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The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect()so a walk along Nanking Road is an enjoyable discovery.









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更多 “单选题The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect()so a walk along Nanking Road is an enjoyable discovery.A controlB orderC harmonyD action” 相关考题
考题 Some advanced materials are an old standard with a new twist. The newest fiberoptic cables that carry telephone calls cross-country are made of glass so transparent that a piece of 100 miles thick is clearer than a standard window pane._______________________________________________________________________________

考题 The city has decided to ________ all the old buildings. A.break away fromB.get rid ofC.come up withD.knock down

考题 It can be interred that without gravity .A.buildings and other structures would float awayB.trees and buildings would not so easily fly offC.something around your head would not float awayD.everything outside buildings would fly off into space

考题 The new library is three times as large as the old one.

考题 I bought a new house last year, but I_________ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.A. didn't sellB. have not soldC. had not soldD. don't sell

考题 ( ) old should give place to ( ) new. A、The/ theB、An/ theC、An/ aD、…/ ...

考题 Mr Green is ___ looks. A.not so old as heB.not as old as IC.more old than heD.much old than he

考题 My house is ________ the two buildings, so we get little sunshine during the day. A.betweenB.amongC.inD.at

考题 It s high time that we () the historical old buildings. A、protectedB、protectC、are protectingD、will protect

考题 Accordiiig to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? ( )A. Some Americans would not accept the value of conservation and environment protection, because this value would probably make them unemployed.B. Many Americans have been used to wasting, so it will be difficult for them to accept the new value of conservation.C. Some old values are still having a strong influence on American people, although they are harmful in this new age.D. Most Americans have fully realized the need to protect the environment, so they have taken measures to recycle junked goods.

考题 加入新模板的菜单是?A. Old TemplateB. New TemplateC. New FrameD. Old Frame

考题 Under INSTITUTE TIME CLAUSES-Hulls,Claims payable ______.A.with deduction new for oldB.without deduction new for oldC.with deduction old for newD.without deduction old for new

考题 These old buildings are gorgeous.A:ridiculous B:lovely C:magnificent D:peculiar

考题 These old buildings are gorgeous.A:ridiculous B:lovely C:magnificent D:peculiar

考题 The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center.A:get rid of B:setup C:repair D:paint

考题 The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center.A:get rid of B:setup C:repair D:paint

考题 What command would an operator use to move a file from the /old_dir directory to the /new_dir directory without changing the file name?()A、mv /old_dir/file /new_dirB、mv -p /old_dir/file /new_dirC、mv -k /old_dir/file /new_dirD、mv /old_dir/file /new_dir/new_file

考题 单选题A: I can’t seem to find a color TV of the new model.  B: _______A Why don’t you try the new store on King’s Road?B There’s also something wrong with my TV set.C Don’t you know the new model you want is not on the market yet?D The new model is far more expensive than those old ones.

考题 单选题Where are housing prices the highest?A In an area where the economy is strong and lots of new buildings are being constructed.B In an area where the economy is strong but the space for new buildings is limited.C In an area where the economy is poor and population is decreasing.D In an area where the housing market is structured differently from the investment market.

考题 单选题You have a computer that runs Windows XP Professional. You use Microsoft Outlook Express to download e-mail messages. You need to copy the e-mail messages, Outlook Express settings, and Internet Explorer settings to a new computer that runs Windows XP Professional. What should you do?()A Copy all *.dbx files from the old computer to the new computer. B Establish a Remote Assistance session from the old computer to the new computer.C Back up the system state on the old computer. Restore the system state on the new computer. D Run the File and Settings Transfer Wizard on the old computer. Run the File and Settings Transfer Wizard on the new computer. 

考题 单选题The author thinks that ______.A packing is actually useless and could be ignoredB people will soon stop using packaging altogetherC enough research has been done into recyclingD it is better to produce new materials than to re-use old ones

考题 单选题What does the author think of the new lie-detection machines?A They are perfect examples of scientific breakthroughs.B They are not good enough to replace the old machines.C They have the potential to change the way the court works.D They need further improvement so as to be more reliable.

考题 问答题Read the passage carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5. Answer each question in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.Preserving the Past  Today, many old buildings are being torn down so new ones can be built. But some older buildings are both beautiful and interesting. They need to be saved.  The city of San Antonio, Texas, was settled by the Spanish in the early 1700s. Later, it was governed by Mexico. If you go to San Antonio, you can see many missions or churches that were built by the Spanish. All were started between 1720 and 1731. You can also find other buildings from early periods in the history of Texas. Some of these buildings are still standing because a group of women worked to save them.  In 1924, the city of San Antonio was going to cement over the San Antonio River and turn it into an underground sewer. A group of women felt that the beauty of San Antonio should be preserved. They formed a club to keep the river from being destroyed.  The women saved the river. Then they worked together to preserve several old buildings that were going to be torn down. In the 1930s, the women saved an old mill and granary. They raised money to buy these buildings by giving tea parties and selling cakes.  More recently, the ladies in San Antonio have worked to save a Spanish convent. They could not afford to buy the whole building, so they paid for only half. Even so, the women are still looking for other old buildings to save. They want people to know about the city’s long and interesting history.  Questions:  1.What is the passage mainly about?  2.What does the word “ones” in Sentence 1 refer to?  3.What can you see if you go to San Antonio?  4.The word in Paragraph 3 that means savedis ________.  5.Why have the women worked to save the river and old buildings?

考题 单选题Many old houses are being demolished to_______ new buildings and parking lots.A give rise to B bring forth C provide for D make room for

考题 单选题A lot of old buildings in the town were ruined during the earthquake, but they were beautifully()soon by the local people.A recoveredB restoredC resumedD returned

考题 单选题All the traces are()old ones.A ClearB EvidentC ObviousD Apparently

考题 单选题The first paragraph tells us that a new product is _____.A not easily accepted by the publicB often inferior to old ones at firstC often more expensive than old onesD usually introduced to satisfy different tastes