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软床可缓解腰部肌肉紧张,有利于腰椎健康。(The soft bed can relieve the muscle tension of the waist and is beneficial to the health of the lumbar spine.)

更多 “软床可缓解腰部肌肉紧张,有利于腰椎健康。(The soft bed can relieve the muscle tension of the waist and is beneficial to the health of the lumbar spine.)” 相关考题
考题 While a ______ amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you. (A) modern(B) moderate(C) moderation(D) modest

考题 牵引床的作用不包括() A、牵引腰椎B、缓解神经根压迫症状C、预防静脉血栓D、缓解腰部疼痛E、放松腰部紧张肌肉

考题 软床有利于保温,但不利于婴儿行走。()

考题 It is necessary that measures _____ taken right now.A: beB: must beC: will beD: can be

考题 Your handwriting has a ( ) style. and I can recognize it at once.A.uniqueB.commonC.sharpD.beneficial

考题 Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a ______ decision.A、rationalB、rightC、profitableD、beneficial

考题 It is difficult to get used ____ in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.A、sleepB、to sleepingC、sleptD、to sleep

考题 腰椎拔伸法的治疗功效为( ) A、增宽腰间隙B、矫正腰椎侧弯C、矫正脊柱旋转D、矫正腰椎后弓E、缓解肌肉痉挛、紧张

考题 患者男,25岁,因“搬重物时腰部扭伤,疼痛伴活动受限 2小时”来诊。查体:腰后伸受限,腰部肌肉紧张,第4~5腰椎椎体处压痛。腰部X线片:骨质未见异常。舌红苔白,脉沉细。最可能的诊断是A、腰部骨质增生B、椎管狭窄C、腰部骨折D、急性腰扭伤E、腰肌劳损确诊依据不包括A、腰部X线片B、搬重物扭伤C、腰部后伸受限D、第4~5腰椎椎体压痛E、舌红苔白,脉沉细关于腰部疼痛的治疗,叙述错误的是A、腰部正中疼痛,病在督脉者,取人中或龈交B、腰部一侧或两侧疼痛,病在太阳者,取患侧或双侧攒竹或养老C、督脉、太阳同病者,取人中或龈交D、局部肌肉紧张痉挛者,取阿是穴E、当远端部位行针时,应配合做扭伤部位的活动

考题 腰肌纤维织炎的腰背痛特点不正确的是A.常因寒冷、潮湿、慢性劳损所致B.早起时加重,活动数分钟后好转C.过多活动和轻叩腰部疼痛可缓解D.以腰椎两旁肌肉及髂嵴上方疼痛为主E.以上都不是

考题 The fact that it has become impossible to procure a cargo ______,as a rule,relieve the Charterer of liability.A.is notB.isC.does notD.can hardly be

考题 When a patient is suspected of having appendicitis,the primary action is to ______.A.Give the patient a laxative to relieve painB.Give the patient morphine sulfate to relieve painC.Confine to bed until helicopter arrivesD.Give the patient aspirin with a glass of water

考题 Questions 7 1~75 refer to the following information. Family caregivers of seniors should be cognizant of stress as it relates to their loved ones. Knowing the signs and detecting them early can help seniors learn to recognize stress factors and to take steps to alleviate the effects stress can cause. Activities such as yoga, walking and other physical exercises designed for seniors are great tension relievers. Many seniors enjoy the benefits of tai chi classes geared to their physical abilities. The Mayo Clinic supports this gentle form of martial arts as a way to relieve stress and help other health-related conditions. Some seniors are unable to participate in physical activities, but there are other ways to reduce stress. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and getting a good night's sleep can keep stress at bay. Joining a non-physical group activities, such as a bridge club or volunteering, offers socialization and a chance to clear the mind of daily responsibilities. There are also local agencies that can help with tasks that might cause undue stress for seniors. Respite care organizations can help with housework or grocery shopping. Religious organizations often have groups who can assist seniors with yard work or other strenuous tasks around the home. The fact that stress is a part of life does not mean that overwhelming stress is a burden seniors have to shoulder all alone. With help, seniors can combat stress and its negative effects. Spend time helping seniors determine what burdens they face. Help them plan ways suited to their lifestyles that are not only fun but that can minimize the pressures stress can cause. By doing so, the quality of life seniors experience can increase, further paving the way for them to lead independent lives within the comfort of their own homes. What kind of physical activities may NOT help seniors relieve tension? A. Yoga B. Walking C. Martial arts D. Tai chi

考题 预防腰椎间盘突出症下列哪些做法错误()。A、尽量睡软床B、尽量睡硬板床C、避免腰部剧烈运动D、经常作腰部锻炼

考题 腰椎小关节紊乱的临床表现,以下哪项是错误的()。A、腰部剧痛难忍B、腰部酸胀疼痛C、腰部活动几乎丧失D、腰肌紧张僵硬

考题 患者男,25岁,因“搬重物时腰部扭伤,疼痛伴活动受限2小时”来诊。查体:腰后伸受限,腰部肌肉紧张,第4~5腰椎椎体处压痛。腰部X线片:骨质未见异常。舌红苔白,脉沉细。确诊依据不包括()A、腰部X线片B、搬重物扭伤C、腰部后伸受限D、第4~5腰椎椎体压痛E、舌红苔白,脉沉细

考题 患者男,25岁,因“搬重物时腰部扭伤,疼痛伴活动受限2小时”来诊。查体:腰后伸受限,腰部肌肉紧张,第4~5腰椎椎体处压痛。腰部X线片:骨质未见异常。舌红苔白,脉沉细。关于腰部疼痛的治疗,叙述错误的是()A、腰部正中疼痛,病在督脉者,取人中或龈交B、腰部一侧或两侧疼痛,病在太阳者,取患侧或双侧攒竹或养老C、督脉、太阳同病者,取人中或龈交D、局部肌肉紧张痉挛者,取阿是穴E、当远端部位行针时,应配合做扭伤部位的活动

考题 男25,3天前抬重物扭伤腰部,服用芬必得,卧床休息腰痛无缓解,出现右腿木,右直腿抬高试验阳性,加强试验阳性,经检查诊断为腰椎间盘突出症。合理的处理是()A、佩戴腰围活动B、经皮椎间盘手术C、卧软床并腰背肌功能练习D、卧硬板床,床头牵引E、经皮椎间盘注射激素

考题 腰椎拔伸法的治疗功效为()A、增宽椎间隙B、矫正腰椎侧弯C、矫正脊柱旋转D、矫治腰椎后弓E、腰部软组织痉挛、紧张

考题 挺腹试验阳性说明()A、颈神经根受压B、腰椎小关节错缝C、腰骶关节扭伤D、腰部神经根受压E、腰部肌肉劳损

考题 途中有旅客腹部肌肉紧张疼痛时,可采用垫高()的处理方法进行缓解。A、腰部B、膝盖C、背部

考题 填空题According to Prof. Oswald, job security is beneficial to mental health.____

考题 单选题预防腰椎间盘突出症下列哪些做法错误()。A 尽量睡软床B 尽量睡硬板床C 避免腰部剧烈运动D 经常作腰部锻炼

考题 单选题患者男,25岁,因“搬重物时腰部扭伤,疼痛伴活动受限2小时”来诊。查体:腰后伸受限,腰部肌肉紧张,第4~5腰椎椎体处压痛。腰部X线片:骨质未见异常。舌红苔白,脉沉细。确诊依据不包括()A 腰部X线片B 搬重物扭伤C 腰部后伸受限D 第4~5腰椎椎体压痛E 舌红苔白,脉沉细

考题 单选题Reports in Health 101 Fitness magazine ______ body builders know about different vitamins that boost muscle growth,A helpB helpsC helpingD to help

考题 单选题患者男,25岁,因“搬重物时腰部扭伤,疼痛伴活动受限2小时”来诊。查体:腰后伸受限,腰部肌肉紧张,第4~5腰椎椎体处压痛。腰部X线片:骨质未见异常。舌红苔白,脉沉细。最可能的诊断是()A 腰部骨质增生B 椎管狭窄C 腰部骨折D 急性腰扭伤E 腰肌劳损

考题 单选题What is the main topic of the article?A The results of a survey on workplace healthB Ways to relieve health problems at workC The health risks associated with stressD Technologies that improve workplace health

考题 单选题腰椎小关节紊乱的临床表现,以下哪项是错误的()。A 腰部剧痛难忍B 腰部酸胀疼痛C 腰部活动几乎丧失D 腰肌紧张僵硬