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—I‘v got this really painful ear.
—How long_______you

A.does it bother
B.was it bothering
C.would it bother
D.has it been bothering


更多 “—I‘v got this really painful ear. —How long_______you A.does it bother B.was it bothering C.would it bother D.has it been bothering” 相关考题
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考题 a typical western girl's response to the compliment "you look beautiful in this blue dress." would be "_________". A、No, no. This is just an ordinary dress. I got it really cheap.B、You are just flattering me to cheer me up.C、Really? Well, perhaps I look more beautiful in red.D、Thank you. I believe I look good in blue.

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考题 下列日常生活用语中,表示结束对话的句子是()A、Well,I’ve enjoyed meeting and talking with you.B、I am sorry,I really have to go.C、Well,I’d like to hear more about it,but I really have to go.I’ll call you.D、I’m sorry.I’ve got to go.E、Well,talk to you later,then.

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考题 — I'm trying to call Marie, but there's no answer. —()A、I didn’t realize thatB、Here is a message for herC、I’m really sorry about itD、Really? Maybe she’s out

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考题 单选题I think being alone is never really a bad thing, ______ you’ve got something positive to do.A but forB provided thatC in that D in case

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考题 单选题M: I’m afraid I only speak English, and a little school French, ‘O’ level French—um…. I only really speak, speak English.  W: I’ve got a Spanish father and as a boy I learnt______. I also can speak French quite well and Italian, and I’ m not bad at German either.A both Spanish and EnglishB both Spanish and FrenchC both English and ItalianD both Spanish and German

考题 单选题I really _______ when I asked him how his wife was—they got divorced last year!A landed on his feetB got off the wrong footC found my feetD put my foot in it

考题 多选题下列日常生活用语中,表示结束对话的句子是()AWell,I’ve enjoyed meeting and talking with you.BI am sorry,I really have to go.CWell,I’d like to hear more about it,but I really have to go.I’ll call you.DI’m sorry.I’ve got to go.EWell,talk to you later,then.

考题 单选题Wife: Our visit to London is really rewarding. What do you think,darling?  Husband: ______ We’ve really got something from this visit.  Wife: Don’t forget the shopping before we leave this lovely city.  Husband: I’ve carved it in my mind. Don’t worry.A I get it.B Well,I don’t think the way you do.C You bet.D I’m glad to hear that.