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The value of the controlled variable, which under any fixed set of conditions the automatic controller operates to maintain, is known as ()

set point


control point






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更多 “单选题The value of the controlled variable, which under any fixed set of conditions the automatic controller operates to maintain, is known as ()A set pointB control pointC deviationD offset” 相关考题
考题 Which modifer should be applied to a declaration of a class member variable for the value of variable to remain constant after the creation of the object?() A.staticB.finalC.constD.abstract

考题 (b) When a director retires, amounts become payable to the director as a form. of retirement benefit as an annuity.These amounts are not based on salaries paid to the director under an employment contract. Sirus hascontractual or constructive obligations to make payments to former directors as at 30 April 2008 as follows:(i) certain former directors are paid a fixed annual amount for a fixed term beginning on the first anniversary ofthe director’s retirement. If the director dies, an amount representing the present value of the future paymentis paid to the director’s estate.(ii) in the case of other former directors, they are paid a fixed annual amount which ceases on death.The rights to the annuities are determined by the length of service of the former directors and are set out in theformer directors’ service contracts. (6 marks)Required:Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment ofthe above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the yearended 30 April 2008.

考题 短文理解听力原文: Spot transaction means the actual and variable amount of the currency of one country which at any given time, can be bought for a fixed sum in the currency of another country. It is a term meaning that these transactions are settled on the second working day from the date of the deal. For example, you buy $ 5,000.00 US dollars on October 10th( say Wednesday) , the purchased US dollars will value on October 12th.21. What does spot transaction mean?22.When are the spot transaction settled?23.What's the value date for purchase of $ 5,000.00 US dollars in the passage?(21)A.It means that at any time you can buy currency of one country for another currency.B.It means that the actual and variable amount of one currency can be bought for a fixed sum in another currency at any given time.C.It means that any kind of currency can be bought at any time for another currency.D.It means that the actual and fixed amount of the currency of one country at any time can be bought for a variable sum in the currency of another currency.

考题 The overall transfer function is the ratio of the transform. of the controlled variable to the transform. of ( ). A.the controlled variableB.the reference inputC.the feedbackD.the output variable

考题 package test;class Target{public String name=hello;}What can directly access and change the value of the variable name?() A.any classB.only the Target classC.any class in the test packageD.any class that extends Target

考题 Given:What can directly access and change the value of the variable name?() A. any classB. only the Target classC. any class in the test packageD. any class that extends Target

考题 A fixed asset impairments occurs when the fair value of a fixed asset falls below its book value and is not expected to recover.()

考题 A feedback is an input ____A.which governs the state of a variableB.which provides a visual and audible alarmC.which indicates values of controlled variablesD.which measures the state of the controlled variable

考题 Any partial loss or damage shall be ______ pro rata on the basis of such declared value.A.adjustedB.arrangedC.determinedD.fixed

考题 package test; class Target{ public String name="hello"; } What can directly access and change the value of the variable name?()A、any classB、only the Target classC、any class in the test packageD、any class that extends Target

考题 A public member vairable called MAX_LENGTH which is int type, the value of the variable remains constant value 100. Use a short statement to define the variable.()   A、 public int MAX_LENGTH=100;B、 final int MAX_LENGTH=100;C、 final public int MAX_LENGTH=100;D、 public final int MAX_LENGTH=100;

考题 Which statements concerning the value of a member variable are true, when no explicit assignments have been made?()  A、The value of an int is undetermined.B、The value of all numeric types is zero.C、The compiler may issue an error if the variable is used before it is initialized.D、The value of a String variable is "" (empty string).E、The value of all object variables is null.

考题 The production database has been functional for the last seven days. Because of application requirements, some of the initialization parameters were changed during run time without any comments. You have asked to find out the value of the parameters when the instance was started.Which source would you use to locate this information?()A、 Fixed viewsB、 The alert log fileC、 The parameter fileD、 The server parameter fileE、 Dynamic performance views

考题 The order of name resolution can be controlled.   The default is:   1.DNS/BIND   2.NIS  3./etc/hosts   To change the order of the above name resolutions, which of the following should be used?()A、nslookupB、hostnameC、/etc/host.equivD、environment variable NSORDER

考题 被控量 (controlled variable )

考题 What does it mean for a variable in the Application Editor to be defined as a parameter?()A、The variable can be used to pass data to and from subflows.  B、The value for that variable can be supplied via Application Configuration in Application Administration.  C、The value for that variable is defined by the calling application.  D、The variable can be used in conditional steps.  E、The variable can be used to pass data to and from VoiceXML applications.

考题 Given: 1.package test; 2. 3.class Target { 4.public String name = "hello";5.} What can directly access and change the value of the variable name?()A、any classB、only the Target classC、any class in the test packageD、any class that extends Target

考题 跑道边灯应为固定灯具,显示可变的白光。()A、Runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white.B、Runway middle lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white.C、Runway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing vary white.D、Taxiway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing variable white.

考题 单选题A feedback is an input()A which governs the state of a variableB which provides a visual and audible alarmC which indicates values of controlled variablesD which measures the state of the controlled variable

考题 单选题The production database has been functional for the last seven days. Because of application requirements, some of the initialization parameters were changed during run time without any comments. You have asked to find out the value of the parameters when the instance was started.Which source would you use to locate this information?()A  Fixed viewsB  The alert log fileC  The parameter fileD  The server parameter fileE  Dynamic performance views

考题 多选题Which statements concerning the value of a member variable are true, when no explicit assignments have been made?()AThe value of an int is undetermined.BThe value of all numeric types is zero.CThe compiler may issue an error if the variable is used before it is initialized.DThe value of a String variable is  (empty string).EThe value of all object variables is null.

考题 单选题The steady state difference between the control point and the value of the controlled variable, corresponding with the set point, is known as ()A dead bandB control pointC deviationD offset

考题 单选题A public member vairable called MAX_LENGTH which is int type, the value of the variable remains constant value 100. Use a short statement to define the variable.()A  public int MAX_LENGTH=100;B  final int MAX_LENGTH=100;C  final public int MAX_LENGTH=100;D  public final int MAX_LENGTH=100;

考题 单选题() is made of a boss with separated blades mounted into it.A A variable pitch propellerB A variable pitch nutC A fixed pitch parallelD A fixed pitch screw

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true regarding the initialization parameter DIAGNOSTIC_DEST?()   The default value is the value of the environment variable $ORACLE_HOME; if $ORACLE_HOME isn’t setA  then the default is set to $ORACLE_BASE The default value is the value of the environment variable $ORACLE_BASE; if $ORACLE_BASE isn’t set,B  then it is set to $ORACLE_HOMEC  DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is always equal to $ORACLE_HOMED  DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is always equal to $ORACLE_BASE

考题 单选题What does it mean for a variable in the Application Editor to be defined as a parameter?()A The variable can be used to pass data to and from subflows.  B The value for that variable can be supplied via Application Configuration in Application Administration.  C The value for that variable is defined by the calling application.  D The variable can be used in conditional steps.  E The variable can be used to pass data to and from VoiceXML applications.

考题 单选题package test;  class Target {  public String name = “hello”;  }  What can directly access and change the value of the variable name?()A  any classB  only the Target classC  any class in the test packageD  any class that extends Target