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The breaking-up of fuel as it enters a diesel engine cylinder is known as()









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更多 “单选题The breaking-up of fuel as it enters a diesel engine cylinder is known as()A airificationB vaporizationC atomizationD gasification” 相关考题
考题 When fuel is injected late into a diesel engine cylinder_______.A.the exhaust will be clearB.fuel consumption will be lowC.all the fuel will be burned at top dead centerD.fuel consumption will be high

考题 单选题A supercharged diesel engine when compared to a similar naturally aspirated diesel engine, will develop an increase in ()A ignition lagB engine horsepowerC lube oil system pressureD specific fuel consumption

考题 单选题Problems with the diesel engine fuel injection pump are usually caused by()A improper adjustmentB contaminated fuelC kinked fuel linesD excessive engine vibration

考题 单选题Air in the fuel lines of a diesel engine can cause ()A ignition failureB oxygen corrosion of the fuel linesC the pistons to seizeD blue smoke

考题 单选题If a tow-stroke/diesel engine is over-speeding due to leakage of lube oil into the cylinders, what should you do to stop the engine?()A Move the fuel control mechanism to the no fuel positionB Block the fuel supply by closing the master fuel valveC Shut off the fuel supply and block the flow of intake airD Relieve all pressure in the fuel system

考题 单选题Starting a large low-speed propulsion diesel engine on diesel fuel during cold weather conditions, will be made easier by ()A increasing the quantity of starting airB increasing the lube oil pressureC heating the engine fuel supplyD heating the engine coolant

考题 单选题Burning fuel with a high sulfur content in a diesel engine will ()A increase thermal efficiencyB cause clogging of the fuel systemC increase the ability of the engine to start in cold weatherD produce corrosion in the cylinder and exhaust system at low loads

考题 单选题To successfully reduce an excessively high diesel engine exhaust gas temperature, you should ().A reduce the engine driven fuel pump outlet pressureB retard the fuel injector timing to reduce powerC increase the fuel rack settingD reduce the load on the engine

考题 单选题The fuel from the bunker tanks must be treated by before entering the service tanks(), from where the fuel enters()A centrifugal separators; the engine cylinderB oily water separators; the engine cylinderC oily water separators; the fuel supply systemD centrifuges; the fuel supply system

考题 单选题A change in the quality of fuel atomization by a diesel engine fuel injector would be caused by a/an ()A increase in engine speedB increase in cylinder turbulenceC leaking needle valveD reduction in cylinder turbulence

考题 单选题Injection lag in a diesel engine may be caused by()A a higher cetane number of fuel oilB the diesel fuel used having a high viscosityC mechanical rigidity in the lube pump mechanismD a decrease rigidity in the fuel pump delivery pressure

考题 单选题Significant retardation of a diesel engine fuel injection timing will result in ()A smoother engine operationB advanced fuel ignitionC increased fuel economyD reduced engine power

考题 单选题Faulty operation of diesel engine fuel injection nozzles can be a direct cause of().A excessive fuel nozzle holder coolingB sediment in the fuel supplyC distortion of the fuel spray patternD improper atomization of the fuel

考题 单选题Fuel is admitted to a diesel engine cylinder through the ().A intake valvesB carburetorC exhaust portsD injector nozzles

考题 单选题What causes diesel fuel to be ignited in the cylinder of an operating diesel engine?()A Spark plugB Heat of compressionC CarburetorD Glow plug

考题 单选题When fuel enters the crankcase of a diesel engine, it ()A dilutes the lube oil and reduces its viscosityB forms sulfuric acid in the lube oilC causes pitting and failure of the bearingsD causes sludge deposits on valve stems

考题 单选题When the load is increased on a turbocharged diesel engine, the amount of increased air supplied by the turbocharger will()A lag behind the increased fuel supplied to the engineB enter the engine along with the increase in the fuelC enter the engine before the increased fuel supplyD leave the turbocharger as a negative pulse

考题 单选题Fuel oil injected into the cylinder of a diesel engine just after the piston passes top dead center, will()A increase engine powerB increase engine loadC decrease engine powerD improve fuel economy

考题 单选题The most common diesel engine fuel system problems are caused by ().A incorrect adjustmentsB dirty fuelC broken fuel linesD excessive vibration

考题 单选题When restarting a heavy fuel diesel engine that has been stopped for some time, the engine should()A increase the starting air pressureB use a higher than normal cranking speedC increase the fuel injection pressureD use a fuel having a lower ignition temperature

考题 单选题A diesel engine burns () a gasoline engine of the same capacity in the same period of time.A as much fuel asB less fuel thanC less fuel asD more fuel than

考题 单选题Turbulence in a diesel engine cylinder is of major importance in providing ().A proper fuel meteringB complete fuel/air mixingC minimal fuel penetrationD proper fuel timing

考题 单选题The breaking-up of fuel as it enters a diesel engine cylinder is known as()A airificationB vaporizationC atomizationD gasification

考题 单选题Air in the fuel lines to the fuel injection nozzles of a diesel engine will cause the engine to ()A burn excessive amounts of lube oilB overheat without smokingC operate with reduce power or stopD run away without load