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36、在制冷机中十分重要的是节流过程,下列关于节流过程哪种是正确的? Throttling is very important in a refrigerator. Which of the following is correct about throttling?

A.氟里昂从大管子流向小管子; Freon flows from the big pipe to the small pipe;

B.氟里昂从小管子流向大管子; Freon flows from the smaller pipe to the larger pipe;

C.氟里昂从冷管子流向热管子; Freon flows from cold pipe to hot pipe;

D.氟里昂不流动; Freon does not flow;

更多 “36、在制冷机中十分重要的是节流过程,下列关于节流过程哪种是正确的? Throttling is very important in a refrigerator. Which of the following is correct about throttling?A.氟里昂从大管子流向小管子; Freon flows from the big pipe to the small pipe;B.氟里昂从小管子流向大管子; Freon flows from the smaller pipe to the larger pipe;C.氟里昂从冷管子流向热管子; Freon flows from cold pipe to hot pipe;D.氟里昂不流动; Freon does not flow;” 相关考题
考题 ●Which of the following statements about object oriented database is not correct? (72) .(72) A.Each object has a unique object identify in the systemB.Encapsulation and inheritance are two important features of object oriented databaseC.A subclass can inherit the attributes and methods of all its superclassesD.A supereloss includes the attributes and methods at all subclasses

考题 Which of the following statements about object oriented databse is not correct?A. Each object has a unique object identity in the system.B.Encapsulation and inheritance are two important features of object oriented databasE.C.A subclass can inherit the attributes and methods of all its superclasses.D.A subclass includes the attributes and methods of all its subclasses.

考题 Throttling in the _____ line of a centrifugal pump involves the risk of the pump cavitation.A.suctionB.exhaustC.pressureD.discharge

考题 以下关于节流过程的描述正确的是:A、等压过程B、等温膨胀过程C、等焓膨胀过程D、等熵膨胀过程

考题 Which of the following is implied in the passage?A.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to provide adequate capital for their operation.B.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to ensure banks to operate with adequate capital.C.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to put additional restrictions on the banks' operations.D.A very important purpose of bank-supervision is to concentrate on risks.

考题 节流过程可以认为是()过程。

考题 节流过程最基本的特点是气体在节流前后()。

考题 In which NAS operating mode are ACL filtering and bandwidth throttling only provided during posture assessment?() A. Layer 2B. Layer 3C. in-bandD. out-of-bandE. edgeF. central

考题 对于节流阀和膨胀制冷下列描述错误的有()。A、节流过程是可逆过程B、膨胀过程是不可逆过程C、节流过程的熵不变D、膨胀过程的焓不变

考题 节流过程是等焓过程吗?为什么?

考题 对于绝热节流过程,下列说法错误的是()A、由于绝热节流过程有摩檫,因而工质的熵增加B、由于流道截面突然缩小,工质要克服局部阻力,因而压力下降C、工质在节流装置进、出口处焓相等D、由于过程绝热,所以温度不变

考题 节流过程是否是等焓过程?并说明原因?

考题 什么是节流过程?

考题 理想气体在节流过程前后()不变

考题 在节流过程前后,气体的()值相等。

考题 关于节流膨胀,下列说法正确的是()A、节流膨胀是绝热可逆过程B、节流膨胀中系统的内能变化C、节流膨胀中系统的焓值改变D、节流过程中多孔塞两边的压力不断变化

考题 In which NAS operating mode are ACL filtering and bandwidth throttling only provided during posture assessment?()A、 Layer 2B、 Layer 3C、 in-bandD、 out-of-bandE、 edgeF、 central

考题 节流过程是否是等焓过程?

考题 对于绝热节流过程,下列说法错误的是()。A、由于绝热节流过程有摩擦,因而工质的熵增加B、由于流道截面突然缩小,工质要克服局部阻力,因而压力下降。C、工质在节流装置进.出口处的焓相等D、由于过程绝热,所以温度不变

考题 节流过程

考题 单选题Which of the following about The Times is not true?A The circulation is very small.B This is the most famous of all British papers.C The most important British people all over the world still read it.D It is most critical of established interests.

考题 多选题对于节流阀和膨胀制冷下列描述错误的有()。A节流过程是可逆过程B膨胀过程是不可逆过程C节流过程的熵不变D膨胀过程的焓不变

考题 单选题In which NAS operating mode are ACL filtering and bandwidth throttling only provided during posture assessment?()A Layer 2B Layer 3C in-bandD out-of-bandE edgeF central

考题 单选题Which of the following methods is used to prevent throttling of compressed air through the diesel engine air starting valves?()A Holding the valve open for a long periodB Increasing the starting air pressure usedC Opening the stating air valve quicklyD Reducing the starting air valve size

考题 问答题Practice 3  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?  You should write at least 250 words.

考题 单选题关于节流膨胀,下列说法正确的是()A 节流膨胀是绝热可逆过程B 节流膨胀中系统的内能变化C 节流膨胀中系统的焓值改变D 节流过程中多孔塞两边的压力不断变化

考题 单选题In which NAS operating mode are ACL filtering and bandwidth throttling only provided during posture assessment?()A  Layer 2B  Layer 3C  in-bandD  out-of-bandE  edgeF  central

考题 填空题节流过程最基本的特点是气体在节流前后()。