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Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for().

parallax and personal error


inaccuracies in the reading and reference level


visibility and magnitude


All of the above are correct


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for().A parallax and personal errorB inaccuracies in the reading and reference levelC visibility and magnitudeD All of the above are correct” 相关考题
考题 根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。The altitude is so _______ that there is no atmosphere which protects the life on the earth. At the same time, the astronauts usually meet with some problems, such as ________ problem, radiation problem, breathing problem, heat problem and so on.

考题 I was paid last week, but I can’t remember the exact_____of money. A、number.B、quality.C、amount.D、altitude.

考题 Air temperature varies with ______.A.the altitude above sea levelB.the season of the yearC.the latitude or distance from the equatorD.All of the above

考题 The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body,caused by refraction,increases as the ______.A.horizontal parallax decreasesB.observer's height above sea level increasesC.humidity of the atmosphere decreasesD.altitude of the body decreases

考题 Clouds with the prefix“nimbo”in their name ______.A.are sheet or layer cloudsB.have undergone great vertical developmentC.are middle or high altitude cloudsD.are rain clouds

考题 共用题干 Dangers Await Babies with AltitudeWomen who live in the world's highest communities tend to give birth to underweight babies, a new study suggests.These babies may grow into adults with a high risk of heart disease and strokes.Research has hinted that newborns in mountain communities are lighter than average.But it wasn't clear whether this is due to reduced oxygen levels at high altitude or because their mothers are under-nourished—many people who live at high altitudes are relatively poor compared with those living lower down.To find out more,Dino Giussani and his team at Cambridge University studied the records of 400 births in Bolivia during 1997 and 1998 .The babies were born in both rich and poor areas of two cities:La Paz and Santa Cruz.La Paz is the highest city in the world,at 3 .65 kilometers above sea level,while Santa Cruz is much lower,at 0 .44 kilometers.Sure enough,Giussani found that the average birthweight of babies in La Paz was significantly lower than in Santa Cruz.This was true in both high and low-income families.Even babies born to poor families in Santa Cruz were heavier on average than babies born to wealthy families in lofty La Paz.“We were very surprised by this result,”says Giussani.The results suggest that babies born at high altitude are deprived of oxygen before birth. “This may trigger the release or suppression of hormones that regulate growth of the unborn child,”says Giussani.His team also found that high-altitude babies tended to have relatively larger heads compared with their bodies.This is probably because a fetus starved of oxygen will send oxygenated blood to the brain in preference to the rest of the body.Giussani wants to find out if such babies have a higher risk of disease in later life.People born in La Paz might be prone to heart trouble in adulthood,for example.Low birthweight is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.And newborns with a high ratio of head size to body weight are often predisposed to high blood pressure and strokes in later life.What does the new study discover?A: Babies born to wealthy families are heavier.B: Women living at high altitude tend to give birth to underweight babies.C: Newborns in cities are lighter than average.D: Low-altitude babies have a high risk of heart disease in later life.

考题 在WGS-84测量规范中,高度(altitude)和高(height)是同一个概念。

考题 如果安装了语音系统,“ALTITUDE”表示什么?

考题 过渡高度以上可供使用的最低飞行高度层。()A、The lowest flight level available for use above the transition altitude.B、The lowest flight layer available for use above the transition height.C、The lowest flight level available for use above the transition height.D、The lowest flight layer available for use above the transition altitude.

考题 “标高”、“高度”和“高”分别用英文elevation,altitude,height表示。

考题 interface Altitude {  //insert code here   }   和4个声明:   int HIGH = 7;  public int HIGH = 7;    abstract int HIGH = 7;   interface int HIGH = 7;  分别插入到第2行,有多少行可以编译?()  A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 3E、 4

考题 以下哪项属于垂直轴模式指引?()A、高度捕捉(altitude capture)B、垂直速度i(vertical speed)C、A+BD、航向选择(heading select)

考题 穿越跑道入口高。()A、Threshold Crossing Height.B、Threshold Crossing Altitude.C、Runway End Crossing Altitude.D、Runway End Crossing Height.

考题 提供过渡高度层和过渡高度。()A、Transition layer and transition altitude are provided.B、Transition layer and transition height are provided.C、Transition level and transition height are provided.D、Transition level and transition altitude are provided.

考题 过渡高度与过渡高度层之间的空间。()A、The airspace between the transition altitude and the transition level.B、The airspace between the transition height and the transition level.C、The airspace between the transition height or the transition level.D、The airspace between the transition altitude or the transition level.

考题 穿越高度和下降指示。()A、Crossing altitude and descent instructions.B、Crossing height and descent instructions.C、Crossing height and down instructions.D、Crossing altitude and down instructions.

考题 (EMB145)当琥珀色的“ALT”显示在各个PFD的altitude tape上则表明()A、ADC故障B、两个ADC之间数据不统一C、飞机将偏离高度水平

考题 单选题Air temperature varies with().A the altitude above sea levelB the season of the yearC the latitude or distance from the equatorD All of the above

考题 单选题interface Altitude {  //insert code here   }   和4个声明:   int HIGH = 7;  public int HIGH = 7;    abstract int HIGH = 7;   interface int HIGH = 7;  分别插入到第2行,有多少行可以编译?()A  0B  1C  2D  3E  4

考题 单选题Clouds with the prefix “nimbo” in their name().A are sheet or layer cloudsB have undergone great vertical developmentC are middle or high altitude cloudsD are rain clouds

考题 单选题The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body,caused by refraction,increases as the().A horizontal parallax decreasesB observer's height above sea level increasesC humidity of the atmosphere decreasesD altitude of the body decreases

考题 单选题The equator is().A the primary great circle of the Earth perpendicular to the axisB the line to which all celestial observations are reducedC the line from which a celestial body's altitude is measuredD All of the above

考题 单选题The receiver uses()satellites to compute latitude,longitude,altitude,and velocity.A oneB twoC threeD four

考题 单选题It can be inferred from the second paragraph that______.A low-altitude clouds are the main causes of global warming.B increase of cloud cover can slow down the climate change.C global warming will increase cloud cover.D increase of cloud cover can speed up the global warming.

考题 单选题What is the major advantage of high altitude observations?()A Errors due to unusual parallax are eliminatedB The same body can be used for a fix from observations separated by several minutesC The declination is the only information needed from the almanacD The semidiameter correction of the sextant altitude is eliminated

考题 单选题A phase correction may be applicable to correct the sextant altitude correction of().A any starB the SunC third magnitude stars onlyD some planets

考题 单选题It can be concluded from information contained in the passage that the average temperature at an altitude of 1 kilometer above the Earth is about _____.A 15℃B 9℃C 2.5℃D -12℃