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Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong on Sunday.









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更多 “单选题Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong on Sunday.A inB atC onD to” 相关考题
考题 My ship will arrive ________Port Said ________ SundaysA.at/onB.in/atC.on/byD.to/in

考题 我们学校的音乐会是在星期天。Our_________ _________is on Sunday.

考题 The carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall sail and arrive at the port of departure within the normal and reasonable period of time.()

考题 The forward part of the ship on port is called the().A、port sideB、port quarterC、port bowD、fore port

考题 When facing the bow on a ship, the left side is called the().A、left sideB、starboard sideC、port sideD、port bow

考题 The oil is usually pumped into ship at the loading port by().A、ship’s own pumpsB、shore pumpsC、large pipesD、large tubes

考题 我船配有自动舱盖。()A、Our ship is equipped with automatic hatch covers.B、Our ship is equipped with folding-type hatch covers.C、Our ship is equipped with side-rolling hatch covers.D、Our ship is equipped with rolling-type hatch covers.

考题 翻译:The price we quoted is on FOB Shanghai bases instead of CIF Hongkong bases and our offer will be valid until August 31.

考题 CFR EX Ship,S Hold HONGKONG是指卖方必须把货运到香港,在舱底交货

考题 单选题The port clearance for a ship should be granted()the completion of loading or discharging in the port.A beforeB whenC afterD during

考题 单选题Permission is kindly requested to()in celebration of our National Day.A dress my ship overallB raise my ship overallC hoist my ship overallD display my ship from stem to stern

考题 单选题欢迎你再到我们船上来。()A You are welcome to look around our ship..B You are welcome to have a look our ship.C You are welcome to come on board our ship again.D You are welcome to visit our ship.

考题 单选题A ship is side to be()when the whole ship moves bodily to port and then to starboard.A rollingB pitchingC heavingD swaying

考题 判断题CFR EX Ship,S Hold HONGKONG是指卖方必须把货运到香港,在舱底交货A 对B 错

考题 单选题The forward part of the ship on port is called the().A port sideB port quarterC port bowD fore port

考题 单选题The ()part of the ship on port is called the port bow.A aftB forwardC headD bow

考题 单选题Our ship()to her home port Yantai again.A has returnedB have returnedC has returnD have return

考题 单选题My ship will arrive()Port Said()Sunday.A in,atB at,onC on,byD to,before

考题 单选题I don’t know().A when will our ship sailB will when our ship sailC when our ship will sailD will our ship when sail

考题 单选题Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong on Sunday.A inB atC onD to

考题 单选题The ship should have a slightly deeper draft().A on port sideB on starboard sideC at the port quarterD at the stern

考题 单选题My last port of call was Hongkong and destination()Lima.A will beB willC will isD is

考题 单选题()the ship leaves at 1000 today,she can arrive there tomorrow.A WhenB HowC IfD Should

考题 单选题Your ship’s certificates show that you did not do renewing work for certificate.All certificates have expired a few days before. Thus, your ship is(). It follows therefore that she will()A seaworthy; be fined in our portB un-seaworthy; be disassembled in our portC seaworthy; be assembled in our portD un-seaworthy;be detained in our port

考题 单选题Port of Registry refers to the port where().A the ship has been namedB the ship has been builtC the ship has been signedD the ship has been registered

考题 填空题(give) ____ good weather, our ship will arrive in Shanghai next Sunday morning.

考题 单选题A ship can request completion of a () when the ship is at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship it is interfacing with.A DOCB DOSC SSPD SMC

考题 问答题翻译:The price we quoted is on FOB Shanghai bases instead of CIF Hongkong bases and our offer will be valid until August 31.