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John didn’t want to risk _____ wet as he had only one suit.



to get


being got


to be gotten


risk doing sth. 冒险做某事,排除B、D。get wet的动作发出者是John,应该用主动语态,故为A。
更多 “单选题John didn’t want to risk _____ wet as he had only one suit.A gettingB to getC being gotD to be gotten” 相关考题
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考题 BJack is a famous writer now.But he said he was not a good student when he was young.He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching.He didn't understand much, but he always thought he under-stood everything..One day the teacher asked the students a question, "When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother?" Jack answered, "That's easy. His brother is twice as old as John, so he is now thirty. "Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, "When it thunders(打雷) , why do we always see the light before we hear the sound? "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "can't you .see our eyes are in front of our ears?"The third time, the teacher in a biology class asked, "Why can fish swim in the water?" "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "don't you know fish can-t walk on land?"( )26.Jack was not ________. when he was young.A.strongB.lazyC.cleverD.well

考题 John didn't want to risk _________wet as he had only one suit.A. gettingB. to getC. being gotD. to be gotten

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考题 John Pentanol was appointed as risk manager at HZ Company a year ago and he decided that his first task was to examine the risks that faced the company. He concluded that the company faced three major risks, which he assessed by examining the impact that would occur if the risk were to materialise. He assessed Risk 1 as being of low potential impact as even if it materialised it would have little effect on the company’s strategy. Risk 2 was assessed as being of medium potential impact whilst a third risk, Risk 3, was assessed as being of very high potential impact.When John realised the potential impact of Risk 3 materialising, he issued urgent advice to the board to withdraw from the activity that gave rise to Risk 3 being incurred. In the advice he said that the impact of Risk 3 was potentially enormous and it would be irresponsible for HZ to continue to bear that risk.The company commercial director, Jane Xylene, said that John Pentanol and his job at HZ were unnecessary and that risk management was ‘very expensive for the benefits achieved’. She said that all risk managers do is to tell people what can’t be done and that they are pessimists by nature. She said she wanted to see entrepreneurial risk takers in HZ and not risk managers who, she believed, tended to discourage enterprise.John replied that it was his job to eliminate all of the highest risks at HZ Company. He said that all risk was bad and needed to be eliminated if possible. If it couldn’t be eliminated, he said that it should be minimised.(a) The risk manager has an important role to play in an organisation’s risk management.Required:(i) Describe the roles of a risk manager. (4 marks)(ii) Assess John Pentanol’s understanding of his role. (4 marks)(b) With reference to a risk assessment framework as appropriate, criticise John’s advice that HZ shouldwithdraw from the activity that incurs Risk 3. (6 marks)(c) Jane Xylene expressed a particular view about the value of risk management in HZ Company. She also said that she wanted to see ‘entrepreneurial risk takers’.Required:(i) Define ‘entrepreneurial risk’ and explain why it is important to accept entrepreneurial risk in businessorganisations; (4 marks)(ii) Critically evaluate Jane Xylene’s view of risk management. (7 marks)

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考题 How did John face this complaint() A. He denied ( 否认) this problem.B. He didn’t want to give a reply.C. He agreed to look into this problem seriously.

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考题 单选题John didn’t want to risk _____ wet as he had only one suit.A gettingB to getC being gotD to be gotten

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