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She sat in the corner of the room, with tears _____ down her cheeks.



to run






更多 “单选题She sat in the corner of the room, with tears _____ down her cheeks.A ranB to runC runD running” 相关考题
考题 She looked in my face __________. A.with tears streaming down her cheeksB.with tears to stream down her cheeksC.with tears streamed down her cheeksD.with tears to be streamed down her cheeks

考题 When she learned that her son was killed in battle, the Mexican woman __________ her tears with much difficulty. A.held backB.held upC.held outD.take back

考题 She went to her room alone. She would not let () follow her. A、anybodyB、anyone

考题 The public transport system in many cities in the world () by the local authority. A、is still ranB、are still runC、is still run

考题 Hardly ______ down ______ the phone rang.A. had she sat; whenB. she sat; whenC. had she sat; thanD. she had sat; than

考题 She sat there with nothing ______ except play with her cat.A. to doB. doingC. doneD. to be done

考题 If she wants to stay thin, she must make a ______ in her diet. A.changeB.runC.turnD.go

考题 Her work()granny sat down for a cup of coffee. A、finishedB、was to finishC、finishingD、having finished

考题 She would____ to be busy with her homework whenever her father came into her room. A、battleB、pretendC、creamD、heaven

考题 What do you know about the woman?A. She cannot find her necklace.B. She put her necklace in the bed.C. She is not satisfied with the room.

考题 She shed a few tears at her daughter's wedding.A:wiped B:injected C:produced D:removed

考题 She__into tears when she heard from the hospital that her father died.A.burst B.went C.fell D.exploded

考题 She gripped her husband's arm lest she fall down.A:let B:liable C:ensure D:in case

考题 She is running a fever, but now it is under control.()A、She is running fast.B、I will go and see her after work.C、Her mother does not run.D、She is running away from home.

考题 Is Linda good at singing? Yes, she is. We often hear her()in her room.A、to singB、sangC、singD、sings

考题 If she wants to stay thin, she must make a()in her diet.A、changeB、turnC、runD、go

考题 If she wants to stay thin, she must make a()in her dietA、changeB、turnC、runD、go

考题 The public transports system in many cities in the world()by the local authority.A、is still ranB、are still runC、are still ranD、is still run

考题 单选题When she heard the bad news,her eyes ______ with tears as she struggled to control her emotions.A sparkledB twinkledC radiatedD glittered

考题 单选题She walked into the room carefully because she () waking her husband up。A was keen onB was afraid ofC was eager toD was careful with

考题 单选题Seeing her father come back, _____.A tears ran down her cheeksB her tears ran outC she burst into tearsD tears burst into her

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考题 单选题—Does she like singing English songs?—Yes. She ______ to sing English songs in her room.A often doesB is often heardC often hearsD often is heard

考题 单选题—Where’s Cathy?  —______ Anything wrong?  —I asked her to do something, but she wouldn’t.  —______  —To wash her hair before supper.A She is upstairs in her room. What for?B She is ill. ; What did you tell her to do?C She is upstairs in her room. ; What did you tell her to do?D She has gone to see a doctor. ; What is she going to do?

考题 单选题A vessel is not in every way fitted for cargo service()at the time of her delivery to the charterers her engine room staff is incompetent and inadequate,and accordingly she is unseaworthy.A whetherB shouldC shallD if

考题 单选题Hannah finished building her new all-purpose projects room last year, and she has been working in the room ever since.A and she has been working in the room ever sinceB and since that time she has worked thereC where always since she worksD she has been working in that room ever sinceE and since then is working there

考题 单选题Is Linda good at singing? Yes, she is. We often hear her()in her room.A to singB sangC singD sings