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上周日下午,我和朋友们正在中山公园散步,突然听到一落水女孩呼救。我和我的一位朋友跳入湖里救出孩子,当时落水女孩已停止呼吸。我用学过的急救知识给她做了人工呼吸,我的朋友给急救中心(the First Aid Centre)打电话。结果女孩得救了,大夫们夸我做得对。


解析:Last Sunday afternoon my friends and l were walking in Zhongshan Park when we suddenly heard someone calling for help.A girl fell into the lake and she was in danger.One of my?friends and I iumped into the lake and swam towards the girl.When she was pulled out of it.she had stopped breathing.I had?learned sonic knowledge about first aid at sch001.So I tried to start her breath by using the mouth-to-mouth way.My friend phoned?the First Aid Centre.Within ten minutes the girl began to
breathe again and the doctors from the First Aid Centre arrived.
The girl Was saved.They all said that what I did was right.
更多 “根据所给内容,写一篇100词左右的记叙文。 上周日下午,我和朋友们正在中山公园散步,突然听到一落水女孩呼救。我和我的一位朋友跳入湖里救出孩子,当时落水女孩已停止呼吸。我用学过的急救知识给她做了人工呼吸,我的朋友给急救中心(the First Aid Centre)打电话。结果女孩得救了,大夫们夸我做得对。” 相关考题
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考题 (四)根据给定资料所反映的问题,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇l200字左右的文章。要求:观点明确,论述深刻。(40分)

考题 根据所给的全部信息写一篇小短文,80词左右。信息:1.有许多朋友,其中有一个珍视的朋友,从上学至今一直为友。2.外表(in appearance)严肃(serious)不失趣味,有时甚至快乐,最博识(most knowledgeable)。3.既是老师也是朋友,无论何时,他陪伴我。

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考题 问答题请根据下列材料写一篇150词左右的英文短文。 On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude. What is your opinion about this phenomenon?

考题 问答题请根据下列材料写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 We cannot fail to notice that countless uncivilized behaviors exist in our daily lives, such as spitting, talking loudly, littering, saying nasty words in public places and so forth. What will you do in public?

考题 问答题请以Hobbies为题根据以下提纲写一篇100词左右的短文。  (1)人人都有爱好。从爱好中我们可以获得兴趣、放松、享受、知识和友谊。 (2)不同的人有不同的爱好。  (3)我的爱好是…

考题 问答题请以Shopping Online为题,根据所给提纲写一篇l00词左右的短文。  1)近来社会上出现网上购物热  2)网上购物有很多优点:方便、省时省力、选择多样、便宜等等  3)网上购物也存在风险。