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Her tears()great sympathy from the audience.









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更多 “单选题Her tears()great sympathy from the audience.A elicitedB arousedC commandedD engaged” 相关考题
考题 Her eyes have shone with pride, _______ tears of bitterness and burned from lack of sleep. A. filling withB. to fill withC. having filled withD. filled with

考题 Her eyes were filled () tears. A、ofB、withC、inD、along

考题 ―I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her?―Nothing important. __________ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt. A.Just forB.Just thatC.Just becauseD.Only because

考题 She looked in my face __________. A.with tears streaming down her cheeksB.with tears to stream down her cheeksC.with tears streamed down her cheeksD.with tears to be streamed down her cheeks

考题 When she learned that her son was killed in battle, the Mexican woman __________ her tears with much difficulty. A.held backB.held upC.held outD.take back

考题 Mrs. White's husband tried to ______.A.cheer her upB.stop her from going to the supermarketC.stop her from buying unnecessary thingsD.make her less happy

考题 From the text we learn that _____.[A] Manon’s husband is a nameless but bullying person[B] Manon is the real heroine who deserves readers’ sympathy[C] Sarah is in fact smarter than her master Manon[D] Walter is a proof of the mixed race prostitution

考题 Seeing the little sister crying hard, Giselle instinctively searched her bag for () paper to wipe the tears.A、coarseB、hardC、tissueD、writing

考题 There was nothing to ________ so. A、keep her from doingB、keep her doC、prevent her doingD、stop her do

考题 Her fear of making mistakes has caused her great difficulty in ____ with others in English.A. organizingB. communicatingC. retreatingD. researching

考题 He sent ______ from Canada.A、her a cardB、to her a cardC、card to herD、to her card

考题 She gave all her properties to a charity organization which _______ her great respect from people all over the world.A、earnedB、savedC、developedD、led

考题 Mrs. Anderson went to great lengths to keep her son from getting mixed up in such dreadful things.()

考题 It mattered a great deal of her what other people thought of her.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 __________ she heard her grandfather was born in Germany. A.That was from her mum B.It was her mum that C.It was from her mum that D.It was her mum whom

考题 She shed a few tears at her daughter's wedding.A:wiped B:injected C:produced D:removed

考题 It was Ann′s first experience of flying..She had always been afraid of heights and so was prepared?to be frightened.Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for?three years had given her the courage to make the flight. She sat in her seat,her hands gripping its arms,her seat belt already fastened.The air hostess?was talking,telling everyone what to do in case of emergency,showing them where their life-jackets?were.The plane was crowded,and every seat was full.From her window seat,getting out in a hurry?would be impossible,thought Ann.In any case who would want to get out of a plane in mid-air? The engines began to shake--the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind.She?looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed.She wanted to cry out--to stop the plane?before it left the ground,but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring machine.I must scream,she told herself,and put her hands over her eyes. There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift.The noise died down.Carefully she?opened her eyes.Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above,so beautiful that she?stared in wonder,hardly turning away from the window till they touched down. How was Ann sitting before the plane took off?《》()A.With her arms folded. B.With her seat belt undone. C.Holding tight to her seat belt. D.Holding on to part of the seat.

考题 She__into tears when she heard from the hospital that her father died.A.burst B.went C.fell D.exploded

考题 ”This is the best present I’ve ever received,”Mary said with a smile trying to____her tears.A.keep down B.keep up C.keep back D.keep at

考题 单选题She sat in the corner of the room, with tears _____ down her cheeks.A ranB to runC runD running

考题 单选题Nancy had a great deal of trouble to concentrate on her work because of the noise in the next roomA a great deal ofB to concentrate onC because ofD in

考题 单选题With tears in her eyes, the champion was oblivious to the cheering in the stands.A grateful toB unaware ofC conscious ofD pleased with

考题 单选题Seeing her father come back, _____.A tears ran down her cheeksB her tears ran outC she burst into tearsD tears burst into her

考题 填空题The youngster immediately fell ____(silence) as tears flew down from his big blue eyes.

考题 单选题When she heard the bad news,her eyes ______ with tears as she struggled to control her emotions.A sparkledB twinkledC radiatedD glittered

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