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(1)洋的划分: 地理位置划分:太平洋,大西洋,印度洋,北冰洋。其中太平洋面积最大、北冰洋面积最小,印度洋是地质年代最年轻的大洋。 研究角度划分:太平洋,大西洋,印度洋,南大洋,北冰洋 (2)海的划分 海的分类有海湾,海峡、边缘海,内陆海,陆间海(地中海)。 海湾:一般外宽内窄;海峡:两狭长陆地所夹的海域。 内陆海是指海区深入陆地,周围被陆地所包围海,一般水深较浅。 陆间海(地中海):在大陆之间,由于陆壳下沉形成的海,一般水深较深,水温和盐度较高。 太平洋区域共有28个海,其中面积最大的海,也是世界上面积最大的海,是位于南太平洋的的珊瑚海,其次是我国的南海、北太平洋的白令海和南太平洋的塔斯曼海。位于大西洋区域的海共有20个,最小的海是位于是土耳其西北隅的马尔马拉海,面积仅1.1万平方千米,它也是世界最小的海。
更多 “1、请简述一下,海(sea)与洋(ocean)的区别是什么” 相关考题
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考题 What is defined as and area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an INMARSAT geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available?A.Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IORB.Sea Area A3C.Sea Area A4D.Coastal and Inland Waters

考题 共用题干 What We Take From and Give to the SeaAs long as we have been on earth,we have used the sea around us.We take from the ocean,and we give to it.We take fishes from the ocean-millions of kilograms of fish,every year,to________(51)millions of people.We even_______(52)their bones for fertilizer.We take minerals from the ocean.One way to get salt is to_______(53)seawater in shallow basin and leave it until it evaporates(蒸发).Along with salt,other minerals are left_______(54)evaporation.Much gold and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea,too.But the sea does not give them_______(55)by simple evaporation.________(56)gifts from the sea are pearls , sponges(海绵)and seaweed.Pearls________(57)jewelry.Natural sponges become cleaning aids.Seaweed becomes______(58)of many kinds一even candy,and ice cream一as well as medicine.Believe it or not,fresh water is another_______(59)from the sea.We cannot drink ocean water.Some of its contents may______(60)illness.But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are ________(61).In the future,we will find ourselves.________(62)more and more onfresh water from the sea.The sea_______(63)us food,fertilizer,minerals,water,and other gifts.What do we give the sea?Garbage.We pollute the ocean_______(64)we use it as a garbage dump.Huge as it is,the ocean cannot hold all the water that we pour into it.________(65)garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life.Yet as the world population grows,we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever._________65A:Reducing B:Collecting C:Removing D:Casting

考题 共用题干 What We Take From and Give to the SeaAs long as we have been on earth,we have used the sea around us.We take things from the ocean,and we give to it.We take fishes from the ocean-millions of kilograms of fish,every year,to feed millions of people.______(46)We take minerals from the ocean.One way to get salt is to place seawater in a shallow basin and leave it until it evaporates.______(47) Much gold and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea,too.But the sea does not give them up by simple evaporation.Other gifts from the sea are pearls,sponges and seaweed.Pearls become jewelry.______(48)Seaweed becomes food of many kinds-even candy,and ice cream-as well as medicine.Believe it or not,fresh water is another gift from the sea.We cannot drink ocean water.______(49)But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are removed.In the future,we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea.The sea gives us food,fertilizer,minerals,water,and other gifts .What do we give the sea?Garbage.______(50)Huge as it is,the ocean cannot hold all the water we pour into it. Dumping garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life.Yet as the world population grows,we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.We are finally learning that if we destroy our sea,we might also destroy ourselves.Hopeful-ly,it is not too late.______(48)A: Natural sponges become cleaning aids.B: We pollute the ocean when we use it as a garbage dump.C: The area of the sea is becoming smaller and smaller.D: Along with salt,other minerals are left after evaporation.E: We even use their bones for fertilizer.F: Some of its contents may cause illness.

考题 请简述一下DC-DC和LDO的区别。

考题 海和洋有何区别?

考题 什么叫海?什么叫洋?海与洋有何区别?

考题 海和洋的定义及水文特征是什么?

考题 什么是海与洋?二者的根本*别是什么?

考题 海与洋是没有区别的,是一个名词而已。

考题 The bill of lading signed by the shipping company is()A、Sea B/LB、Vessel B/LC、seaway billD、ocean B/L

考题 简叙海与洋的区别。

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考题 海与洋的区别与联系

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考题 问答题简述海与洋的区别与联系。

考题 名词解释题海(洋)流(ocean current)

考题 问答题洋与海有什么区别?

考题 问答题请简述一下DC-DC和LDO的区别。

考题 问答题简述一下标准型与短头型圆锥破碎机主要的区别是什么?

考题 问答题什么是海洋?海和洋有什么区别?

考题 问答题什么叫海?什么叫洋?海与洋有何区别?

考题 问答题什么是海与洋?二者的根本*别是什么?

考题 问答题简叙海与洋的区别。