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_______determines a good meal varies from country to country.



更多 “_______determines a good meal varies from country to country.A.What B.That C.It D.Which” 相关考题
考题 There is a () network of roads round the country. A、mixedB、difficultC、complexD、confusing

考题 从下面方框中选择适当的词填入短文中,使短文通顺正确(注意有些词要用适当的形式)。方框中有两个多余的词。 elephantrainblack grow snow bebecomeThis country is far away from China, Like China, it is also a developing country. It has a population of about 45 million. Of these, 76 percent are (76)____________ and 12 percent white. It has a warm climate (气候). Either it never rains, or it (77) __________ a lot!. It is the world’s biggest producer of gold, and it sells diamonds(钻石) to other countries. It (78) ____________ a lot of fruits, including oranges, pears, and grapes, and it makes wine.There (79)_________ lots of large forests where you can see a lot of wildlife(野生动物), including lions, (80) ___________, zebras, and giraffes. Many people like to go and travel in this country. Can you guess the name of this country.

考题 treason means the crime of being disloyal to your country.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 They built the motel on the edge of a () which attracted lots of visitors from different parts of the country. A、detainedB、detectedC、desertedD、distracted

考题 My relatives are ___________ all over the country. A.scatteredB.excludedC.separatedD.dispatched

考题 Every year, about 11 million people enter the()market in our country. A、workB、job

考题 Lately a friend has supplied me( )Irish novels and short stories, all new and none published in this country. A. withB. toC. ofD. from

考题 Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while _______ attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out or into that country. A、to payB、payingC、being paid

考题 Tax,______ can be used in public services, is very important to our country. A.whichB.thatC.what

考题 (c) Critically evaluate Vincent Viola’s view that corporate governance provisions should vary by country.(8 marks)

考题 Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Your passport is your official identification as an American citizen. In America,most people never consider obtaining a passport unless they are planning a trip out of the country. In Europe, where travel from one country to another is much more common,almost everyone carries a passport. A passport is final proof of identity in almost every country in the world.In 1979 almost 15 million Americans held passports. Most of these passports were obtained to travel outside the country because,except for a few Western nations。passports are required to enter every country. And if you travel abroad,you must have a valid passport to reenter the country.When traveling abroad,you will need a passport for identification when exchanging dollars for francs or marks or other foreign currency. You may also need your passport to use a credit card,buy an airplane ticket or check into a hotel. As a passport is an official U. S. document. it is valuable as identification in any emergency cases,such as floods,fires,or war.Don't confuse passports and visas. Whereas a passport is issued by a country to its citizens. a visa is official permission to visit a country granted by the government of that country. For some years,many countries were dropping their visa requirements,but that trend has reversed. Argentina,Brazil,and Venezuela now require visas from U. S. citizens. They may be obtained from the embassy of the country you wish to visit.Passport applications are available at passport agency offices in large cities like Boston,New York,or Chicago. In smaller cities,applications are available at post offices and at federal courts. To get your first passport,you must submit the application in person. along with a birth certificate and two pictures.The main purpose of this passage is to______.A. discuss traveling in other countriesB. distinguish between passports and visasC. discuss the financial uses of a passportD. provide information about passports

考题 People’s attitudes ( ) gift giving many very from country to country. A.ofB.forC.toD.on

考题 Happiness is a feeling which varies from person to person.()

考题 The political situation is steadily () in that country. More and more people are getting involved in the dispute. A、decreasingB、decliningC、breaking upD、worsening

考题 .What can we infer from the last sentence of the text?A. Happiness comes from peaceful life in the country.B. Health is more important than money.C. The harmony between man and nature is important.D. Good old days will never be forgotten.

考题 __determines a good meal varies from country to country.A.What B.That C.It D.Which

考题 The making of foreign language education policy must take into consideration the()and educational situation of the country.

考题 单选题Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, such as iron ore, come from mines. These raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where they are made into manufactured goods. Some countries produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize. These countries are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate. A cold, dry climate is not suitable for agriculture. A country which produces manufactured goods is known as an industrialized country. An industrialized country cannot always produce enough food for its own needs. In this case, it does not export foodstuffs. Instead it has to import them. It relies on exports of manufactured products and pays for imports with the money it earns from the exported goods. Raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where().A they are consumedB they are made into finished productsC they are wasted

考题 单选题Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, such as iron ore, come from mines. These raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where they are made into manufactured goods. Some countries produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize. These countries are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate. A cold, dry climate is not suitable for agriculture. A country which produces manufactured goods is known as an industrialized country. An industrialized country cannot always produce enough food for its own needs. In this case, it does not export foodstuffs. Instead it has to import them. It relies on exports of manufactured products and pays for imports with the money it earns from the exported goods. From the first sentence of the passage we can know that there are()kinds of exports.A twoB threeC four

考题 单选题Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, such as iron ore, come from mines. These raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where they are made into manufactured goods. Some countries produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize. These countries are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate. A cold, dry climate is not suitable for agriculture. A country which produces manufactured goods is known as an industrialized country. An industrialized country cannot always produce enough food for its own needs. In this case, it does not export foodstuffs. Instead it has to import them. It relies on exports of manufactured products and pays for imports with the money it earns from the exported goods. An industrialized country usually has to import foodstuffs because,().A it cannot always produce enough food for its own needsB it doesn't has fertile land and a good climateC it relies on exports of manufactured products

考题 单选题What mistaken view do most people hold about Arabic?A Colloquial Arabic is the everyday spoken language, which varies from country to country.B Arabic is just one language that all Arabs understand, speak and write.C Classical Arabic and Modem Arabic are two different kinds of written Arabic.D Pan-Arabic provides a means of communication between educated people of different Arab nationalities.

考题 单选题Which of the following about land diving is true?A It is not dangerous at all.B It was first called “bungee jumping”.C It is a traditional activity in Vanuatu.D It came to Vanuatu from another country.

考题 单选题Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, such as iron ore, come from mines. These raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where they are made into manufactured goods. Some countries produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize. These countries are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate. A cold, dry climate is not suitable for agriculture. A country which produces manufactured goods is known as an industrialized country. An industrialized country cannot always produce enough food for its own needs. In this case, it does not export foodstuffs. Instead it has to import them. It relies on exports of manufactured products and pays for imports with the money it earns from the exported goods. The best title of this passage is().A Agriculture and IndustryB ExportC Production

考题 问答题English food has a bad reputation abroad. This is most probably because foreigners in England are often obliged to eat in the more “popular” type of restaurant. Here it is necessary to prepare food rapidly in large quantities, and the taste of the food inevitably suffers, though its quality, from the point of view of nourishment, is quite satisfactory. Still, it is rather dull and not always attractively presented. Moreover, the Englishman eating in a cheap or medium price restaurant is usually in a hurry—at least at lunch—and a meal eaten in a leisurely manner in pleasant surroundings is always far more enjoyable than a meal taken hastily in a business-like atmosphere. In general, it is possible to get an adequate meal at a reasonable price; in fact, such a meal may be less expensive than similar food abroad. For those with money to spare, there are restaurants that compare favourably with the best in any country.

考题 单选题It is reported that the _______of the country. from hotels to transport, is oldand decrepit.A industnalizationB infrastructureC correspondenceD commutation

考题 单选题Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, such as iron ore, come from mines. These raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where they are made into manufactured goods. Some countries produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize. These countries are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate. A cold, dry climate is not suitable for agriculture. A country which produces manufactured goods is known as an industrialized country. An industrialized country cannot always produce enough food for its own needs. In this case, it does not export foodstuffs. Instead it has to import them. It relies on exports of manufactured products and pays for imports with the money it earns from the exported goods. The countries which produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize are countries.()A developedB industrialC agricultural

考题 问答题Practice 4  In the tradition of the company, this dictionary provides especially good coverage and treatment of Americanism— that is, words and idioms that have originated in this country. In general, the vocabulary treatment is first-rate. The definitions tend to be up-to-date, clearly and precisely written, sufficiently detailed and admirably current. The fullness of the content is without parallel among college dictionaries. Readers will be struck by the entirely new presentation of the English language as it is written and spoken today. This is a masterpiece of precise defining with the advantage of quotations from well-known writers to demonstrate word usage and to make the book more authoritative.

考题 单选题From the passage we know that Temple ______.A was not good at dancingB began to star in her first movie when she was ten years oldC was unfriendly to her fansD encouraged the whole country during the Great Depression