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To agree with larger scale chart, latitudes taken from this chart should be increased()about 8 seconds.









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更多 “单选题To agree with larger scale chart, latitudes taken from this chart should be increased()about 8 seconds.A withB inC byD to” 相关考题
考题 No navigational aids are shown and chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines.For more detailed information,the larger scale charts must be______.A.boughtB.analyzedC.consultedD.Published

考题 Position read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes Southward and 0.13 minutes Eastward so as ______ adjoining chart 344.A.to agree uponB.in accordance withC.to be same asD.to agree with

考题 To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased ______ about 8 seconds.A.withB.inC.byD.to

考题 Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ______.A.latitude scale near the middle of the track lineB.longitude scale near the middle of the track lineC.latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chartD.latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale

考题 When navigating in high latitudes and using a chart based on a Lambert conformal projection,______.A.a straight line drawn on the chart approximates a great circleB.the chart should not be used outside of the standard parallelsC.the course angle is measured at the mid-longitude of the track lineD.distance cannot be measured directly from the chart

考题 To ______ Admiralty Charts 438,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased by about 5 seconds.A.convert toB.come toC.look atD.agree with

考题 No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information,the larger scale charts must be ______.A.referred toB.appreciatedC.met withD.concerned

考题 In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the ______.A.MercatorB.GnomonicC.AzimuthalD.Lambert conformal

考题 ______ is not an alarm required by IMO standards to be available on the ECDIS.A.Deviating from a planned routeB.Approach to waypoints and other critical pointsC.Light house detectingD.Larger scale chart available

考题 A chart with a natural scale of 1:160,000 is classified as a______.A.sailing chartB.general chartC.coast chartD.harbor chart

考题 How is variation indicated on a small-scale nautical chart?______.A.Magnetic compass tableB.Magnetic meridiansC.Isogonic linesD.Variation is not indicated on small-scale nautical charts

考题 单选题To () Admiralty Charts 438,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased by about 5 seconds.A convert toB come toC look atD agree with

考题 单选题No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information, the larger scale charts must be().A referred toB appreciatedC met withD concerned

考题 单选题Full details of all lights and fog signals are shown on().A large scale chartB small scale chartC ocean chartD routing chart

考题 单选题A chart with a scale of 1:80,000 would fall into the category of a().A sailing chartB general chartC coastal chartD harbor chart

考题 单选题Positions read from this chart should,to agree with chart 3949,be () 0.03 minutes Northwards and 0.22 minutes Westwards.A shiftedB removedC changedD altered

考题 单选题()chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.A To considerB To checkC To examineD To agree with

考题 单选题In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the().A MercatorB GnomonicC AzimuthalD Lambert conformal

考题 单选题For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be ().A consideredB consultedC concludedD commanded

考题 单选题That the scale of any part of a chart to be larger than the scale of the survey is().A very rareB commonC oftenD reasonable

考题 单选题Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ().A latitude scale near the middle of the track lineB longitude scale near the middle of the track lineC latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chartD latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale

考题 单选题How is variation indicated on a small-scale nautical chart?().A Magnetic compass tableB Magnetic meridiansC Isogonic linesD Variation is not indicated on small-scale nautical charts

考题 单选题A chart with a natural scale of 1:160,000 is classified as a().A sailing chartB general chartC coast chartD harbor chart

考题 单选题To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased () about 8 seconds.A withB inC byD to

考题 单选题()is not an alarm required by IMO standards to be available on the ECDIS.A Deviating from a planned routeB Approach to waypoints and other critical pointsC Light house detectingD Larger scale chart available

考题 单选题Positions read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes Southward and 0.13 minutes Eastward so as () adjoining chart 344.A to agree uponB in accordance withC to be same asD to agree with

考题 单选题On chart,bearings to near objects should be used in preference to objects farther off,because().A a small error in bearing or in laying it down on the chart has a greater effect in misplacing the position the longer the line to be drawnB all scales are kept updated for vital information by Notices to MarinersC the larger the scale of the chart,the greater the detail that can be shown on itD the mariner using the medium scale charts for passage along a coast need not transfer on to a large scale for short distances

考题 单选题No navigational aids are shown and chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information, the larger scale charts must be().A boughtB analyzedC consultedD published