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A.get to
B.arrive to
C.reach to
D.make to


更多 “__________A.get to B.arrive to C.reach to D.make to” 相关考题
考题 一列横波在t=0时刻的波形如图中实线所示,在t=1s时刻的波形如图中虚线所示,由此可以判定此波的(??) A.波长一定是5cm B.周期可能是4s C.振幅一定是4cm D.传播速度一定是1cm/s

考题 俄国1861年改革有利于资本主义的发展,但列宁说它也是“对农民进行残酷的掠夺”,这主要是指(  )A.农民须用钱购买商品 B.农民被迫出卖劳动力 C.农民须用高价赎买份地 D.农民成为商品

考题 下列各项中,对推动世界格局向多极化趋势发展有直接作用的事件是(  )A.欧盟的形成 B.华沙条约组织成立 C.联合国的建立 D.国际货币基金组织成立

考题 下列说法,不能解释高频电磁波在人体内引起热作用的一项是A.磁场使人体内的分子重新排列 B.体温调节无法把热量散发出去 C.电场使人体内电解质离子发生移动 D.电磁场使体内的导电成分产生感应涡流

考题 In the drawing and cartoons of Uncle Sam________.A.he wore the stars and stripes B.the never had a beard C.he had no hair D.he wore a bow tie

考题 C Uncle Sam is a tall,thin man.He‘s an older man with white hair and a white beard.He often wears a tall hat,a bow tie,and the stars and stripes of the American flag. Who is this strange,looking man Would you believe that Uncle Sam is the US government But why do you call the US government Uncle Sam During the War of 1812,the US government hired meat packers to provide meat to the army.One of these meat packers was a man named Samuel Wilson.Samuel was a friendly and fair man.Everyone liked him and called him Uncle Sam. Sam Wilson stamped the boxes of meat for the army with a large US for United States.Some government inspectors came to look over Sam‘s company.They asked a worker what the US on the boxes stood for.As a joke,the worker answered that these letters stood for the name of his boss,Uncle Sam. The joke spread,and soldiers began saying that their food came from Uncle Sam.Before long,people called all things that came from the government“Uncle Sam‘s”,“Uncle Sam”became a nickname for the US government. Soon there were drawings and cartoons of Uncle Sam in newspapers.In these early pictures,Uncle Sam was a young man.He wore stars and stripes,but his hair was dark and he had not a beard.The beard was added when Abraham Lincoln was President.President Lincoln had a beard. The most famous picture of Uncle Sam is on a poster from World War I.The government needed men to fight in the war.In the poster,a very serious Uncle Sam points his finger and says“I want YOU for the US Army.” “Uncle Sam”became a________for the US government.A.boss B.nickname C.picture D.businessmen

考题 5请选出下面划线部分读音不同的选项( )A.direct B.hotel C.basket D.express