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10、这个电源上的电流为零点零零几安。 The current through the power supply is _______.

A.a few hundredth an ampere

B.a few thousandth of a ampere

C.a few hundredths of an ampere

D.a few thousandths of an ampere

a few thousandths of an ampere
更多 “10、这个电源上的电流为零点零零几安。 The current through the power supply is _______.A.a few hundredth an ampereB.a few thousandth of a ampereC.a few hundredths of an ampereD.a few thousandths of an ampere” 相关考题
考题 直流高压试验所需的试验电流通常在()。 A、几到几十毫安B、几十到几百毫安C、几安D、十几安

考题 将波长间隔在()的复用称之为密集波分复用(DWDM)。A.零点零零几纳米B.零点零几纳米C.零点几纳米D.零点几纳米

考题 UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)的中文名称是什么。() A.不间断电源B.电源C.蓄电池D.适配器

考题 CD10型电磁操作机构,其合闸电流可达十几到几十安。A对B错

考题 0.600读作()。A、零点六百B、零点六C、零点六零零

考题 66盏100瓦220伏的白炽灯,对称地接到线电压为220伏的三相电源上,则白炽灯正常发光时电路中的线电流为()。A、10√3安B、10安C、10/√3安D、30安

考题 Devices that supply power when the commercial utility power system fails are called which of the following? 当商业公用电源系统失效后,需使用下列哪一类供电设备?()A、power conditioners电压稳压器B、power filters电源滤波器C、power dividers功率分配器

考题 雷电流的最大峰值可达()A、几安B、几十安C、几百安D、几百千安

考题 Which of the following will help dissipate heat through the heat sink when upgrading a CPU? ()A、Case fanB、Thermal compoundC、Motherboard riserD、Power supply

考题 A technician receives a computer for repair and observes that the fan on the power supply is not moving. Which of the following should the technician do? ()A、Move the power supply voltage switch to 220 volts.B、Add an additional fan to help cool the computer.C、Replace the cable that attaches the power supply to the motherboard.D、Replace the power supply.

考题 A customer has a p650 on order and plans to put it in a current OEM rack.  They are concerned that the p650 power supply may demand more current than the OEM PDU can provide.  Which planning guide specification would provide the necessary requirements?()A、VoltageB、FrequencyC、Power Source Loading (max)D、Power Source Loading (typical)

考题 将一根均匀的电阻线,接在电压为U的电源上,通过电流为10安,再把这根电阻丝对折后,仍接在原电源上,这时通过的电流是()。A、5安B、10安C、20安D、40安

考题 将R=5欧的电阻和L=10mH的电感串联后,接在交流电源e=100sin314t伏上,流过电路的电流的有效值为()A、4安B、8安C、12安D、16安

考题 已知电源电源内阻为4欧姆,线路和负载总电阻为10欧姆,电路电流为5安,则电源端电压为()。A、20伏B、50伏C、70伏

考题 把一个100欧的电阻元件接到频率为50赫、电压为10伏的正弦交流电源上,其电流为()安。

考题 将一根均匀的电阻丝接在电源上,通过的电流为10A,再把这根电阻丝对折后,仍接在该电源上,这时通过的电流是()安。A、2.5B、10C、20D、40

考题 CD10型电磁操作机构,其合闸电流可达十几到几十安。

考题 对于直流电源,人体允许电流为()。A、10毫安B、30毫安C、50毫安D、70毫安

考题 UPS表示()A、开关电源的一种B、United Power Supply一体化电源C、不间断电源D、逆变电源

考题 Which of the following is the MOST likely to cause a server power supply fan to fail but allows the power supply to still be functional?()A、DustB、Power SurgeC、Excessive humidityD、High temperatures

考题 An administrator will replace five current servers. Which of the following is the MOST important to review before installing new servers?()A、Verify uninterruptible power supply (UPS) loadB、Verify if server consumes 220VC、Verify CPU loadD、Verify if server consumes 110V

考题 A technician arrives in Germany and discovers that when their PC is plugged into the outlet, nopower is received. Which of the following actions should the technician take to get the PC tooperate?()A、Change the BIOS settings to the local timeB、Adjust the voltage selector switchC、Attach a 220 volt power strip from the current region to the PCD、Attach a 120 volt battery backup power supply to the PC

考题 UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)的中文名称是什么。()A、不间断电源B、电源C、蓄电池D、适配器

考题 车上的时钟在车辆停驶时,流过的电流为()。A、几安培B、几百毫安C、几十毫安D、几毫安

考题 发光二极管的工作电流一般为()之间。A、几毫安至十几毫安B、十几毫安到几十毫安C、几十到几百毫安D、几百至几千毫安

考题 单选题A customer has a p650 on order and plans to put it in a current OEM rack.  They are concerned that the p650 power supply may demand more current than the OEM PDU can provide.  Which planning guide specification would provide the necessary requirements?()A VoltageB FrequencyC Power Source Loading (max)D Power Source Loading (typical)

考题 名词解释题备用电源(standby power supply,SPS)

考题 单选题UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply)的中文名称是什么。()A 不间断电源B 电源C 蓄电池D 适配器