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What is the focus of a Grammar-Translation classroom?


更多 “What is the focus of a Grammar-Translation classroom?” 相关考题
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考题 the ultimate goal of learning a foreign language in a grammar-translation classroom is to enable the students to _____ its literature. A、read and translateB、read and writeC、translate and writeD、read

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考题 The primary focus of ________ method is on memorization of verb paradigms, grammar rules and vocabulary.A.the grammar-translation B.audio-lingual C.communicative D.total physical response

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考题 What are the main techniques used in a Grammar-Translation classroom?

考题 In a grammar-translation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening, because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.()A对B错

考题 What are the advantages and disadvantages of grammar-translation method?

考题 What language skills are emphasized by the Grammar-translation Method?

考题 In a grammar-translation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening, because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.()

考题 问答题What are the advantages and disadvantages of grammar-translation method?

考题 问答题What language skills are emphasized by the Grammar-translation Method?

考题 问答题Practice 7  An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students’ career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinction, in deed, contradiction, which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.  An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a technical education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is universally required by law. It is not simply to raise everyone’s job prospects that all children are legally required to attend school into their teens.

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考题 判断题In a grammar-translation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening, because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.()A 对B 错

考题 问答题What are the main techniques used in a Grammar-Translation classroom?

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考题 问答题What is the focus of a Grammar-Translation classroom?

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