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以下关于UML(Unified Modeling Language,统一建模语言)的叙述中,不正确的是: ( ) 。



更多 “以下关于UML(Unified Modeling Language,统一建模语言)的叙述中,不正确的是: ( ) 。A.UML适用于各种软件开发方法 B.UML适用于软件生命周期的各个阶段 C.UML不适用于迭代式的开发过程 D.UML不是编程语言” 相关考题
考题 ● 以下关于UML的叙述,错误的是 (11) 。(11)A.UML 是一种面向对象的标准化的统一建模语言B.UML 是一种图形化的语言C.UML 不能独立于系统开发过程D.UML 还可以处理与软件的说明和文档相关的问题,如需求说明等

考题 在统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)中,描述本系统与外部系统及用户之间交互的图是(34);按时间顺序描述对象间交互的图是(35)。A.用例图B.类图C.对象图D.状态图

考题 ● 以下关于面向对象分析与设计叙述中,正确的是 (46) 。(46)A. 面向对象分析的结果适合采用C++语言表达B. 面向对象分析的结果适合采用汇编语言表达C. 面向对象设计的结果适合采用UML(Unified Modeling Language)表达D. 面向对象设计的结果适合采用DFD(Data Flow Diagram)表达

考题 For neady ten years,the Unified Modeling Language(UML)has been the industry standardfor visualizing,specifying,constructing,and documenting the【S1】of a software-intensivesystem.As the【S2】standard modeling language,the UML facilitates communication andreduces confusion among project【S3】.The recent standardization of UML 2.0 has furtherextended the language’s scope and viability.Its inherent expressiveness allows users to【S4】everything from enterprise information systems and distributed Web·-based applications to real-timeembedded systems.The UML is not limited to modeling software.In fact,it is expressive enough to model【S5】systems,such as workflow in the legal system,the structure and behavior. of a patienthealthcare system,software engineering in aircraft combat systems,and the design of hardware.To understand the UML,you need to form. a conceptual model of the language,and this re—quires learning three major elements:the UML's basic building blocks,the rules that dictate howthose building blocks may be put together,and some common mechanisms that apply throughout theUML.【S1】A.classesB.componentsC.sequencesD.artifacts

考题 UML的全称是( )。 A.Unify Modeling LanguageB.Unified Modeling LanguageC.Unified Modem LanguageD.Unified Making Language

考题 For nearly ten years, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been the industry standard for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the(71) of a software-intensive system. As the(72) standard modeling language, the UML facilitates communication and reduces confusion among project(73) . The recent standardization of UML 2.0 has further extended the language's scope and viability. Its inherent expressiveness allows users to(74) everything from enterprise information systems and distributed Web-based applications to real-time embedded systems.The UML is not limited to modeling software. In fact, it is expressive enough to model(75) systems, such as workflow in the legal system, the structure and behavior. of a patient healthcare system, software engineering in aircraft combat systems, and the design of hardware.To understand the UML, you need to form. a conceptual model of the language, and this requires learning three major elements: the UML's basic building blocks, the rules that dictate how those building blocks may be put together, and some common mechanisms that apply throughout the UML.A.classesB.componentsC.sequencesD.artifacts

考题 UML(统一建模语言)支持的建模方式中不包括(53),UML中不包括的事件有(54)。其中表示对象相互行为的模型是(55)模型。A.静态建模B.动态建模C.模块化建模D.功能建模

考题 以下关于UML的叙述中,不正确的是( )A.UML适用于各种开发方法B.UML适用于软件生命周期的各个阶段C.UML是一种可视化的建模语言D.UML也是一种变成语言

考题 下面关于UML的说法不正确的是(29)。A.UML是一种建模语言B.UML是一种构造语言C.UML是一种可视化的编程语言D.UML是一种文档化语言

考题 以下关于UML(Unified Modeling Language,统一建模语言)的叙述中,不正确的是:()A、UML适用于各种软件开发方法B、UML适用于软件生命周期的各个阶段C、UML不适用于迭代式的开发过程D、UML不是编程语言

考题 以下关于UML的叙述中,()是正确的A.UML是一种标准的图形化建模语言B.UML是一种可视化的程序设计语言C.UML是一种开发工具的规格说明D.UML是程序设计方法的描述

考题 ● 在统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)中,描述本系统与外部系统及用户之间交互的图是 (34) ;按时间顺序描述对象间交互的图是 (35) 。(34)A. 用例图B. 类图C. 对象图D. 状态图(35)A. 部署图B. 序列图C. 协作图D. 状态图

考题 以下关于UML的叙述中,( )是正确的。A:UML是一种标准的图形化建模语言 B:UML是一种可视化的程序设计语言 C:UML是一种开发工具的规格说明 D:UML是程序设计方法的描述

考题 以下关于UML(Unified Modeling Language,统一建模语言)的叙述中,不正确的是:( )。A.UML适用于各种软件开发方法 B.UML适用于软件生命周期的各个阶段 C.UML不适用于迭代式的开发过程 D.UML是一种特殊的编程语言

考题 以下关于Unified Modeling Language (UML) 说法正确的是()A. UML 是一种编程语言 B. UML 不适合于迭代式的开发过程 C. UML是可视化的统一建模语言 D. UML适合于软件开发周期的某个阶段

考题 以下关于UML的表述,不正确的是( )。A.UML是一种文档化语言 B.UML是一种构造语言 C.UML是一种编程语言 D.UML是统一建模语言

考题 For nearly ten years,the Unified Modeling Language(UML)has been the industry standard for visualizing,specifying,constructing,and documenting the(1)of a software-intensive system.As the(2)standard modeling language,the UML facilitates communication and reduces confusion among project(3).The recent standardization of UML 2.0 has further extended the language's scope and viability.Its inherent expressiveness allows users to(4)everything from enterprise information systems and distributed Web-based applications to real-time embedded systems.The UML is not limited to modeling software.In fact,it is expressive enough to model(5)systems,such as workflow in the legal system,the structure and behavior of a patient healthcare system,software engineering in aircraft combat systems,and the design of hardware.To understand the UML,you need to form a conceptual model of the language,and this requires learning three major elements:the UML's basic building blocks,the rules that dictate how those building blocks may be put together,and some common mechanisms that apply throughout the UML. (5)____A.non-hardware B.non-software C.hardware D.software

考题 以下关于UML的叙述中,不正确的是 ( ) A.UML适用于各种开发方法 B.UML适用于软件生命周期的各个阶段 C.UML是一种可视化的建模语言 D.UML也是一种编程语言

考题 UML(Unified Modeling Language,统一建模语言),是一种()的建模语言。它主要作用是帮助(),它可以描述这个软件开发过程从需求分析直到()和()的全过程。

考题 UML(Unified Modeling Language,统一建模语言)是软件和系统开发的标准建模语言,它主要以图形的方式对系统进行分析、设计。

考题 以下关于UML(UnifiedModelingLanguage,统一建模语言)的叙述中,不正确的是:()A、UML适用于各种软件开发方法B、UML适用于软件生命周期的各个阶段C、UML不适用于迭代式的开发过程D、UML不是编程语言

考题 以下关于UML的叙述,错误的是()A、UML是一种面向对象的标准化的统一建模语言B、UML是一种图形化的语言C、UML不能独立于系统开发过程D、UML还可以处理与软件的说明和文档相关的问题,如需求说明等

考题 简述统一建模语言(UML).

考题 UML 是()的缩写。A、Unified Module LanguageB、Unified Modeling LanguageC、Universal Module LevelingD、Universal Module Language

考题 单选题以下关于UML(UnifiedModelingLanguage,统一建模语言)的叙述中,不正确的是:()A UML适用于各种软件开发方法B UML适用于软件生命周期的各个阶段C UML不适用于迭代式的开发过程D UML不是编程语言

考题 单选题The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented software()can show the behavior of systems in terms of how objects interact with each other.A ClassdiagramB ComponentdiagramC SequencediagramD Use case diagram

考题 单选题UML 是()的缩写。A Unified Module LanguageB Unified Modeling LanguageC Universal Module LevelingD Universal Module Language