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更多 “下列行为中,构成侵犯专利权的是 A.专为科学研究和实验而使用有关权利 B.购买合法销售的专利产品后再转卖给他人 C.临时过境的运输工具依互惠原则为自身需要在其设备中使用有关专利 D.为生产经营目的使用不知道是未经专利人许可而制造并售出的专利产品” 相关考题
考题 关于法律保障国家职能的实现,下列说法不正确的是 A.较高的民主政治体制 B.健全的法律体系 C.全民较高的文化素养 D.完善昀市场经济体制

考题 白喉咳嗽的特点是(  ) A.干咳 B.顿咳 C.咳声清脆 D.咳如犬吠

考题 类风湿关节炎较具特异性的自身抗体是 A.抗IgG Fc片段抗体 B.抗双股DNA和Sm抗原抗体 C.抗SS-A和抗SS-B抗体 D.抗DNA拓扑异构酶抗体

考题 急进性肾小球肾炎的特征性病理变化为 A.上皮下驼峰状沉积物B.基膜增厚,钉突形成C.基膜增厚,双轨征 D.新月体形成

考题 载脂蛋白A I是下列哪种酶的激活剂? A. LCAT B. ACAT C. LPL D.肝脂酶

考题 直疝三角的三边是 A.腹壁下动脉、联合腱和腹股沟韧带 B.联合腱、腹股沟韧带和腹直肌外缘 C.腹壁下动脉、腹直肌外缘和腹股沟韧带 D.腹壁下动脉、腹直肌外缘和耻骨梳韧带

考题 In World War II the factory was heavily bombed and rebuilt afierwards.Bankruptcy forced the factory to close its doors in 1980.After years of 1,large parts of the factory had become ruined and run 2,An unsafe,abandoned place,with widespread vandalism the factory soon 3 into a source of nuisance to the local 4.The project aims to reconvert the old textile factory into a city park.This reconversion is part of a mixed-use development urban renewal project 5 by Sogent,the urban development company of Ghent.Surrounded,as it is,by a 6 0f functions and users,the park is under a lot of outside pressure.The aim was to create a diversified park which could 7 this pressure and stimulate a 8 community life for the neighbourhood.The design briefproved a simultaneous exercise in creating a site with plenty of flow,9 preserving walls and constructions and maintaining a l0,workable zoning of the park's functions.The orthogonal plan ofthe old textile factory is 11 as a basic template for a zoning ofthe park.New,organic green spaces and a paths network 12 with what remains ofthis underlying structure.By preserving some historical marks,the park becomes an"architectural 13".On another level,the integration of portraits of former employees in the factory(central gangway),14 a social dimension to the historical one already present in the park's design.On the whole,new meaning and new life are 15 by the bringing together of past and present.The walls and structures become the historical placemat for the development of new activities.16 the diversified park was 17 there has been a revival of activity in the neighbourhood.The reconversion has positive 18 0n the buildings and quarters around the park.Thanks to the public participation sessions,locals have felt very 19 with the project.The park is now being used 20 across the generations(senior citizens,families,children),becoming,much like it used to be,the meeting place for the neighbourhood.16选?A.Long before B.Now that C.Even though D.Ever since

考题 法律规则是法律的基本构成因素。下列关于法律规则分类的表述,哪一项可以成立?(  ) A.《律师法》第14条规定:没有取得律师执业证书的人员,不得以律师名义执业,不得为牟取经济利益从事诉讼代理或者辩护业务。此规定为义务性规则 B.《中小企业促进法》第31条规定:国家鼓励中小企业与研究机构、大专院校开展技术合作、开发与交流,促进科技成果产业化,积极发展科技型中小企业。此规定为强行性规则 C.《宪法》第40条规定:中华人民共和国公民的通信自由和通信秘密受法律的保护。 除因国家安全或者追查刑事犯罪的需要,由公安机关或者检察机关依照法律规定的程序对通信进行检查外,任何组织或者个人不得以任何理由侵犯公民的通信自由和通信秘密。此规定为命令性规则 D.《医疗事故处理条例》第62条规定:军队医疗机构的医疗事故处理办法,由中国人民解放军卫生主管部门会同国务院卫生行政部门依据本条例制定。此规定为准用性规则

考题 甲驾驶车辆在城市主干道不慎将乙撞成重伤,负事故主要责任。由于抢救乙的医疗费用不断增加,甲感到很紧张,遂到寺庙中祈祷乙快点死去。在其祈祷后的第二天,乙死亡。甲的行为构成( )。 A.过失致人死亡罪 B.交通肇事罪和故意杀人罪 C.过失致人重伤罪和故意杀人罪 D.交通肇事罪

考题 法律原则在法律实施中的作用有哪些?(  ) A.法律原则在司法实践中可以减少司法腐败 B.法律原则可以指导法律解释和法律推理 C.法律原则可以克服法律的缺陷,强化法律调控功能 D.法律原则可以合理地约束执法人员的自由裁量权