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Even when __________ to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.

D.to expose


解析:考查从句中的省略。前半句实际上是状语从句when(the children are)exposed to such tough living conditions的省略说法,句意:“甚至当孩子们被处在如此艰难的生活状况中时,他们也不会有任何的抱怨”。故选B。
更多 “Even when __________ to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A.exposing B.exposed C.expose D.to expose” 相关考题
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考题 Have you ever seen the man in the moon?If you look (11)______ at the moon on some nights. you can see the face of the man in the moon. Some people say that they can see an old man (12) ______ sticks. Others say a girl reading. These pictures are made by the mountains and plains of the moon.Long ago people in England used to tell their children that the moon was (13)______ green cheese. Everyone knows that this is not true. The moon is a large round rock. It is completely (14)______ . There are no trees and plants of any kind on the moon. There are no rivers and seas. There are no living things. It never rains on the moon,and everything is covered with (15)______ . white dust. Not even a (16)______ can be heard on the moon.Where the sun (17)______ on it,the moon is very hot. In the dark,however, it is cold (18) ______ ice. The moon is much smaller than the earth. It does not weigh as (19)______ as the earth. If you (20)______ to the moon,you would weigh six times less than you do. Even a fat man would be able to jump high off the ground.(11)A.closelyB.scarcelyC.dailyD.immediately

考题 Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when ______.A.vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptB.vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptC.even you have not received the distressD.even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service

考题 Which of the following words in bold is pronounced with a falling tone? A.Do you have any specials? B.You're kidding ... he has lost his job? C.When will we have the exam, today or tomorrow? D.The flat has a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms, and a bath.

考题 A new scheme for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities in part of Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children's safety on the roads. Until now the Country Council has only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, provided the arrangement will not lose money and that children taking part will be attending their nearest school. The new scheme is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington school. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the Council has said in the past it will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to organize a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school's headmaster. Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part in. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a council official has said the cost of parents should be less than $6.50 a tenn. They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make an extra journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new scheme. Taking part in the Council's trial schemes are children who__________.A.living in Milton and go to Impington school B.living in Impington and go to Milton school C.living in Milton and go to Milton school D.living in Impington and go to Impington school

考题 A new scheme for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities in part of Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children's safety on the roads. Until now the Country Council has only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, provided the arrangement will not lose money and that children taking part will be attending their nearest school. The new scheme is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington school. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the Council has said in the past it will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to organize a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school's headmaster. Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part in. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a council official has said the cost of parents should be less than $6.50 a tenn. They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make an extra journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new scheme. The new bus service will run__________.A.on morning journeys to school only B.in connection with an existing service C.only for children living more than three miles away D.only in wet weather

考题 A new scheme for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities in part of Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children's safety on the roads. Until now the Country Council has only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, provided the arrangement will not lose money and that children taking part will be attending their nearest school. The new scheme is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington school. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the Council has said in the past it will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to organize a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school's headmaster. Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part in. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a council official has said the cost of parents should be less than $6.50 a tenn. They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make an extra journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new scheme. ?Agreement to pay for the new bus service has been obtained from__________.A.the school's headmaster B.the education department C.the bus company D.the parents

考题 Even when __________to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A. exposing B. exposed C. expose D. to expose

考题 A new scheme for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities in part of Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children's safety on the roads. Until now the Country Council has only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, provided the arrangement will not lose money and that children taking part will be attending their nearest school. The new scheme is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington school. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the Council has said in the past it will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to organize a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school's headmaster. Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part in. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a council official has said the cost of parents should be less than $6.50 a tenn. They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make an extra journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new scheme. The children the Council ran buses for in the past were those__________.A.whose parents were worried about them B.who would have had to walk otherwise C.who could not walk D.who had to travel a long way

考题 Even when__________to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A.exposing B.exposed C.expose D.to expose

考题 Even when__________to such tough living conditions, the children would never have anycomplaint. A.exposing B.exposed C.expose D.to expose

考题 Even when__________to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A.exposing B.exposed C.expose D.to expose

考题 Even when __________to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint. A.exposing B.exposed C.expose D.to expose

考题 A new scheme for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities in part of Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children's safety on the roads. Until now the Country Council has only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, provided the arrangement will not lose money and that children taking part will be attending their nearest school. The new scheme is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington school. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the Council has said in the past it will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to organize a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school's headmaster. Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part in. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a council official has said the cost of parents should be less than $6.50 a tenn. They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make an extra journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new scheme. ?The parents the Council is now going to contact are those__________.A.who had not yet answered letters B.who didn't want to pay C.whose children stayed away from school D.who had asked about transport before

考题 __________ children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.A.If B.Though C.Unless D.When

考题 They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two years.A:dreadful B:bad C:unpleasant D:poor

考题 They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two years.A:dreadful B:bad C:unpleasant D:poor

考题 单选题If the writer stayed with the Globe, ______.A he would be able to realize his lifetime dreamsB he would let his long-cherished dreams fade awayC he would never have to worry about his future lifeD he would never be allowed to develop his ambitions

考题 问答题设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一个35分钟的语法教学活动 。  教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:  ● teaching objectives  ● teaching contents  ● key and difficult points  ● major steps and time allocation  ● activities and justifications  教学时间:35分钟  学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中二年级学生,班级人数40人 。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》六级水平 。学生课堂参与积极性一般 。  语言素材:  Living Life Over  If I had my life to live over…I would have talked less and listened more .  I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was strained and the sofa faded .  I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth .  I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed .  I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage .  I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not womed about grass stains .  I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life .  I would have gone to bed when l was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding patter if I were not there for the day .  I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, would not show soil or was guaranteed to last a life time .  There would have been more¨I love yous…more I'm sorrys…but mostly, given another shots at life,I would seize every minute…look at it and really see it…live it…and never give it back .

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true according to what you hear?A Prices for houses in big cities have started to rise since this year.B People buy and sell houses to improve their living conditions.C Economists believe that residence prices would drop.D Economists warn people that price rise might slow down.

考题 单选题When he began writing, Fleming never expected that _____A he would change popular culture.B he could get over the pressure.C Anne would have a divorce.D Anne would keep his child.

考题 单选题If any man here does not agree with me, he should _____ his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.A put onB put outC put inD put forward

考题 问答题练习1  Parents in China are always trying to help their children, even to make the most important decision for them, regardless of what the children really want, because parents believe it’s all for the benefit of their children. This has led to the result that the children’s growth and education tend to give way to their parents’ wishes. Once the parents decide to sign up an after school class for their children in order to increase their chance of being admitted to a good school, they will stick on their decision, even their children have no interest in it at all. In America, however, parents tend to respect their children, especially when making decisions. Perhaps it is commendable that Chinese parents lay much importance on education, but Chinese parents still need to keep the balance between the parents and children in the perspective of education as the American parents do.