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At least()radar transponder shall be carried on each side of every cargo ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards.









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更多 “单选题At least()radar transponder shall be carried on each side of every cargo ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards.A oneB twoC threeD four” 相关考题
考题 The description Racon beside an illustration on a chart would mean a ______.A.radar conspicuous beaconB.circular radiobeaconC.radar transponder beaconD.radar calibration beacon

考题 Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle?A.Aero lightB.Radar stationC.Radar transponder beaconD.Radiobeacon

考题 At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be ______.A.at the discretion of the inspector,but in no greater detail than required for original certificationB.at the discretion of the inspector,but in no lesser detail than required for original certificationC.generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification,but in less detailD.equivalent to the inspection required for certification

考题 The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accomplish all of the following EXCEPT ______.A.evaluate the danger of each closing visual or radar contactB.adjust speed with due regard for the weather and visibilityC.reduce speed only where local speed limits are postedD.enter all required test and inspection results in the vessel's log or other record carried on board

考题 The ladder shall ______.A.be secured in a position so that it rests firmly against the ship's side from which the discharge operations are carried outB.have at least two replacement steps which are secured in position by a method different from that used in the original constructionC.have battens made of hardwood,or other material of equivalent properties,in one piece and not less thanD.have steps made of softwood,or other material of equivalent properties,made in one piece free of knots,having an efficient slip surface

考题 Goods stowed in containers ______ without notice.A.Shall be carried on deckB.Shall be carried under deckC.May be carried on or under deckD.May not be carried on or under deck

考题 The number or name of a tank barge shall be ______.A.Displayed in at least 4 different positions on the bargeB.Carved on a wooden board and attached to the barge's hullC.Displayed as close to the navigation lights as possibleD.Displayed at the highest point of the barge's hull such that it can be seen from either side

考题 ______ of the following statements is(are)correct regarding motor lifeboats on cargo vessels.① The motor of each lifeboat shall be operated in the ahead and astern position for a period of not more than 5 minutes once in each week;② The fuel tank of all motor-propelled lifeboats shall be emptied and the fuel changed at least once in every year.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②

考题 On which side shall I rig the pilot ladder? ()A、On deck.B、On right side.C、On starboard.D、On left side.

考题 On which side shall we get alongside the wharf?()A、On port side .B、On right side.C、On left side.D、On deck.

考题 Definition of Length:()A、The length shall be taken as 96% of the total lengthB、The length shall be taken as 96% of the LbpC、The length shall be taken as 96% of the total length on a waterline at 85% of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keelD、The length from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline

考题 单选题The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accomplish all of the following EXCEPT().A evaluate the danger of each closing visual or radar contactB adjust speed with due regard for the weather and visibilityC reduce speed only where local speed limits are postedD enter all required test and inspection results in the vessel's log or other record carried on board

考题 单选题Each OSV must carry().A one category I 406 Mhz satellite EPIRBB at least one life buoy on each side of the vessel fitted with a buoyant life lineC at least 12 rocket parachute flaresD All of the above

考题 单选题The number or name of a tank barge shall be().A displayed in at least 4 different positions on the bargeB carved on a wooden board and attached to the barge's hullC displayed as close to the navigation lights as possibleD displayed at the highest point of the barge's hull such that it can be seen from either side

考题 单选题Which conditions will normally cause a SART to operate in the active mode?()A It will respond only to interrogation by 9-Ghz radar signalsB A SART will normally respond to interrogation from a searching vessel's radar if the radar antenna is at least 15 meters highC A SART will normally respond to interrogation from a searching aircraft's radar if the radar's output power is at least 10,000 watts and the aircraft is at a height of 3000 feet and within 30 nautical milesD All of the above

考题 单选题At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be().A at the discretion of the inspector,but in no greater detail than required for original certificationB at the discretion of the inspector,but in no lesser detail than required for original certificationC generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification,but in less detailD equivalent to the inspection required for certification

考题 单选题On which side shall we get alongside the wharf?()A On port side .B On right side.C On left side.D On deck.

考题 多选题Definition of Length:()AThe length shall be taken as 96% of the total lengthBThe length shall be taken as 96% of the LbpCThe length shall be taken as 96% of the total length on a waterline at 85% of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keelDThe length from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline

考题 单选题On all vessels equipped with refrigeration units of over 20 cubic foot capacity, ().A a gas mask suitable for protection against each refrigerant used, or a self contained breathing apparatus must be providedB it is the sole responsibility of the chief engineer to ascertain that all members of the engineering department are familiar with the use of gas masks or breathing apparatusC spare charges shall be carried for at least 50% of each size and variety of gas masks and/or self contained breathing apparatusD all of the above

考题 单选题Proper use shall be made()radar equipment if fitted and operational.A ofB toC onD with

考题 单选题The Master of a cargo or tanker shall be responsible that each lifeboat,except those free-fall launched,is lowered to the water with crew and maneuvered at least once every().A weekB monthC three monthsD year

考题 单选题Each open lifeboat carried on a vessel on an international voyage must have().A hand-propelling gearB a davit span with at least 2 lifelinesC a mast and a sailD a motor

考题 单选题Proper use shall be made()radar equipment.A withB toC forD of

考题 单选题()of the following statements is incorrect regarding a fire and boat drill ao board your cargo vessel.A At least one fire and drill shall be held within 24 hours of leaving a port where more than 25 percent of the crew has been replacedB The Master is responsible in seeing thst each lifeboat is lowered to the water at least once in each 6 monthsC Lifeboat equipment shall be examined at least once each month to insure that it is completeD An entry shall be made in the vessels official Logbook relative eo each fire and boat drill

考题 单选题Cargo vessels being navigated,and fitted with emergency lighting and power systems,shall have their emergency systems tested at least once().A a monthB in each weekC in every 6 monthsD in every 12 months

考题 单选题At least()radar transponder shall be carried on each side of every cargo ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards.A oneB twoC threeD four

考题 单选题The ladder shall().A be secured in a position so that it rests firmly against the ship's side from which the discharge operations are carried outB have at least two replacement steps which are secured in position by a method different from that used in the original constructionC have battens made of hardwood,or other material of equivalent properties,in one piece and not less than 1.80metres long provided at such intervals as will prevent the pilot ladder from twistingD have steps made of softwood,or other material of equivalent properties,made in one piece free of knots,having an efficient slip surface

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning spare charges for portable fire extinguishers on unmanned tank barges?().A Spare charges shall be carried for at least 50 percent of each size and variety required on boardB If the unit cannot be charged by the vessel's personnel,one spare unit shall be carried in lieu of spare chargesC Spare charges shall be stowed in watertight containers on deckD Regulations concerning spare charges do not apply to unmanned barges