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ENCRYPT_TS is an encrypted tablespace that contains tables with data. Which statement is true regarding the effect of queries and data manipulation language (DML) statements on the encrypted data in the tables?()

 The data is decrypted during SORT and JOIN operations.


 The data remains encrypted when it is read into memory.


 The data remains encrypted when it is stored in the redo logs.


 The data remains encrypted in the UNDO tablespace provided that the UNDO tablespace was created with the encryption option enabled.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题ENCRYPT_TS is an encrypted tablespace that contains tables with data. Which statement is true regarding the effect of queries and data manipulation language (DML) statements on the encrypted data in the tables?()A  The data is decrypted during SORT and JOIN operations.B  The data remains encrypted when it is read into memory.C  The data remains encrypted when it is stored in the redo logs.D  The data remains encrypted in the UNDO tablespace provided that the UNDO tablespace was created with the encryption option enabled.” 相关考题
考题 ENCRYPT_TS is an encrypted tablespace that contains tables with data. Which statement is true regarding the effect of queries and data manipulation language (DML) statements on the encrypted data in the tables?()A. The data is decrypted during SORT and JOIN operations.B. The data remains encrypted when it is read into memory.C. The data remains encrypted when it is stored in the redo logs.D. The data remains encrypted in the UNDO tablespace provided that the UNDO tablespace was created with the encryption option enabled.

考题 Which two statements about the SQL Management Base (SMB) are true?() A. It contains only SQL profiles generated by SQL Tuning Advisor.B. It stores plans generated by the optimizer using a stored outline.C. It is part of the data dictionary and stored in the SYSAUX tablespace.D. It is part of the data dictionary and stored in the SYSTEM tablespace.E. It contains the statement log, the plan history, plan baselines, and SQL profiles.

考题 USER_DATA is a nonencrypted tablespace that contains a set of tables with data. You want to convert all existing data in the USER_DATA tablespace and the new data into the encrypted format.Which methodswould you use to achieve this?()A. Use Data Pump to transfer the existing data to a new encrypted tablespaceB. Use ALTER TABLE MOVE to transfer the existing data to a new encrypted tablespaceC. Use CREATE TABLE AS SELECT to transfer the existing data to a new encrypted tablespaceD. Enable row movement for each table to be encrypted and then use ALTER TABLESPACE to encrypt the tablespaceE. Encrypt the USER_DATA tablespace using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement so that all the data in the tablespace is automatically encrypted

考题 You created an encrypted tablespace:You then closed the encryption wallet because you were advised that this is secure.Later in the day, you attempt to create the EMPLOYEES table in the SECURESPACE tablespace with the SALT option on the EMPLOYEE column.Which is true about the result?()A. It creates the table successfully but does not encrypt any inserted data in the EMPNAME column because the wallet must be opened to encrypt columns with SALT.B. It generates an error when creating the table because the wallet is closed.C. It creates the table successfully, and encrypts any inserted data in the EMPNAME column because the wallet needs to be open only for tablespace creation.D. It generates error when creating the table, because the salt option cannot be used with encrypted tablespaces.

考题 You must track all transactions that modify certain tables in the sales schema for at least three years.Automatic undo management is enabled for the database with a retention of one day.Which two must you do to track the transactions?()A. Enable supplemental logging for the database.B. Specify undo retention guarantee for the database.C. Create a Flashback Data Archive in the tablespace where the tables are stored.D. Create a Flashback Data Archive in any suitable tablespace.E. Enable Flashback Data Archiving for the tables that require tracking

考题 When youre performing a tablespace point-in-time recovery, which tablespaces will always be restored to the auxiliary instance?()A、 The SYSTEM tablespace.B、 The UNDO tablespace.C、 All tablespaces with tables.D、 All tablespaces with indexes.E、 No tablespaces are automatically restored.

考题 Which two are correct steps in taking a binary backup of MyISAM tables?()A、Always stop the server prior to the backupB、Stop the server or lock the tables prior to the backupC、Stop the server or lock the databases prior to the backupD、Make a copy of the .frm, .myd, and the .myi filesE、Make a copy of the binary log and tablespace files

考题 As a database administrator you spend a lot of time observing and setting various storage parameter values for your application tables in order to gain performance benefits. Which task would you perform to reduce this overhead?()A、Coalesce the application tables at a regular interval.B、Export and Import the application tables a regular interval.C、Drop and recreate the application tables at a regular interval.D、Move the application tables to a tablespace with less space usage.E、Distribute the application tables across multiple tablespaces depending on usage.F、Move the application tables to automatic segment space management tablespace.

考题 Your database contains a temporary tablespace, index tablespace, undo tablespace, and a read-only tablespace apart from the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces. If a media failure occurs resulting in the loss of any of these tablespaces, which tablespace is NOT required for the database to start?()A、 undo tablespaceB、 index tablespaceC、 read-only tablespaceD、 temporary tablespace

考题 You are working as a DBA on the decision support system. There is a business requirement to track and store all transactions for at least three years for a few tables in the database. Automatic undo management is enabled in the database.  Which configuration should you use to accomplish this task?()A、 Enable Flashback Data Archive for the tables.B、 Specify undo retention guarantee for the database.C、 Enable supplemental logging for the database.D、 Query V$UNDOSTAT to determine the amount of undo that will be generated and create an undo tablespace for that size.E、 Create Flashback Data Archive on the tablespace on which the tables are stored.

考题 You lost the index tablespace in your database. You are not able to use tablespace point-in-time recovery on the index tablespace. What could be the reason for this?()A、 The index tablespace contains bitmap indexes.B、 The index tablespace contains more than one data file.C、 The index tablespace supports only complete recovery.D、 The index tablespace is not a dictionary-managed tablespace.E、 There is a dependency relationship between a table and its indexes.

考题 You specified extent management as local for a tablespace. How will it affect space management in the tablespace?()A、All the extents will be of the same size.B、Bitmap will be used to record free and allocated extents.C、Free extents will be managed by the data dictionary tables.D、The tablespace will be system managed and the users cannot specify the extent size.

考题 Users are performing a large volume of inserts and deletes on the application tables in the APPS tablespace. You observe that there are several warning alerts being generated for the APPS tablespace space usage metrics. Currently, the warning threshold for the tablespace usage metrics is set to 70%. To make the generated alerts more useful as a problem identification tool, you want to reduce the frequency of alert generation for the tablespace usage metrics for the APPS tablespace. What should you do?()A、 Disable SQL tracing for the APPS tablespace.B、 Disable logging attributes for the APPS tablespace.C、 Modify the tablespace to be a dictionary-managed tablespace.D、 Increase the critical threshold value for the tablespace space usage metrics for the APPS tablespace.E、 Increase the warning threshold value for the tablespace space usage metric for the APPS tablespace.

考题 单选题You lost the index tablespace in your database. You are not able to use tablespace point-in-time recovery on the index tablespace. What could be the reason for this?()A  The index tablespace contains bitmap indexes.B  The index tablespace contains more than one data file.C  The index tablespace supports only complete recovery.D  The index tablespace is not a dictionary-managed tablespace.E  There is a dependency relationship between a table and its indexes.

考题 单选题You lost the index tablespace in your database. You are not able to use tablespace point/x7fin/x7ftime recovery on the index tablespace. What could be the reason for this?()A The index tablespace contains bitmap indexes.B The index tablespace contains more than one data file.C The index tablespace supports only complete recovery.D The index tablespace is not a dictionary­managed tablespace.E There is a dependency relationship between a table and its indexes.

考题 单选题Your database contains a temporary tablespace, index tablespace, undo tablespace, and a read-only tablespace apart from the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces. If a media failure occurs resulting in the loss of any of these tablespaces, which tablespace is NOT required for the database to start?()A  undo tablespaceB  index tablespaceC  read-only tablespaceD  temporary tablespace

考题 单选题You are working as a DBA on the decision support system. There is a business requirement to track and store all transactions for at least three years for a few tables in the database. Automatic undo management is enabled in the database.  Which configuration should you use to accomplish this task?()A  Enable Flashback Data Archive for the tables.B  Specify undo retention guarantee for the database.C  Enable supplemental logging for the database.D  Query V$UNDOSTAT to determine the amount of undo that will be generated and create an undo tablespace for that size.E  Create Flashback Data Archive on the tablespace on which the tables are stored.

考题 多选题Identify three situations in which you would NOT be able to drop a tablespace. ()Awhen the tablespace is onlineBwhen the tablespace has segments with data in itCwhen the tablespace is a default permanent tablespace for the databaseDwhen the tablespace contains a table that is currently being used by transactionsEwhen the tablespace contains undo data that is needed to rollback an uncommitted transaction

考题 多选题Which three statements are correct about temporary tables?()AIndexes and views can be created on temporary tables.BBoth the data and the structure of temporary tables can be exported.CTemporary tables are always created in a user’s temporary tablespace.DThe data inserted into a temporary table in a session is available to other sessions.EData manipulation language (DML) locks are never acquired on the data of temporary tables.

考题 单选题You specified extent management as local for a tablespace. How will it affect space management in the tablespace?()A All the extents will be of the same size.B Bitmap will be used to record free and allocated extents.C Free extents will be managed by the data dictionary tables.D The tablespace will be system managed and the users cannot specify the extent size.

考题 多选题Which  statements are correct about temporary tables()AIndexes and views can be created on temporary tables.BBoth the data and the structure of temporary tables can be exported.CTemporary tables are always created in a user’s temporary tablespace.DThe data inserted into a temporary table in a session is available to other sessions.EData manipulation language (DML) locks are never acquired on the data of temporary tables

考题 多选题Which two are correct steps in taking a binary backup of MyISAM tables?()AAlways stop the server prior to the backupBStop the server or lock the tables prior to the backupCStop the server or lock the databases prior to the backupDMake a copy of the .frm, .myd, and the .myi filesEMake a copy of the binary log and tablespace files

考题 单选题ENCRYPT_TS is an encrypted tablespace that contains tables with data. Which statement is true regarding the effect of queries and data manipulation language (DML) statements on the encrypted data in the tables?()A The data is decrypted during SORT and JOIN operations.B The data remains encrypted when it is read into memory.C The data remains encrypted when it is stored in the redo logs.D The data remains encrypted in the UNDO tablespace provided that the UNDO tablespace was created with the encryption option enabled.

考题 单选题You need to import all definitions of objects belonging to the TS_EMPLOYEES tablespace by using the export file expdat.dmp. Which import statement is correct?()A imp hr/hr TABLES=(ts_employees) rows=yB imp system/manager FROMUSER=hr file=expdat.dmpC imp hr/hr TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=y file=expdat.dmpD imp system/manager TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE=y TABLESPACE=ts_employees

考题 单选题Users are performing a large volume of inserts and deletes on the application tables in the APPS tablespace. You observe that there are several warning alerts being generated for the APPS tablespace space usage metrics. Currently, the warning threshold for the tablespace space usage metrics is set to 70%.  To make the generated alerts more useful as a problem identification tool, you want to reduce the frequency of alert generation for the tablespace space usage metrics for the APPS tablespace. What should you do?()A disable SQL tracing for theAPPS tablespaceB disable logging attribute for the APPS tablespaceC modify the tablespace to be a dictionary­managed tablespaceD increase the critical threshold value for the tablespace space usage metrics for the APPS tablespaceE increase the warning threshold value for the tablespace space usage metrics for the APPS tablespace

考题 多选题When youre performing a tablespace point-in-time recovery, which tablespaces will always be restored to the auxiliary instance?()AThe SYSTEM tablespace.BThe UNDO tablespace.CAll tablespaces with tables.DAll tablespaces with indexes.ENo tablespaces are automatically restored.

考题 单选题Users are performing a large volume of inserts and deletes on the application tables in the APPS tablespace. You observe that there are several warning alerts being generated for the APPS tablespace space usage metrics. Currently, the warning threshold for the tablespace usage metrics is set to 70%. To make the generated alerts more useful as a problem identification tool, you want to reduce the frequency of alert generation for the tablespace usage metrics for the APPS tablespace. What should you do?()A  Disable SQL tracing for the APPS tablespace.B  Disable logging attributes for the APPS tablespace.C  Modify the tablespace to be a dictionary-managed tablespace.D  Increase the critical threshold value for the tablespace space usage metrics for the APPS tablespace.E  Increase the warning threshold value for the tablespace space usage metric for the APPS tablespace.

考题 多选题USER_DATA is a nonencrypted tablespace that contains a set of tables with data. You want to convert all existing data in the USER_DATA tablespace and the new data into the encrypted format. Which methodswould you use to achieve this?()AUse Data Pump to transfer the existing data to a new encrypted tablespaceBUse ALTER TABLE MOVE to transfer the existing data to a new encrypted tablespaceCUse CREATE TABLE AS SELECT to transfer the existing data to a new encrypted tablespaceDEnable row movement for each table to be encrypted and then use ALTER TABLESPACE to encrypt the tablespaceEEncrypt the USER_DATA tablespace using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement so that all the data in the tablespace is automatically encrypted