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- Good-bye for now. -()

The same to you.


That’s OK.


See you.


Long time no see.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题- Good-bye for now. -()A The same to you.B That’s OK.C See you.D Long time no see.” 相关考题
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考题 30.1t is afternoon now.

考题 One of my friends sent me a message just now.(改为同义句)_________ _________ _________ _________sent me a message just now.

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考题 - Good-bye for now. -()AThe same to you.BThat’s OK.CSee you.DLong time no see.

考题 分析下列代码:  Class A{  Public static void main(String[] args){  method(); }  static void method(){  try{  System.out.println("Hello"); }finally{  System.out.println("good-bye"); } } }  编译运行后,输出结果是()。 A、"Hello"B、"good-bye"C、"Hello""god-bye"D、代码不能编译

考题 - Good-bye for now. -()A、The same to you.B、That’s OK.C、See you.D、Long time no see.

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考题 分析下列Java代码:   class A {  public static void main(String[] args)    {   method();   }      static void method()    {     try    {  System.out.println("Hello");    System.exit(0);    }    finally   {  System.out.println("good-bye");  }   }    }  编译运行后,输出结果是()。     A、"Hello"B、"good-bye"C、"Hello"后面是"good-bye"D、代码不能编译

考题 分析下列java代码  Class A{  Public static void main(String[] args){  Method(); }  Static void method(){ try{  System.out.println(“hello”) }finally{  System.out.println(“good-bye”); }  } }  编译运行后,输出结果是()A、“hello”B、“good-bye”C、“hello”“good-bye”D、代码不能编译

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考题 单选题分析下列java代码  Class A{  Public static void main(String[] args){  Method(); }  Static void method(){ try{  System.out.println(“hello”) }finally{  System.out.println(“good-bye”); }  } }  编译运行后,输出结果是()A “hello”B “good-bye”C “hello”“good-bye”D 代码不能编译