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Why are American companies in France less affected by the dollar’s decline?


事实细节题。通过关键词less affected对应到原文第七段,本段内容指出,在法国运行的美国公司的资产是多种货币的,并不只有美元,因此受到美元贬值的冲击较小。因此答案为Their property is in different currencies。
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考题 问答题Passage 6Question 8-12  ● Read this text which is about issues of health and safety in a factory.  ● Choose the best sentence from the list A-G to fill each of the blanks.  ● For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A–G) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not mark any letter twice.  ● One answer has been given as an example.MAKE BIETANM A MOST FAVORED NATION  For 25 years, Vietnam has been an open sore on the U.S. body politic: It not only ate up thousands of American lives and billions of US dollars, but also often reminded the Americans of bitter failure (0)______. Only in the past year has Washington begun rebuilding links by allowing aid from international organizations and lifting the trade embargo.  But that's not enough (8)______.. The Key step is to grant most-favored-nation status to Vietnam, letting Vietnamese goods enter the U.S. at favorable tariff rates (9)______.. Why MFN for Vietnam? (10)______.. Strained trade relations between the two countries make it less likely that American companies will get their share of these contracts. (11)______.. In both the North and South, Americans are highly regarded, and American companies are welcomed as a counter-balance to Japanese, Chinese, and European investment.  Granting MFN to Vietnam is sure to be controversial (12)______.. But it should be taken seriously.  A. The U.S. government may not like a heated dispute on this neglectable issue.  B. The U.S. response to defeat was to block international did and forbid American companies to do business there.  C. Moreover, despite the conflicts of the past, Vietnam could be a tremendous ally for the U.S.  D. It’s time now to move toward establishing normal ties with Vietnam whose economy is growing 8% a year.  E. To start with,Vietnam will sign contracts involving billions on telecommunications,power plants,and airliners.  F. Given the trouble of Clinton Administration’s foreign policy,the issue will be held in suspension.  G. That would give Vietnam equal footing with most other countries,including Russia and—at least for now—China.

考题 问答题Q7: Do you think it will become increasingly common for companies to relocate some activities to other countries? (Why?/Why not?)

考题 问答题Why are American companies in France less affected by the dollar’s decline?

考题 问答题题目要求:  In this part of the test, the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about two minutes to discuss the scenario with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.Practice 1  For two or three candidates  I’m going to describe a situation.  Your company is going to rent offices. Talk together about the topics you could include when you decide to rent offices. Decide which 3 topics you think are most important.  * three minutes for groups of three candidates  Prompt material  Topics to include  ●Location  ●Cost  ●Transportation  Follow-up questions:  (l) Are facilities important when renting office? (Why? / Why not? )  (2) Do you think security system should be safe? (Why? / Why not? )  (3) Why do big companies also choose big office buildings? (Why? / Why not? )

考题 问答题Follow-up questions  Interlocutor:  Q1: When selling to customers abroad, do you think that companies always need to open an office in the foreign country? (Why?/Why not?)

考题 单选题The company plans to take over some other small companies in France.A Right.B Wrong.C Doesn’t say.

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考题 问答题Q4: Do you think companies will expand their international sales activities in the future? (Why?/Why not?)