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更多 “单选题货舱()A hullB hallC hatchwayD hold” 相关考题
考题 We ____________ the belief that we will have a promising future as long as we work hard. (A) hold up(B) hold to(C) hold down(D) hold off

考题 You helped me to ___________ at times when I didn’t think I could even go on trying. A、hold backB、hold offC、hold upD、hold on

考题 Which of the following marine insurance policies is normally purchased by the cargo owner? ______.A.HullB.CargoC.Protection and IndemnityD.Pollution

考题 If you grasp this rope,I will pull you up.A:understood B:had a hold over C:took hold of D:left hold of

考题 Topside paint is applied to the area of the ship’s ()which is out of water when the ship is loaded.A、hullB、cabinC、cargo holdD、deck

考题 干货通常被装载到货舱里。()A、Dry cargo is usually stowed in the hold.B、Dry cargo is usually stowed at the hatch.C、Wet cargo is usually stowed in the hold.

考题 货舱()A、hullB、hallC、hatchwayD、hold

考题 The main body of a vessel is the ().A、hullB、superstructureC、engine roomD、poop

考题 The ()(上层建筑) is on the main deck.A、hullB、superstructureC、holdD、bow

考题 A ship’s coat is called ()(船壳).A、hullB、superstructureC、holdD、hall

考题 立即灭火并将2号货舱附近冷却。()A、Put out the fire right now and cool hold No.2.B、Put off the fire right now and cool around No.2.C、Put on the fire right now and cool hold No.2.D、Put out the fire right away and cool around hold No.2.

考题 哪些货舱装有货舱装卸系统?()A、只前货舱有B、只后货舱有C、前货舱何后货舱D、前货舱、后货舱和散货舱

考题 单选题防撞舱壁位于:()A 尾尖舱与货舱之间B 首尖舱与货舱之间C 货舱与货舱之间D 货舱与机舱之间

考题 单选题下列货舱盖中气密性能最好的是:()A 折叠式货舱盖B 滚动式货舱盖C 滚卷式货舱盖D 冷藏式货舱盖

考题 单选题散装化学品船舶外壳构成船体结构一部分的液货舱是指:()A 独立液货舱B 整体液货舱C 重力液货舱D 压力液货舱

考题 单选题冷藏货物在装舱前,船方应作好的准备工作有()。A 货舱检验B 货舱预冷和货舱除臭C 货舱清洁和货舱检查D 以上都是

考题 单选题A Chinese stopper (two lines) will hold best when you().A fasten the bitter ends to the mooring line with half hitchesB twist the ends together and hold them in the direction of the pullC twist the ends together and hold them in the direction opposite to the pullD twist the ends together and hold them at right angles to the mooring line

考题 单选题重点舱是指()。A 船舶各货舱中尺度最大的货舱B 船舶各货舱中装卸时间最短的货舱C 船舶各货舱中货物装载最多的货舱D 船舶各货舱中所需装卸时间最长的货舱

考题 单选题货舱内洗舱机布置的位置和数量主要根据()来确定时。A 货舱容积B 货舱形状C 货舱位置D ABC都是

考题 单选题You have determined that you are in the right semicircle of a tropical cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere.What action should you take to avoid the storm().A Place the wind on the starboard quarter and hold that courseB Place the wind on the port quarter and hold that courseC Place the wind on the port bow and hold that courseD Place the wind on the starboard bow and hold that course

考题 单选题货舱内所能容纳特定液体货物的最大容积称为()。A 货舱散装容积B 货舱包装容积C 液货舱容积D 液舱容积

考题 单选题立即灭火并将2号货舱附近冷却。()A Put out the fire right now and cool hold No.2.B Put off the fire right now and cool around No.2.C Put on the fire right now and cool hold No.2.D Put out the fire right away and cool around hold No.2.

考题 单选题货舱盖折叠式又称()A 铰链式货舱盖B 液压驱动式货舱盖C 钢索驱动式货舱盖D 吊杆绞车驱动式货舱盖

考题 单选题干货通常被装载到货舱里。()A Dry cargo is usually stowed in the hold.B Dry cargo is usually stowed at the hatch.C Wet cargo is usually stowed in the hold.

考题 单选题下列不是液化气船舶在受载前必须对货舱进行的特殊作业的是()。A 货舱惰化B 货舱驱气C 货舱预冷D 货舱通风

考题 单选题留神脚下!抓住扶手。()A Watch your feet! Get hold on the rails.B Watch your step! Get hold of the rails.C Watch your step! Get hold to the rails.D Mind your head! Get hold of the rails.

考题 单选题If there is a fire in a hold, what should you do?()A Close the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood CO2 into hold.B Open the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood CO2 into hold.C Close the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood water into hold.D Open the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood water into hold.

考题 单选题对于内河散装运输危险化学品船舶,如舱型为2G,表示----。()A 独立液货舱和重力液货舱B 独立液货舱和压力液货舱C 整体液货舱和压力液货舱D 整体液货舱和重力液货舱