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But the fragile ecosystem could be hurt by a plan to dredge more than 23 miles of river at the delta’s southern end.









解析: 句意:在三角洲最南部挖掘23英里长的河流可能会破坏脆弱的生态系统。fragile脆弱的。flimsy与之同义。optical视力的。marginal边缘的。vacant空的,空缺的。
更多 “单选题But the fragile ecosystem could be hurt by a plan to dredge more than 23 miles of river at the delta’s southern end.A flimsy B optical C marginal D vacant” 相关考题
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考题 157 Filling vacant positions by recruiting within the organizationA. Is exempt from equal employment opportunity lawsB. Is less expensive than recruiting externallyC. Can help provide new and innovative ideas to the organizationD. Is more time consuming than recruiting externallyE. A and B

考题 What can we learn from the passage?A. We should enjoy someone who hurts us.B. We should pay more attention to our friends.C. The peace of mind is more important than the hurt itself.D. It’s better to let bitterness go along with the other person.

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考题 Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when ______.A.the tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landB.the tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landC.the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landD.the tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

考题 A SOLAS passenger ship safety certificate is required on all ______.A.T-Boats carrying more than 49 passengers for hireB.T-Boats that carry more than 12 passengers on an international voyageC.T-Boats carrying more than 150 passengers for hireD.large excursion vessels on lakes,bays,sounds,and river routes

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考题 What two descriptions best define DWDM? ()A、 a WDM system that is compatible with EDFA technologyB、 an optical technology for transmitting up to 16 channels over multiple fiber strandsC、 an optical technology for transmitting up to 32 channels over multiple fiber strandsD、 a technology for transmitting multiple optical signals using less sophisticated transceiver designthen CWDME、 a technology for transmitting more closely packed optical signals using more sophisticatedtransceiver designs than CWDM

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考题 单选题Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().A the tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landB the tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landC the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landD the tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

考题 单选题When are you allowed to throw plastic garbage overboard?()A Being mroe than 25 miles from shoreB Only at night when it‟s darkC Being more than 6 miles from shoreD Never

考题 单选题The new bus service will run _____.A on morning journeys to school onlyB in connection with an existing serviceC only for children living more than three miles awayD only in wet weather

考题 单选题During the Clinton presidency, the U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well being.A the U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well beingB the U.S. enjoying more than any other time in its history peace and economic well beingC more peace and economic well being was enjoyed by the U.S. than any other timeD economic peace and well being was enjoyed by the U.S. more so than any other ~ time in the country’s historyE the U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any other time in its history

考题 问答题Holland is a tiny country. It has no more than 200 miles long and just    1.____over 150 miles wide. Yet in the 1600s, this small nation in the North      2.____Sea was a great sea power. Her more than 10,000 ships went to all part      3.____of the world. Today there are many ways for passengers and with cargo      4.____to travel. But once, if you have to go to a country across the ocean or     5.____send a cargo over the seas, you had only one choice: the sailing ship.In the 1600s, Dutch made a ship called a flyboat. It was a slow,        6.____clumsy boat, but it could carry a lot of cargo. Since the Dutchcould carry most cargo, they could do more trading. Trading           7.____brought against the building of new colonies. It was not long before       8.____there were Dutch colonies in the Americas, in Africa, in the WestIndia, and in the East India. The great city of the New York began        9.____as the Dutch colony New Amsterdam. The Dutch used the seas tobecome a great trading nation. They also used the seas to become agreat power in the world. Dutch ships helped Holland ruled other         10.____lands for more than 200 years.

考题 单选题The sentence “Nature doesn’t do bailouts.” in para 2 means ______.A governments should spend much more on environmental crisisB nature is fragile and, once shifts, hard to shift backC environmentalists encourage a larger share of the stimulus packageD nature can give us more than banks

考题 单选题A SOLAS passenger ship safety certificate is required on all().A T-Boats carrying more than 49 passengers for hireB T-Boats that carry more than 12 passengers on an international voyageC T-Boats carrying more than 150 passengers for hireD large excursion vessels on lakes,bays,sounds,and river routes

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT Wal-Mart’s future plan?A Reducing emissions of greenhouse-gas in current stores.B Preparing more fuels for the fleet of trucks than before.C Giving preferential treatment to certain factories.D Establishing newly efficient stores in different places.

考题 单选题The passage tells us that _____.A HIV was found more than two years earlier than AIDS was identifiedB people know a little more about HIV than about most other virusesC AIDS continues to rage more wildly in Africa than in AsiaD HIV will mainly affect the poor and minority groups in the U.S.

考题 单选题Concerning the incinerator’s operation, which of the following is not correct?()A Scavenging time should be more 30 seconds before ignitingB The temperature of sludge tank is 80~100℃C First igniting the incinerator with diesel oil, when the temperature of health is about 600℃, the sludge oil drawn inD The ash can be dumped into sea when the distance is more than 3 miles from land

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true to women athletes?A They are more likely to get hurt than males in football.B They suffer 240% more concussions than male players in basketball.C They run 40% higher risks than males in sports.D They are more competitive than males in sports played by both sexes.