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已知线性规划模型(I)和(II)分别为 (I) min z=c1x1+c2x2 (II) max z=2x1+3x2 s.t. 4x1+3x2<=12 s.t. 4x1+3x2<=12 x1+2x2<=6 x1+2x2<=6 x1,x2>=0 x1,x2>=0 (I)和(II)具有相同最优解,则 c1/c2 的值正确的应有()。





更多 “已知线性规划模型(I)和(II)分别为 (I) min z=c1x1+c2x2 (II) max z=2x1+3x2 s.t. 4x1+3x2<=12 s.t. 4x1+3x2<=12 x1+2x2<=6 x1+2x2<=6 x1,x2>=0 x1,x2>=0 (I)和(II)具有相同最优解,则 c1/c2 的值正确的应有()。A.0.6B.1.0C.1.1D.1.5” 相关考题
考题 已知x1(t)和x2(t)的傅里叶变换分别为X1(f)和X2(f),则卷积x1(t)*x2(t)的傅里叶变换为()。 A、X1(f)X2(f)B、X1(f)*X2(f)C、X1(-f)X2(-f)D、X1(-f)*X2(-f)

考题 以下程序输出结果为______。 include using namespace std; class TestClass 1 { publi 以下程序输出结果为______。include<iostream>using namespace std;class TestClass 1{public:TestClass1(){}TestClass1(int i){x1=i;}void dispa(){cout<<"x1="<<x1<<",";}private:int x1;}:class TestClass2:public TestClass1{public:TestClass2(){}TestClass2(int i):TestClass1(i+10){x2=i:}void dispb(){dispa();cout<<"x2="<<x2<<end1;}private:int x2:}:int main(){TestClass2 b(2):b.dispb();return 0;}

考题 下列程序的输出结果是()。includevoid main(){char*str=”12123434”;int x1=0,x2=0,x 下列程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream.h> void main() {char*str=”12123434”; int x1=0,x2=0,x3=0,x4=0,i; for(i=0;str[i]!=’\0’;i++) switch(str[i]) {case’1’:x4++; case’2’:x3++; case’3’:x2++; case’4’:xl++; ) cout<<xl<<“,”<<x2<<A.8,6,4,1B.8,6,3,2C.8,8,4,lD.8,6,4,2

考题 X1~N(μ1,σ12),X2~N(μ2,σ22),σ12和σ22已知,H0:μ1≤μ2,这时H0的拒绝域为()。A.Z≤ZαB.Z≥-ZαC.Z≤-ZαD.Z≥Zα

考题 应用图解法求解下列线性规划问题,并指出问题是具有唯一最优解、无穷多最优解、无界解还是无可行解?MaxZ=x13x21){5x110x2≤50x1x2≥1x2≤4x1,x2≥0MaxZ=x11.5x22){x13x2≥3x1x2≥2x1,x2≥0MaxZ=2x12x23){x1−x2≥−1−0.5x1x2≤2x1,x2≥0MaxZ=x1x24){x1−x2≥03x1−x2≤−3x1,x2≥0MaxZ=2x14x25){x12x2≤84x1≤164x2≤12x1,x2≥0

考题 以下程序的运行结果是( ) #define MAX 10 int a[MAX],i; main() { printf("\n");sub1();sub3(A) ,sub2(),sub3(A) ; } sub2() { int a[MAX],i,max; max=5; for(i=0;i<max;i++)a[i]=i; } sub1() {for(i=0;i<MAX;i++)a[i]=i+i; } sub3(int a[]) { int i; for(i=0;i<MAX,i++)printf("%d",a[i]); printf("\n"); }A.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 1 2 3 4B.0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18C.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4D.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

考题 下列程序的输出结果是includevoid main( ){char*str="12123434";int xl=0,x2=0,x3= 下列程序的输出结果是 #include<iostream.h> void main( ) {char*str="12123434"; int xl=0,x2=0,x3=0,x4=0,i; for(i=0;str[i]!='\0';i++) switch(str[i]) {case'1':x4++; case'2':x3++; case'3':x2++; case'4':x1++; } cout<<x1<<","<<x2<<","<<x3<<","<<x4; }A.8,6,4,1B.8,6,3,2C.8,8,4,1D.8,6,4,2

考题 下列程序的输出结果是includevoid main(){char*str="12123434"; int x1=0,x2=0,x3= 下列程序的输出结果是 #include<iostream.h> void main() { char*str="12123434"; int x1=0,x2=0,x3=0,x4=0,i; for(i=0;str[i]!=‘\0’;i++) switch(str[i]) { case'l':x4++; case'2':X3++; case'3':x2++; case'4':X1++; } cout << X1 << " ," << x2 << " ’" << x3 << " ," << X4; }A.8,6,4,1B.8,6,3,2C.8,8,4,1D.8,6,4,2

考题 已知程序段: sum=0For i=l t0 10 step 3sum=sum+ii=i*2Nexti当循环结束后,变量i、sunl的值分别为( )。A.10、6B.13、6C.13、5D.10、5

考题 已知程序段: sum=0For i=1 to 10 step 3sum=sum+ii=i*2Nexti当循环结束后,变量i、sum的值分别为( )。A.10、6B.13、6C.13、5D.10、5

考题 若有以下程序:include using namespaces std;class A{public: A (){} A (int i) {x1= 若有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespaces std; class A { public: A (){} A (int i) { x1=i; } void dispa() { cout<<"xl="<<xl<<" , "; } private: int x1; }; class B : public A { public: B (){} B (int i):A(i+10) { x2=i; } void dispb() { dispa (); cout <<"x2="<<x2<<end1; } private: int x2; }; int main () { B b(2); b.dispb (): return 0; } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.x1=10,x2=2B.x1=12,x2=10C.x1=12,x2=2D.x1=2,x2=2

考题 若有以下程序:includeusing namespaces std;class A{public: A(){} A(int i) {xl=i; 若有以下程序: #include<iostream> using namespaces std; class A { public: A(){} A(int i) { xl=i; } void dispa() { cout<<"x1="<<x1<<","; } private: int x1; }; class B:public A { public: B(){} B(int i):A(i+10) { x2=i; } void dispb() { dispa(); cout<<"x2="<<x2<<endl; } private: int x2; }; int main{) { B b(2); b.dispb(): return 0; } 程序运行后的输出结果是A.x1=10,x2=2B.x1=12,x2=10C.x1=12,x2=2D.x1=2,x2=2

考题 下列程序的输出结果是includevoid main(){char*str="12123434";int x1=0,x2=0,x3=0 下列程序的输出结果是 #include<iostream.h> void main() {char*str="12123434"; int x1=0,x2=0,x3=0,x4=0,i; for(i=0;str[i]!='\0';i++) switch(str[i]) {case'1':x4++; case'2':X3++; case'3':X2++; case'4':X1++; } cout<<X1<<","<A.8,6,4,1B.8,6,3,2C.8,8,4,1D.8,6,4,2

考题 若有以下程序:includeusing namespaces std;class A{public:A(){}A(int i){x1=i; } v 若有以下程序: #include<iOStream> using namespaces std; class A { public: A(){} A(int i) { x1=i; } void dispa() { cout<<"X1="<<x1<<",": } private; int x1; }; class B:public A { public: B(){} B(int i):A(i+10) { x2=i; } void dispb() { dispa(); cout<<"x2="<<x2<<end1; } private: int x2; }; . int main() { B b(2); b.dispb() return 0; } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.x1=10,x2=2B.x1=12,x2=10C.x1=12,x2=2D.x1=2,x2=2

考题 若有以下程序:include using namespace std;class A{public:A() { }A(int i){x1=i;}v 若有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: A() { } A(int i) { x1=i; } void dispa0 { cout<<"x1="<<x1<<","; } private: int x1; }; class B: public A { public: B() { } B(int i):A(i+10) { x2=i; } void dispb() { dispa(); cout<<"x2="<<x2<<endl; } private: int x2; }; int main() { B b(2); b.dispb(); return 0; } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.x1=10,x2=2B.x1=12,x2=10C.x1=12,x2=2D.x1=2,x2=2

考题 下列程序的输出结果是 #include void main( ) { char * str="12123434"; int x1=0,x2=0,x3=0,x4=0,i; for(i=0;str[i]!='\0';i++) switch(str[i]) { case'1':x4++; case'2':x3++; case'3':x2++; case'4':x1++; } cout < < x1 < < "," < < x2A.8,6,4,1B.8,6,3,2C.8,8,4,1D.8,6,4,2

考题 已知程序段:sum=0For i=1 to 10 step 3sum=sum+ii=i*2Next i当循环结束后,变量i、sum的值分别为( )。A.10、6B.13、6C.13、5D.10、5

考题 方程组的解为( )。A、x1=-18,x2=0,x3=0 B、x1=0,x2=0,x3=3 C、x1=2,x2=1,x3=3 D、x1=0,x2=6,x3=0

考题 阅读以下C++代码,填充(1)~(5)的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】在下面程序横线处填上适当的字句,使其输出结果为:x=5x=6y=7x=8z=9【程序】#include<iostream.h>class X1{int x;(1):X1(int xx=0){x=xx;}(2)void Output()(cout<<"x="<<x<<end;}};(3)Y1:public X1{int y;public:Y1(int xx=0,int yy=0):X1(xx){y=yy;}(2)void Output(){(4)Output();cout<<"y="<<y<<end1;}};class Z1:pubtic X1{int z:(5):Z1(int xx=0,int zz=0):X1(xx){z=zz;}②void Output(){X1::Output();cout<<"z="<<z<<end1;}};void main(){X1 a(5);Y1 b(6,7);Z1 c(8,9);X1*p[3]={For(int i=0;i<3;i++){p[i]-->Output();cout<<end1;}}

考题 设X~U(0,1),从中取到一个样本量为12的随机样本X1,X2,…,X12,令Y = X1 + X2 +…+X12-6,则下列结论正确的有( )。

考题 maxZ=3x1+x2,4x1+3x2≤7,x1+2x2≤4,x1,x2=0或1,最优解是()A、(0,0)B、(0,1)C、(1,0)D、(1,1)

考题 Zmax=4x1-x2,4x1+3x2≤24,x2≤5,x1、x2≥0,()A、无可行解B、有唯一最优解C、有多重最优解D、有无界解

考题 某事故树的最小径集为:P1={X1,X3},P2={X1,X5},P3={X2,X3,X4},P4={X2,X4,X6},则基本事件X1、X2、X3的结构重要程度大小排序正确的是()A、 I(1)>I(3)>I(2)B、 I(1)=I(2)= I(3)C、 I(1)<I(2)<I(3)D、 I(2)>I(1)>I(3)

考题 含有果糖(C6H12O6)(I),葡萄糖(C6H12O6)(II)及蔗糖(CH22O11)(III)三种溶液,质量百分比浓度均为1%,则三者的渗透压(π)的关系为()A、I=πII=πIIIB、πI=πII〉πIIIC、πI〉πII〉πIIID、πI=πII〈πIII

考题 当 y=x1+2x2,且x1与x2完全正相关,u(x1)=17mm,u(x2)=3mm ,则uc(y)为()A、20mmB、18mmC、17mmD、23mm

考题 单选题Zmax=4x1-x2,4x1+3x2≤24,x2≤5,x1、x2≥0,()A 无可行解B 有唯一最优解C 有多重最优解D 有无界解

考题 单选题For which of the following equations is x = -2 a root?I. 2/x-4II. x2 + 4=0III. x2 + 4x +4 = 0A I onlyB II onlyC III onlyD I and IIIE II and III

考题 单选题maxZ=3x1+x2,4x1+3x2≤7,x1+2x2≤4,x1,x2=0或1,最优解是()A (0,0)B (0,1)C (1,0)D (1,1)