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By this time next year a hotel (build) ____ here.


本题考查时态与语态。句意:到明年的这个时候,一座旅馆将在这里落成。by this time next year表示到将来某一时间为止,其后的句子中谓语要用将来完成时,又因为a hotel与build之间是被动关系,所以此处要用build的将来完成时的被动语态will have been built。
更多 “填空题By this time next year a hotel (build) ____ here.” 相关考题
考题 This hotel _____ me _____ the one we stayed in last year. (A) catches… sight of(B) appeals…to(C) attaches…to(D) reminds…of

考题 By the time her husband comes back from abroad next year,she()here for three years. A、livesB、will liveC、will have livedD、has lived

考题 They ________ seamen next year.A.areB.wereC.will beD.shall be

考题 (b) GHG has always used local labour to build and subsequently operate hotels. The directors of GHG are againconsidering employing a local workforce not only to build the hotel but also to operate it on a daily basis.Required:Explain TWO ways in which the possibility of cultural differences might impact on the performance of a localworkforce in building and operating a hotel in Tomorrowland. (6 marks)

考题 The picture given by the travel agency was (), not showing that the hotel was next to a noisy street. A、mistakeB、rightC、falseD、misleading

考题 The hotel reminds me ____________ the one we stayed in last year. A.withB.ofC.toD.for

考题 That's the hotel ______ last year.A、which we stayedB、at which we stayed atC、where we stayed atD、where we stayed

考题 对话理解听力原文:W: Since I have some spare cash in my account, I would like to open a time deposit account here. Can you give me some information please?M: With pleasure. We have many kinds of time deposit accounts: 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year.Q: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?(11)A.Customs officer and travelers.B.Employer and employee.C.Business associates.D.Bank clerk and customer.

考题 The library _____ next year will be more advanced than the old one.A、builtB、to be builtC、being builtD、to build

考题 The entertainment building __________(complete) next year.

考题 Vicki became suspicious of David Bieber because 。A. the police called herB. he looked very strangeC. he came to the hotel with little luggageD. he came to the hotel the day before New Year’s Eve

考题 The factory _______ we‘ll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which

考题 What is Leafman Capital's announced plan for the Hotel Jean-Claude?A.To build apartments on the property B.To update some of its facilities C.To operate it as an economy hotel D.To turn it into a historical museum

考题 _______employee of Hotel Computers received a 6 percent bonus last year.A.Most B.Whenever C.Always D.Every

考题 The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.A:reasonable B:sensible C:crazy D:unbelievable

考题 The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.A:reasonable B:sensible C:crazy D:unbelievable

考题 The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.A:reasonable B:sensible C:crazy D:unbelievable

考题 A customer has an 8-way p650 running an application for about 200 users.  In the past, the requiredamount of memory and processors has increased proportionally to the number of new users.  The customer plans to increase users by 10% each year for the next three years.  Next year, a database will be added to the workload to support the users directly rather than being on a separate machine. What is the most likely result of this projected growth?()A、Disk usage will increase in proportion to memory.B、The new database will demand much more memory.C、Memory demand will increase 10% for the next year.D、Processor demand will increase about 10% for the next year.

考题 A customer needs a 2-way Xeon system today but plans on expanding to a 4-way early next year.  The customer is looking to limit the initial costs as much as possible but may not be as budget constrained next year.  Which of the following is the best solution to all the customer’s needs?()A、An x445 with 2 Xeon DP processors.  Plan on adding 2 more Xeon DP processors next year.B、An x445 with 2 Xeon MP processors.  Plan on adding 2 more Xeon MP processors next year.C、An x366 with 2 Xeon MP processors.  Plan on adding 2 more Xeon MP processors next year.D、An x366 with 2 Xeon DP processors.  Plan on adding 2 more Xeon DP processors next year.

考题 If you back up a database without connecting to the recovery catalog, which operations will cause the recovery catalog to be updated?()A、 The next time you back up the database when you are also connected to the recovery catalog and the target databaseB、 The next time you are connected to the target database and the recovery catalog database and issue the resync commandC、 The next time you connect RMAN to just the recovery catalogD、 The next time you connect to the recovery catalog and the target database with RMANE、 Connecting to the recovery catalog and issuing the resync all databases command

考题 多选题If you back up a database without connecting to the recovery catalog, which operations will cause the recovery catalog to be updated?()AThe next time you back up the database when you are also connected to the recovery catalog and the target databaseBThe next time you are connected to the target database and the recovery catalog database and issue the resync commandCThe next time you connect RMAN to just the recovery catalogDThe next time you connect to the recovery catalog and the target database with RMANEConnecting to the recovery catalog and issuing the resync all databases command

考题 填空题By this time next year my family (live) ____ in this small town for 20 years.

考题 填空题By this time next year a hotel (build) ____ here.

考题 单选题He will have learned English for eight years by the time he ______ from the university next year.A will graduateB will have graduatedC graduatesD is to graduate

考题 问答题For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build.

考题 单选题Sun Hotel is open for ______ months of the year.A nineB tenC elevenD twelve

考题 单选题The British Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) is petitioning to keep the UK on British Summer Time all year round, and they claim that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of the time change.A all year round, and they claim that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of the time changeB all throughout the year, and they claim that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of itC all year, claiming that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of itD all year round, claiming that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of the time changeE all year round, and they claim that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each and every year because of the time change

考题 填空题My mother did nothing but (complain) ____ about it all the time when she was here.