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Being as he is a perfect gentleman, Tommy is well known for his polite behavior even around strangers.

Being as he is a perfect gentleman


Although he is a perfect gentleman


Being a gentleman perfectly


A perfect gentleman


In being a perfect gentleman


更多 “单选题Being as he is a perfect gentleman, Tommy is well known for his polite behavior even around strangers.A Being as he is a perfect gentlemanB Although he is a perfect gentlemanC Being a gentleman perfectlyD A perfect gentlemanE In being a perfect gentleman” 相关考题
考题 ()there, he found a great deal to interest him. A、This being his first visitB、Never having visitedC、This being his first time to visitD、Having never been before

考题 According to the passage, what is the most important job for a perfect mom?________________________________________________________

考题 3 Local neighbourhood shops are finding it increasingly difficult to compete with supermarkets. However, three yearsago, the Perfect Shopper franchise group was launched that allowed these neighbourhood shops to join the groupand achieve cost savings on tinned and packaged goods, particularly groceries. Perfect Shopper purchases brandedgoods in bulk from established food suppliers and stores them in large purpose-built warehouses, each designed toserve a geographical region. When Perfect Shopper was established it decided that deliveries to these warehousesshould be made by the food suppliers or by haulage contractors working on behalf of these suppliers. Perfect Shopperplaces orders with these suppliers and the supplier arranges the delivery to the warehouse. These arrangements arestill in place. Perfect Shopper has no branded goods of its own.Facilities are available in each warehouse to re-package goods into smaller units, more suitable for the requirementsof the neighbourhood shop. These smaller units, typically containing 50–100 tins or packs, are usually small trays,sealed with strong transparent polythene. Perfect Shopper delivers these to its neighbourhood shops using specialisthaulage contractors local to the regional warehouse. Perfect Shopper has negotiated significant discounts withsuppliers, part of which it passes on to its franchisees. A recent survey in a national grocery magazine showed thatfranchisees saved an average of 10% on the prices they would have paid if they had purchased the products directlyfrom the manufacturer or from an intermediary – such as cash and carry wholesalers.As well as offering savings due to bulk buying, Perfect Shopper also provides, as part of its franchise:(i) Personalised promotional material. This usually covers specific promotions and is distributed locally, either usingspecialist leaflet distributors or loosely inserted into local free papers or magazines.(ii) Specialised signage for the shops to suggest the image of a national chain. The signs include the Perfect Shopperslogan ‘the nation’s local’.(iii) Specialist in-store display units for certain goods, again branded with the Perfect Shopper logo.Perfect Shopper does not provide all of the goods required by a neighbourhood shop. Consequently, it is not anexclusive franchise. Franchisees agree to purchase specific products through Perfect Shopper, but other goods, suchas vegetables, fruit, stationery and newspapers they source from elsewhere. Deliveries are made every two weeks tofranchisees using a standing order for products agreed between the franchisee and their Perfect Shopper salesrepresentative at a meeting they hold every three months. Variations to this order can be made by telephone, but onlyif the order is increased. Downward variations are not allowed. Franchisees cannot reduce their standing orderrequirements until the next meeting with their representative.Perfect Shopper was initially very successful, but its success has been questioned by a recent independent report thatshowed increasing discontent amongst franchisees. The following issues were documented.(i) The need to continually review prices to compete with supermarkets(ii) Low brand recognition of Perfect Shopper(iii) Inflexible ordering and delivery system based around forecasts and restricted ability to vary orders (see above)As a result of this survey, Perfect Shopper has decided to review its business model. Part of this review is to reexaminethe supply chain, to see if there are opportunities for addressing some of its problems.Required:(a) Describe the primary activities of the value chain of Perfect Shopper. (5 marks)

考题 Last year he paid a visit to his hometown, which was no longer the sleepy little village(). A、it wasB、it has beenC、it had beenD、it was being

考题 He gave no _______ of being a suspect. A、accidentB、incidentC、indication

考题 ( ) by his teachers, he felt nervous. A、WatchingB、Having watchedC、Having been watchingD、Being watched

考题 He never ________ being looked on as a stupid student.

考题 He was the only candidate; (), he was elected.A、soB、whereasC、thereforeD、such being the case

考题 We regret being unable to accept your claim because the cases were in perfect condition when the goods were loaded on board the ship.(英译中)

考题 He was ______ with the fear of poverty, so he robbed the bank.A、obsessingB、been obsessedC、obsessedD、being obsessed

考题 He prides _____ on being a member of a good family.A、himselfB、heC、himD、his

考题 He wouldn’t have been saved even if he ____ to hospital at once. A.has been sentB.was sentC.had been sentD.was being sent

考题 1.He still remembers being taken to Shanghai when he was very young.()

考题 Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behavior?A. He felt puzzled at the students' being late.B. He felt angry at the students' rudeness.C. He wanted to make the students come on time later.D. He wanted to collect data for one of his studies.

考题 He was accepted by the gentleman becauseA.he had many lettersB.he didn’t have a single recommendationC.he spoke quietlyD.he behaved well

考题 ______ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.A. SinceB. WhileC. BeforeD. Unless

考题 He resented to wait and expected the minister__________him immediately upon his arrival. A.to be asked; to see B.being asked; to see C.to be asked; seeing D.being asked; seeing

考题 He said that he was ()aware of the difficulty of being a father.AhighlyBfullyCsoundlyDfirmly

考题 ()in the labor market,he has enrolled in a computer course.A、Be competitiveB、Being more competitiveC、Being competitiveD、To be more competitive

考题 He said that he was ()aware of the difficulty of being a father.A、highlyB、fullyC、soundlyD、firmly

考题 完全竞争(Perfect Competition)

考题 有性阶段(perfect state或stage)

考题 单选题_____ can make a mistake; no one is perfect.A NobodyB SomeoneC AnyoneD Each

考题 单选题He is opposed to the project for the reason why it is not feasible for the time being.A toB for the reason whyC feasibleD for the time being

考题 问答题练习4  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (1) It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. (2) But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

考题 单选题He said that he was ()aware of the difficulty of being a father.A highlyB fullyC soundlyD firmly

考题 单选题If you were being assisted by an icebreaker and he sent you the single letter Q,he would be telling you().A that he has his engines in reverseB that he is shortening the distance between vesselsC to shorten the distance between vesselsD that his vessel is healthy