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The alarm signal for engine room catching fire is a blast of random bell follow by ()

two knock


three knocks


four knocks


five knocks


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更多 “单选题The alarm signal for engine room catching fire is a blast of random bell follow by ()A two knockB three knocksC four knocksD five knocks” 相关考题
考题 While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm. Which of the following actions should you take?A.Make an entry in the official logbookB.Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 systemC.Start the fire pump and check discharge pressureD.Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge

考题 The alarm signal for engine room catching fire is a blast of random bell followed by____.A.two knocksB.three BlocksC.four knocksD.five knocks

考题 ______ is not contained in the muster list.A.the details of how the order to abandon ship is givenB.the details of the general emergency alarm signal,the fire alarm signal and the public address systemC.the substitutes for key persons who may become disabledD.the various fire sections enclosed by“A”class divisions

考题 材料:Condor a catamaran vessel operating between the Channel Islands and France.The vessel has two main engines in each hull.All propulsion units are duplicated,with each set independent from the other.Shortly after leaving St Helier,Jersey,with 31 passengers and 18 crew,the fire alarm sounded indicating a fire in the starboard engine room.This was confirmed by the closed circuit television surveillance system which showed flames in the vicinity of the starboard outer main engine.The vessel was immediately stopped,all machinery in the starboard engine room was stopped and the fuel supplies shut down.Jersey Radio was informed of the situation two minutes after the alarm sounded. After closing all ventilation openings and accounting for all personnel,halon fire smothering gas was released into the starboard engine room.This was done five minutes after the fire alarm first sounded. The crew maintained boundary cooling and intermittently operated the sprinkler system to the affected space.Twenty minutes after the alarm sounded the situation was considered to be under control.Using the port main engines the vessel returned to St Helier where assistance was available from shore based emergency services.问题:Condor has two ________ main engines.A.combinedB.independentC.coupleD.doubleThe fire accident happened in ________.A.both the engine roomsB.neither engine roomsC.the port engine roomD.the starboard engine roomThe fire was mainly extinguished with ________.A.waterB.chemical agentC.foamD.powderIt can be concluded that ________.A.no officials from any authority know the accident after it happenedB.some officials ashore must have learnt the accident at very beginningC.there must be casualties even they were not mentioned in the reportD.fire is not dangerous on board vessel请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must ______.A.secure the engine room ventilationB.secure the machinery in the engine roomC.evacuate all engine room personnelD.All of the above

考题 If you hear more than six short blasts and one long blast of the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm, you should ______.A.start the fire pumpB.go to your man overboard stationC.go to your lifeboat stationD.stand by for collision

考题 单选题Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire,you must().A secure the engine room ventilationB secure the machinery in the engine roomC evacuate all engine room personnelD All of the above

考题 单选题If the main engine of an unattended engine room shuts down automatically, it will be indicated by an alarm ().A at each control stationB in the chief engineer’s quartersC in the captains quartersD All of the above are correct

考题 单选题The signal for fire alarm on a ship must be indicated().A at each alarm bellB at each alarm actuatorC near all exitsD on the station bill

考题 单选题The first the Second Mate knew of the fire was the sounding of the emergency alarm,which had been()from the engine room.A actedB activatedC actionedD enactioned

考题 单选题Operation of the valve control release on a fixed CO2 system must immediately().A release CO2 to the protected spaceB secure all mechanical ventilation in the protected spaceC sound the rig's general alarm signal for a fireD sound an alarm in the ballast control room

考题 单选题When the general alarm is sounded continuously, the engine room personnel should ().A proceed to their man overboard stationsB start the fire pumpC put on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsD secure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room

考题 单选题The alarm signal for engine room catching fire is a blast of random bell follow by ()A two knockB three knocksC four knocksD five knocks

考题 单选题An example of class "A" fire is a/an ().A electrical fire in the engine roomB oil fire in the engine room bilgesC oil fire involving a grade A petroleum productD mattress fire in a stateroom

考题 单选题Which of the following actions should be taken by the engine room watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously?()A The fire pump should be startedB The boiler rims should be securedC The fixed CO2 system should be initiated into actionD The engine room ventilation should be secured

考题 单选题While working in the engine room, you hear seven short blasts followed by one long blast on the ships whistle, supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm bellsYou should ().A start the fire pump to charge the fire mainB standby the main console and await orders from the engineer on watchC go to your fire stationD go to your lifeboat station

考题 单选题Traditionally,the signal for fire aboard ship is().A more than 6 short blasts and 1 long blast on the whistle,and the same signal on the general alarmB continuous sounding of the ship's whistle and the general alarm for at least 10 secondsC 1 short blast on the whistleD alternating short and long blasts on the ship's whistle

考题 单选题The signal for a fire emergency on an OSV is().A a 30 second on 30 second off alternating signalB the continuous blast of the ships whistle for not less than 10 seconds supplemented by the continuous ringing of the general alarm bells for not less than 10 secondsC an intermittent ringing of the general alarm for not less than ten secondsD announced over the PA system

考题 单选题Your vessel is equipped with a fixed C02 system and a fire main system. In the event of an electrical fire in the engine room what is the correct procedure for fighting the fire?().A Use the C02 system and evacuate the engine roomB Use the fire main system and evacuate the engine roomC Evacuate the engine room and use the C02 systemD Evacuate the engine room and use the fire main system

考题 单选题In order to release CO2 to the machinery spaces from a fixed fire extinguishing system, you must().A actuate an alarm and open the engine room control valveB actuate an alarm and open the engine room CO2 releasing valveC open the engine room control valve and shut off engine room ventilation fansD open the engine room control valve and then the CO2 releasing valve

考题 单选题Which of the following represents the emergency signal for fire aboard ship?()A More than six short blasts and one long blast on the whistleB Continuous blast of the ships whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds supplemented by the same signal on the general alarmC Three short blasts of the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarmD More than six short blasts and one long blast on the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm

考题 单选题When possible,what is the FIRST step in fighting an engine fuel-pump fire which results from a broken fuel line?()A Secure all engine room doors,hatches,and ventsB Close the fuel line valveC Check the spread of the fire with foamD Cast the barge off the wharf

考题 单选题The FIRST step to take in fighting an engine room fire resulting from a ruptured fuel oil service line, is to ().A evacuate all engine room personnelB fight the fire with hand portable extinguishersC activate the mainCO2 bankD stop the flow of leaking fuel oil

考题 单选题In my opinion,the manner is()that the duty engineer reported the small fire in engine room.A reluctantB positiveC possibleD improper

考题 单选题If you hear more than six short blasts and one long blast of the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm,you should().A start the fire pumpB go to your man overboard stationC go to your lifeboat stationD collision station

考题 单选题Main engine room control console alarms are to be of the self monitoring type, meaning that an open circuit to a particular alarm circuit will ()A cause an alarm conditionB secure power to the indicatorC secure power to the monitored deviceD automatically recluse within 10 seconds

考题 单选题A sound signal of seven short blasts and one long blast given with the vessel’s sound system is().A Safety alarmB Distress alarmC Fire drill alarmD General emergency alarm

考题 单选题Engine room is()fire.A onB inC atD out