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arise out of产生于,起因于。derive多与from搭配,表示由…起源。raise通常为及物动词。originate多与from搭配,表示起源于,来自,产生。
更多 “单选题______A arise B derive C raise D originate” 相关考题
考题 Most quality problems:A . originate in the quality department where the ultimate responsibility for quality rests.B . originate on the shop floor because of waste and product rework.C . are the results of management inattention to potential quality improvement ideas.D . could be eliminated if shop supervisors monitored their work more closely.E . A and B

考题 20 Most quality problems:A. originate in the quality department where the ultimate responsibility for quality rests.B. originate on the shop floor because of waste and product rework.C. are the results of management inattention to potential quality improvement ideas.D. could be eliminated if shop supervisors monitored their work more closely.E. A and B

考题 We can derive great pleasure ( )our studies. A.ofB.toC.fromD.in

考题 [ A] develop[ B ] differ[ C] depart[ D] derive

考题 下列类的定义中,有( ) 处语法错误。 class Base { public: Base(){} Base(int i) { data=i; } private: int data; }; class Derive: public Base { public: Derive(): Base(O) { } Derive(int x) { d=x; } void setvalue(int i) { data=i; } private: d; };A.1B.2C.3D.4

考题 officially, canada refers to itself as a multicultural society within a bilingual framework. did not originate in america. ()

考题 以下程序的执行结果是______。 include class base { public: virtual void who(){c 以下程序的执行结果是______。include<iostream.h>class base{public:virtual void who(){cout<<"base class"<<endl:}};class derrvel:public base{public:void who(){cout<<"derivel class"<<endl:}};class derive2;public base{public:void who() {cout<<"derive2 class"<<endl;}};void main(){base obj1,*P;derive1 obj2;derive2 obj3:p=obj1;p->who();p=obj2:p->who();p=obj3;p->who();}

考题 Acompletelynewsituationwill_____whentheexaminationsystemcomesintoexistence.(A)arise(C)raise(B)rise(D)arouse

考题 下列类的定义中,有( )处语法错误。 class Base { public: Base(){} Base(int i) { data=i; } private: int data; }; class Derive : public Base { public: Derive() : Base(O) {} Derive (int x) { d=x; } void setvalue(int i) { data=i; } private: int d; };A.1B.2C.3D.4

考题 有如下程序includeusing nameSpace std;class base{public:vinual void f1() { cout 有如下程序 #include<iostream> using nameSpace std; class base { public: vinual void f1() { cout<<"F1 Base"; } virtual void f2() { cout<<"F2Base"; } }; class derive:public base { void f1() { cout<<"F1Derive"; } void f2(int x) { cout<<"F2Derive"; } }; int main() { base obj1,*p; derive obj2; p=obj2; p—>f1(); p—>f2(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.F1Derive F2BaseB.F1Derive F2DeriveC.F1Base F2BaseD.F1Base F2Derive

考题 A raise B add C take D keep

考题 The signal man assisting a crane operator has his arm extended with his fingers closed and thumb pointing upward.This is the signal to ______.A.raise the boomB.raise the hookC.raise the boom and hookD.check the boom stop

考题 We derive information mainly from the Internet.A: depriveB: obtainC: descendD: trace

考题 These are defensive behavior patterns which derive from our fears.A:stem B:rely C:develop D:grow

考题 We derive information mainly from the Internet.A:deprive B:obtain C:descend D:trace

考题 We derive information mainly from the Internet.A:deprive B:obtain C:descend D:trace

考题 You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5.You plan to develop a custom control for the application.  The control will be a composite control.Your need to derive from the class that will create the control by using the minimum amount of development effort.What should you do?()A、Derive from the Control class.B、Derive from the UserControl class.C、Derive from the FrameworkElement class.D、Derive from the ContainerControl class.

考题 在OSPF网络中建立nssa区域的area 1 nssa default-information-originate中参数default-information-originate是什么意思呢?

考题 What types of objects derive from te MemberInfo class?()A、 FieldInfo classB、 MethodInfo classC、 Assembly classD、 Type class

考题 You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .Net Framework 3.5.You plan to design a composite control for the application.You need to derive the control from a base class that supports templates.What should you do?()A、Derive from the Control class.B、Derive from the UserControl class.C、Derive from the ScrollableControl class.D、Derive from the ContainerControl class.

考题 问答题在OSPF网络中建立nssa区域的area 1 nssa default-information-originate中参数default-information-originate是什么意思呢?

考题 单选题Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage().A Galley fitted with range or ovenB Open structuresC Passenger spacesD Boatswain's stores

考题 单选题When a sudden increase in steam demand occurs from the boiler, the water level in the drum at the higher pressure will()A rise quicklyB rise slowlyC drop quicklyD drop slowly

考题 单选题Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage().A Boatswain's storesB Companions and booby hatchesC Passenger spacesD All of the above

考题 单选题59. A enlarge B follow C raise D changeA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题With inflation at 10%, the price could ______ again quite soon.A rise up B get up C go up D put up

考题 单选题Which of the following actions are stated in the correct order prior to loading or discharging cargo on a Ro-Ro vessel? ()A Lower the stern ramp,raise/open the stern door,turn on ventilation for cargo holdsB Turn on ventilation for cargo holds,raise/open the stern door,lower the stern rampC Turn on ventilation for cargo holds,lower the stern ramp,raise/open the stern doorD Raise/open the stern door,lower the stern ramp,turn on ventilation for cargo holds

考题 单选题70 A put B raise C rouse D spoilA AB BC CD D