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When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision,they shall be deemed to be in().

crossing situation


head-on situation


restricted visibility


overtaking situation


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更多 “单选题When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision,they shall be deemed to be in().A crossing situationB head-on situationC restricted visibilityD overtaking situation” 相关考题
考题 Susan: When's the meeting?Harry: I'm driving into London tomorrow morning. The meeting (60) .

考题 Rule 14 describes the action to be taken by vessels meeting head-on. Which of the following conditions must exist in order for this rule to apply?______.A.Both vessels must be power-driven.B.They must be meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses.C.The situation must involve risk of collision.D.All of the above

考题 Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven vessels except ______.A.in a crossing situationB.in a meeting situationC.when they are the overtaking vesselD.on the inland waters of the PR China

考题 A head on situation shall be deemed to exist at night when a power-driven vessel sees another power-driven vessel ahead and ______.A.one sidelight and the masthead light are visibleB.the vessels will pass closer than half a mileC.both vessels sound one prolonged blastD.both sidelights and masthead light(s) are visible

考题 On which vessels are the officers and deck crew allowed to operate under a two-watch system on voyages of less than 600 miles?A.Towing vesselsB.Offshore supply vesselsC.Barges,when mannedD.All of the above

考题 In which situation do the Rules require both vessels to change course ?______.A.Two power-driven vessels meeting head-onB.Two power-driven vessels crossing when it is apparent to the stand-on vessel that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate actionC.Two sailing vessels crossing with the wind on the same sideD.All of the above

考题 In which case would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one short blast? ______.A.When overtaking in restricted visibilityB.When overtaking in a narrow channelC.When overtaking on open watersD.When no other vessels are in the immediate area

考题 A solution for two batch applications was proposed in Companycom meeting. They are currently running in two LPARs on a p690. On a daily basis, both applications use 15% of the machine for their workload, and increase to 100% when their weekly reports are run. Since the reports are not run on the same day, what is the best solution?()A、CODB、DLPARC、One big LPARD、Two separate p690 machines

考题 单选题All of the following constitute special circumstances EXCEPT().A Three vessels meeting so as to cross each other's courseB A vessel meeting a vessel that is backing out of a slipC An overtaking situation that has reached in extremisD A vessel fishing with nets meeting a sailing vessel

考题 单选题The Rules state that vessels may depart from the Rules when().A there are other vessels in the vicinityB operating in a traffic separation schemeC engaged in a situation involving more than two vesselsD necessary to avoid immediate danger

考题 单选题When two power-driven vessels are meeting head-on and there is a risk of collision,each shall().A stop her enginesB alter course to starboardC sound the danger signalD back down

考题 单选题A sailing vessel is overtaking a power-driven vessel in a narrow channel,so as to pass on the power-driven vessel’s port side. The overtaken vessel will have to move to facilitate passage. The sailing vessel is the().A stand-on vessel and would sound two short blastsB give-way vessel and would sound no whistle signalC stand-on vessel and would sound no whistle signalD give-way vessel and would sound two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts

考题 单选题Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven vessels except().A in a crossing situationB in a meeting situationC when they are the overtaking vesselD on the inland waters of the PR China

考题 单选题When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision,the stand-on vessel must().A abandon shipB assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionC hold course and speedD sound a distress signal

考题 单选题When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision,they shall be deemed to be in().A head-on situationB crossing situationC overtaking situationD close-quarters situation

考题 单选题When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision,they shall be deemed to be in().A crossing situationB head-on situationC restricted visibilityD overtaking situation

考题 单选题Rule 14 describes the action to be taken by vessel meeting head-on. Which of the following conditions must exist in order for this rule to apply?().A Both vessels must be power-drivenB They must be meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal coursesC The situation must involve risk of collisionD All of the above

考题 单选题Power-driven vessels must keep out of the way of sailing vessels except().A in a crossing situationB when they are making more speed than the power-driven vesselC when the sailing vessel is overtakingD on the Inland Waters of the United States

考题 单选题Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog().A Both vesselsB Neither vesselC The vessel on portsideD The vessel on starboard side

考题 单选题The ARPA may swap targets when automatically tracking if two targets()A are tracked on reciprocal bearingsB are tracked at the same rangeC are tracked on the same bearingD pass closely to each other

考题 单选题A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded()to comply with this Rule when the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.A remains fully obligedB has no obligationC is not necessarilyD is exempted

考题 单选题Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?().A Both vesselsB Neither vesselC The stand-on vesselD The giving-way vessel

考题 单选题On which vessels are the officers and deck crew allowed to operate under a two-watch system on voyages of less than 600 miles? ()A Towing vesselsB Offshore supply vesselsC Barges,when mannedD All of the above

考题 单选题The ARPA may swap targets when automatically tracking if two targets().A are tracked on reciprocal bearingsB are tracked at the same rangeC are tracked on the same bearingD pass close together

考题 单选题When using the radar for navigating().A the best fix is obtained by using a tangent bearing and a rangeB and using two radar ranges for a fix,the objects of the ranges should be close to reciprocal bearingsC and using ranges,the most rapidly changing range should be measured lastD and crossing a radar range of one object with the visual bearing of a second object,the two objects should be 80°to 110°apart

考题 单选题Two vessels meeting in a “head-on” situation are directed by the Rules to().A alter course to starboard and pass port to portB alter course to port and pass starboard to starboardC decide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signalsD slow to bare steerageway

考题 单选题A head on situation shall be deemed to exist at night when a power-driven vessel sees another power-driven vessel ahead and ().A one sidelight and the masthead light are visibleB the vessels will pass closer than half a mileC both vessels sound one prolonged blastD both sidelights and masthead light(s) are visible

考题 单选题Which one of the following rules is not regarding two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on so as to involve risk of collision().A Each shall keep her course and speedB Each shall alter her course to starboardC Each shall pass on the portside to the otherD Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistle