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Where are the life-jackets for the duty personnel?()

They are in the chief officer’s cabin.


They are in the store room.


They are in the control room.


They are in the engine room.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Where are the life-jackets for the duty personnel?()A They are in the chief officer’s cabin.B They are in the store room.C They are in the control room.D They are in the engine room.” 相关考题
考题 When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0 A.engine room logbookB.vovage logbookc engine room logbook or voyage loglookD.engine room logbook and voyage logbook

考题 With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched will control the main engineA.the bridge officer on watchB.the chief engineerC.the duty engineerD.the duty motorman

考题 The additional mark______in the Classification Certificate for Machinery represents the propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine room is watched by duty personnel.A.BRCB.MCCC.AUT-0D.AUT-l

考题 If anything abnormal be found on the load change of main engine when the ship is entering in shallow waterway, before taking measures the engineer on duty should _______.A.stop main engine immediatelyB.ask the captain and the chief engineer's permission for stopping the engineC.inquire the bridge for the situation initiativelyD.stop engine and inform bridge

考题 The additional mark____in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is watched by duty personnel.A.BRCB.MCCC.AUT-0D.AUT-1

考题 ______ is a room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A.Captain's cabinB.Chief Officer's lockerC.ChartroomD.Pilot's cabin

考题 Do you know ______ ?A.where is the chief officerB.where the chief officer isC.is where the chief officerD.the chief officer is where

考题 The pilot ask () to throw a heaving line to lift his bag.A、chief officerB、captainC、the duty sailorD、the second officer

考题 It is the job of ()to take the pilot aboard.A、the duty sailorB、the 2nd officerC、the captainD、the chief officer

考题 船长在哪里?()A、Where is the AB?B、Where is the bosun?C、Where is the captain?D、Where is the chief officer?

考题 Where are the life-jackets for the duty personnel?()A、They are in the chief officer’s cabin.B、They are in the store room.C、They are in the control room.D、They are in the engine room.

考题 单选题During the running of the diesel engine, if the supply of cooling water is interrupted or the temperature of cooling water out of the cylinder is too high, the duty engineer should ()A notify the duty officer, reduce the engine speed, take some measures to remove failuresB notify the duty officer and stop the engine immediately, find the cause and remove failuresC notify the C/ED notify the captain

考题 单选题When the chief engineer is in the machinery spaces, the officer in charge of the engineering watch shall()A continue to be responsible for machinery space operations despite the presence of the CEB hand over the responsibility activelyC be responsible for the watching together with the chief engineerD assistant the chief engineer to control the machinery

考题 单选题If the main engine of an unattended engine room shuts down automatically, it will be indicated by an alarm ().A at each control stationB in the chief engineer’s quartersC in the captains quartersD All of the above are correct

考题 单选题If anything abnormal be found on the load change of main engine when the ship is entering in shallow waterway, before taking measuring the engineer on duty should ()A stop main engine immediatelyB ask the captain and the chief engineer’s permission for stopping the engineC initiatively inquire the bridge for the situationD stop engine and inform bridge

考题 单选题With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched () will control the main engine.A the bridge officer on watchB the chief engineerC the duty engineerD the duty motorman

考题 单选题Do you know()?A where is the chief officerB where the chief officer isC is where the chief officerD where the chief officer

考题 单选题Do you know().A Where is the chief officerB Where the chief officer isC Is where the chief officerD The chief officer is where

考题 单选题One hour before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check ()A tachometer and engine telegraphB oil and water reservesC clock and engine telegraph and test the rudderD crews

考题 单选题There are many navigational aids().A in chief engineer's roomB in chief officer's roomC on the bridgeD on deck

考题 单选题The additional mark () in the Classification Certificate for Machinery represents the propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine room is watched by duty personnel.A BRCB MCCC AUT-0D AUT-1

考题 单选题UMS are mainly unattended overnight and during this time () should have control of the main engine.A the chief engineerB the engineer on cabin watchC the bridge officer on watchD the master

考题 单选题Diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ().A at any timeB only after the engine room control station is switched to “bridge control”C whenever the secondary station is switched to bridge controlD with the approval of the chief engineer only

考题 单选题()the morning from 0800 to 1200 chief officer is on duty.A OnB InC AtD During

考题 单选题During tours of inspection in the machinery space, you found a fire on a running generator, what should you do first?()A inform chief engineer officer immediatelyB stop the generatorC let the duty officer in bridge determine how to doD wait for help

考题 单选题The additional mark ()in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is watched by duty personnel.A BRCB MCCC AUT-0D AUT-1

考题 单选题It is the job of ()to take the pilot aboard.A the duty sailorB the 2nd officerC the captainD the chief officer