyA)inB)aboutC)withD)for

考题 Mybrotheristwometresinheight.It'sverydifficulttofindclothesbigenough____him.A.aboutB.atC.withD.for

考题 We have little knowledge( ) or experience ( ) farming. A、or/ inB、of/ inC、in/ withD、about/ or

考题 There is a chair () the corner of the room. A、inB、atC、under

考题 I benefit_______that experience.A. inB. fromC. withD. out

考题 This particular material()quite well, and we believe it will turn out()your satisfaction. A、is⋯inB、has been⋯forC、uses⋯withD、sells⋯to

考题 A sample of our new beef extract has been sent to you today()parcel post, and we hope it will reach you()perfect condition. A、with ⋯inB、in⋯byC、on⋯withD、by⋯in

考题 Is the pilot boat ______ station?A.inB.atC.withD.on

考题 Charted depths are decreased ______ 2 meters.A.inB.onC.withD.by

考题 If the insufficiency of the packing was apparent on reasonable inspection,the Shipowner cannot ______ the exception of insufficiency of packing.A.rely inB.rely uponC.rely withD.rely to

考题 The man __________ the dark glasses fled away from the spot very rapidly. A.in B.at C.of D.by

考题 Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden?They are ___________ everyone'senjoyment.A.in B.at C.for D.to

考题 It is impossible to__________the news unless you read the newspaper everydav.A.100k up in B.keep up with C.put up with D.catch up

考题 第48题答案是__________A.in B.at C.after D.by

考题 I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.A: aboutB: atC: withD: from

考题 请在第______处填上正确答案。A.in B.at C.on D.by

考题 Mr.Smith was engaged__________writing a novel.A.in B.at C.with D.for

考题 Pull out the nails ()a claw hammer?A、inB、byC、withD、on