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Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the passage you have just heard?

The new vision of agriculture will support US expansion of power overseas.


The new vision will enhance public health and social well-being.


The new vision embraces technologies for the cloning of rare species of wildlife.


The new vision promotes agriculture as a political, economic, social and environmental force.


录音中提到new vision会促进农业的发展,来满足美国以及全球日益扩大人口的需求,此外它还能带来其他的益处,例如enhanced public health等,由此可见new vision会提高公共卫生和社会福祉。
The new vision promotes agriculture as a positive economic, social, and environmental force. It embraces further gains in food and fiber production-gains that will be crucial to meet the needs of an expanding US and global population—but it also provides other benefits, such as enhanced public health, clean water, more diverse wildlife, rural amenities, and social well-being.
更多 “单选题Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the passage you have just heard?A The new vision of agriculture will support US expansion of power overseas.B The new vision will enhance public health and social well-being.C The new vision embraces technologies for the cloning of rare species of wildlife.D The new vision promotes agriculture as a political, economic, social and environmental force.” 相关考题
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