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We have to put up with her behavior.



解析:put up with:忍耐。tolerate:忍耐。例如:I don't know how you put up with their constant quarrelling.他们经常吵架,我不知道你是怎么忍受的。The workers cannot tolerate the long hours.工人无法忍受长时间的工作。accept:接受,例如:Will you accept our invitation? 你会接受我们的邀请吗?swallow:吞下,例如:Her excuse was obviously a lie , but Jack swallowed it whole.她的理由明显是一个谎言,但是杰克全盘接受。take:拿,取,例如:You can take any-thing you like.喜欢的东西你随便拿。故答案为A。
更多 “We have to put up with her behavior.A:tolerate B:accept C:swallow D:take” 相关考题
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