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() are used for cargo handling.



Mooring winches






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更多 “单选题() are used for cargo handling.A CranesB Mooring winchesC WindlassesD Foreman” 相关考题
考题 What cargo does a jumbo boom or heavy derrick used for lifting?

考题 What equipment can be used to load cargo?

考题 A document used to indicate suspected cargo damage caused by rough weather would be the ______.A.cargo reportB.hull damage reportC.Master's Note of ProtestD.Unseaworthy Certificate

考题 A sling psychrometer is a(n) ______.A.type of cargo gearB.instrument used in celestial navigationC.instrument used to measure relative humidityD.instrument used to measure specific gravity

考题 The original Bill of Lading,once signed by the Master,is NOT ______.A.a receipt and proof that goods have been received on boardB.surrendered to the customs agency of the country where the cargo is dischargedC.used to transfer ownership of the cargo while the ship is enrouteD.proof of title or ownership of the cargo

考题 Why is gas-freeing rarely required for LPG cargo tanks?A.LPG is compatible with all cargosB.LPG's high oxygen content makes it nonvolatileC.Cargo tanks are inspected less frequently than on oil tankersD.The cargo tanks are used for one type of cargo only

考题 单选题The purpose of a preventer as it is used on a conventional yard and stay cargo rig is to().A allow greater than normal loads to be handled by the gearB act as an inboard guy in the event the inboard guy parts during cargo handlingC assist the outboard guy in supporting stresses during cargo handlingD prevent the inboard guy from parting due to stresses during cargo handling

考题 单选题A grapnel is a().A device for securing a chain topping liftB hook to prevent the anchor cable from slippingC device used to drag for a submerged cable or lineD type of clam bucket used for discharging bulk cargo

考题 单选题Why is gas-freeing rarely required for LPG cargo tanks? ()A LPG is compatible with all cargosB LPG's high oxygen content makes it nonvolatileC Cargo tanks are inspected less frequently than on oil tankersD The cargo tanks are used for one type of cargo only

考题 单选题Where are the test certificates,for wire rope used as cargo runners,and loose gear certificates usually maintained? ()A With the Cargo Gear Register on the shipB In the Official LogC At the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office with the vessel's inspection recordsD At the central records center of the agency testing the cargo gear

考题 单选题The term "load on top" is used on many crude oil carriers, is to provide a method for ().A calculating the ullage in the cargo tanksB loading ballast by gravityC the loading of new cargo into the slop tank as a procedure to minimize pollutionD calculating the ratio of cargo expansion in a cargo tank

考题 单选题Which is wrong?().A Dunnage is used to reduce broken spaceB Dunnage is used to benefit ventilationC Dunnage is used to segregate cargoD Dunnage is used to protect cargo

考题 单选题重吊杆用于吊大的重件。()A Heavy derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.B Derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.C Heavy derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.D Derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.

考题 单选题Which material should NOT be used to secure cargo on deck for a voyage().A Steel chainB Wire ropeC Steel strappingD Fiber rope

考题 单选题The moisture equilibrium chart can be used to determine the().A Absolute moisture content of the air surrounding a hygroscopic cargo when moisture equilibrium existsB Dew point temperature that the air surrounding a hygroscopic commodity will have when in moisture equilibrium with that commodityC Enthalpy of the air surrounding a hydroscopic cargo which is in moisture equilibrium with the cargoD Temperature at which moisture equilibrium will occur in a cargo hold containing a hygroscopic cargo

考题 单选题Separation cloths may be used to().A absorb moisture from hygroscopic cargoesB fill gaps between layers of cargoC wrap cargo that leaks from packagingD keep bagged cargo leakage from contacting the deck

考题 单选题A bench hook is used for().A handing of cargo casesB handing oilskingsC sewing canvasD splicing small stuff

考题 单选题Bonding cables are used during cargo transfer to().A provide safe electrical power connection to barge equipmentB keep the vessel from surging excessivelyC prevent an accidental discharge of static electricityD secure the cargo hose to a hatch when loading overall

考题 单选题Hoses used for cargo transfer operations must be tested and inspected at specified intervals by().A a representative of the Captain of the PortB the operator of the vessel or facilityC a representative of the National Cargo BureauD low inert gas temperature

考题 单选题Hoses used for cargo transfer operations must be tested abdinspected at specified intervals by ().A a representative of the Captain of the PortB the operator of the vessel or facilityC a representative of the National Cargo BureauD a representative of the American Bureau of Shipping

考题 单选题A ()is used for lifting long heavy cargo.A derrickB craneC jumbo boomD boom

考题 单选题A ()(重吊杆)is used for lifting long heavy cargo.A derrickB craneC jumbo boornD special crane

考题 单选题According to regulations,a cargo hose used for transferring liquefied gases must have a bursting pressure of().A 5 times the maximum working pressure on the hose during cargo transferB one half the designed working pressureC 4 times the pressure of the cargo pump used for transferringD 5 times the minimum working pressure on the hose during cargo transfer

考题 单选题A sling psychrometer is a(n)().A type of cargo gearB instrument used in celestial navigationC instrument used to measure relative humidityD instrument used to measure specific gravity

考题 单选题Peck and Hale gear is used most commonly for securing().A automobilesB baled cargoC large wooden cratesD palletized cargo

考题 单选题The sign used to caution persons approaching the gangway of a tank barge during cargo transfer reads().A Warning,Keep Off,Stay ClearB Danger,Do Not BoardC Warning,No Smoking,No Open Lights,No VisitorsD Dangerous Cargo Being Transferred

考题 单选题The supply of carbon dioxide used in the fixed extinguishing system aboard a cargo vessel MUST be at least sufficient for().A all the spaces of a vesselB all cargo spacesC the engine room and largest cargo spaceD the space requiring the largest amount

考题 单选题When used to fight fire,carbon dioxide().A is effective if used promptly on an oil fireB has a greater cooling effect than waterC is lighter than airD is harmless to cargo and crew