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词义辨析题。根据下文提到的Good long-distance sight was…another matter“良好的远距离视线是……另一回事”,可推知此处相对应的是近距离,结合句意“能在较近____内看清楚使得猿人能够研究实际的问题”可知,range“范围”最符合文意。
更多 “单选题______A rangeB placeC wayD method” 相关考题
考题 This is a very difficult mission because there will be many unexpected obstacles _____. A. on the wayB. to the wayC. for the wayD. in the way

考题 The manager flew into () when he heard that his secretary had disobeyed his instructions. A. a rangeB. disappointmentC. a penaltyD. a rage

考题 在“查找和替换”对话框中输入“Wh*”可以找到( )。A.WholeB.WashC.WayD.With

考题 TPO原则是指() A、T:TimeB、P:PlaceC、O:ObjectD、以上均是

考题 Whatever happens, I will stand by you ________. A.by the wayB.all the wayC.on the wayD.in the way

考题 Since failure is the mother of success,we need failure ______.A、by the wayB、in a wayC、in the wayD、on the way

考题 I know that the accident ________ in a small village. A.took placeB.was taken placeC.took the placeD.was taken the place of

考题 选择The newspaper did not mention the ________ Thenewspaperdidnotmentionthe________ofthedamagecausedbythefire.A)rangeB)levelC)extentD)quantity

考题 Bras Basah Road is named ( ) 。A. after a personB. after a placeC. after an activityD. by its shape

考题 12.A.one placeB.the placeC.placesD.the places

考题 13.A.meanB.waysC.wayD.means

考题 If you are not going to help,at least don’t get__________A.on the wayB.in fl wayC.by the wayD.ha the way

考题 ______ means the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof,beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.A.AREAB.PLACEC.SEA ROOMD.WATER

考题 How is the intensity of a light expressed in the Light Lists?______.A.Luminous rangeB.Geographic rangeC.Nominal rangeD.Meteorological range

考题 第60题答案是__________A.seize B.place C.burn D.hold

考题 The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity.A: method B: measure C: way D: manner

考题 Thoughts are expressed__________words.A.by all means B.by no means C.by the way D.by means of

考题 请在第______处填上正确答案。A.cliffs B.place C.people D.creatures

考题 The newspaper did not mention the degree of the damage caused by the fire.A: range B: level C: extent D: quantity

考题 SUMIF的语法是SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range),其参数是()A、rangeB、criteriaC、sumifD、sum_range

考题 “3P”中的“促销”其英文拼写是()。A、ProductB、placeC、PromotionD、Price

考题 传统营销组合中价值的传递部分包括()A、partB、placeC、priceD、productE、promotion

考题 Demurrage charges()from $ 5 to $ 50 per day across countries.A、rangeB、alteredC、separatedD、differed

考题 What is the meaning of trend?()A、General directionB、Developing roadC、WayD、Path

考题 单选题It is desirable that a certain method within a certain class can only be accessed by classes that are defined within the same package as the class of the method. How can such restrictions be enforced?()A Mark the method with the keyword public.B Mark the method with the keyword protected.C Mark the method with the keyword private.D Mark the method with the keyword package.E Do not mark the method with any accessibility modifiers.

考题 单选题M类中有一个没有形式参数,且没有返回值的方法method,若要使得用M.method()就可以调用该方法,则method方法的方法头的正确形式应该是()。A static void method()B public method()C final void method()D static method()

考题 单选题How do you define the authentication method that will be used with AAA?()A With the method aaa commandB With the method commandC With a method listD With a method statement

考题 单选题Rubbish can be thrown into the water ().A in a harbourB in any placeC 25 miles off the landD 10 miles off the land