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Which of the following best describes the relationship between Contre Saint -Beuve and Remembrance of Things Past as it is explained in the passage?( )
A.Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint-Beuve,at Vallette’s suggestion,Proust started Remembrance as a fictional demonstration that Saint-Beuve was wrong about the imagination.
B.Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint Beuve,at Vallette’s suggestion,Proust turned his attention to Remembrance,starting with incidents that had occurred to him while planning the essay.
C.Despondent that he could not find a coherent structure for Contre Saint Beuve,an essay about the role of memory in fiction,Proust began instead to write Remembrance,a novel devoted to important early memories.
D.While developing his argument about the imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve,Proust described and began to link together personal memories that became a foundation for Remembrance.
B.Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint Beuve,at Vallette’s suggestion,Proust turned his attention to Remembrance,starting with incidents that had occurred to him while planning the essay.
C.Despondent that he could not find a coherent structure for Contre Saint Beuve,an essay about the role of memory in fiction,Proust began instead to write Remembrance,a novel devoted to important early memories.
D.While developing his argument about the imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve,Proust described and began to link together personal memories that became a foundation for Remembrance.
解析:细节题。本题采用排除法。A、B两项文中并未提及。C项定位到第一段最后一句Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to begin a novel in 1908,abandoned it for what was to be a long demonstration of Saint-Beuve s blindness to the real nature of great writing,found the essay giving rise to personal memories and fictional developments,and allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel,由此可知C项错误。故本题选D。参考译文:许多文学考据家绞尽脑汁地思考着一个与作家马塞尔·普鲁斯特有关的一个巨大的不解之谜:1909年究竟发生了什么?《驳圣伯夫》——一篇抨击批评家圣伯夫批评方法的论文——是如何转变成为小说《追忆似水年华》的开端的?一封近期发表的由普鲁斯特致编辑瓦莱特的信函证实了法卢瓦(1954年版《驳圣伯夫》的编辑)就论文与小说之间的关系做出了一个基本正确的猜测。法卢瓦提出,普鲁斯特曾试图于1908年开始写一部小说,后又因为某一原因——圣伯夫长期以来所展现出的对伟大文学作品真正本质的盲目无知——而放弃了它,发现该文让他回忆起以前的很多事情以及一些小说中的情节,后来,这些内容渐渐拓展成了一部小说。普鲁斯特在1909年笔记本的草稿中表明,由论文向小说的转折始于《驳圣伯夫》一文,当时,普鲁斯特援引了一些实例用以表明非自主记忆对创作想象力所产生的强有力的影响。事实上,为了试图证明想象力要比圣伯夫所假设的内容来得更为深刻,且并非那么易于屈服于理性,普鲁斯特吐露了他自己至关重要的记忆,发现它们之间微妙的联系,并开始为《似水年华》收集材料。至八月份,普鲁斯特写信告知瓦莱特,他意欲将所收集到的材料扩充为一部小说。莫里斯·巴代什在《马塞尔·普鲁斯特——小说家》中,证明了在《似水年华》草稿中普鲁斯特潜意识中那些自发的且明显随机的关系的重要性。他不断地将亲身经历和思考加入小说中,改变并扩展其叙事结构。但他发现自己难以控制飘忽不定的灵感。丰富且复杂的人物关系不断出现改变,自抽象的智慧至深刻的梦幻般的情感,这些都使普鲁斯特难以将它们错落有致地安排好。只有当他明白如何将其小说的开头和结尾联系起来,才开始有了某种控制感。普鲁斯特称,他同时“开始并结束”了《追忆似水年华》。这激起了亨利·博内的兴趣,他发现小说最后一卷的某些章节确实始于1909年。在那一年,普鲁斯特已经草拟好了对那些年近迟暮的人物的描绘,这些人物则会出现在《追忆似水年华》的最后一卷中,而在该卷中,艺术的永恒被用以抗衡时间的蹂躏。致瓦莱特的信函,论文与小说的草稿,以及博内的研究,以一种宽泛的轮廓勾勒出了普鲁斯特的创作过程,揭示出他是如何从其论文的废墟上创作出小说的。我们连同科尔布一起,期望科尔布新近出版的《普鲁斯特1909年通信全集》能够更为详尽地记载这一过程,但是结果令我们大失所望。这是因为,普鲁斯特只在信心十足地觉得他已最终为《追忆似水年华》寻找到一个可行的结构之后,他才开始告知与其保持书信往来的人,说他正在创作一部比《驳圣伯夫》更为雄心勃勃的作品。
更多 “ Which of the following best describes the relationship between Contre Saint -Beuve and Remembrance of Things Past as it is explained in the passage?( ) A.Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint-Beuve,at Vallette’s suggestion,Proust started Remembrance as a fictional demonstration that Saint-Beuve was wrong about the imagination. B.Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint Beuve,at Vallette’s suggestion,Proust turned his attention to Remembrance,starting with incidents that had occurred to him while planning the essay. C.Despondent that he could not find a coherent structure for Contre Saint Beuve,an essay about the role of memory in fiction,Proust began instead to write Remembrance,a novel devoted to important early memories. D.While developing his argument about the imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve,Proust described and began to link together personal memories that became a foundation for Remembrance.” 相关考题
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