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Christopher Columbus () eighteen years () planning for that wonderful voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean.





has spent;on


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更多 “单选题Christopher Columbus () eighteen years () planning for that wonderful voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean.A spends;inB spent;onC has spent;onD had spent;in” 相关考题
考题 Project management/project planning is most closely aligned with:A.Long range/strategic planning ( years or more).B.Intermediate range planning ( to years)C.Short range/tactical planning ( year or less).D.All of the above.E.B and C.

考题 Planning activities such that predetermined resource availability pools are not exceeded is called:A.Resource leveling.B.Manpower leveling.C.Resource limited planning.D.Manpower planning.E.Manpower contingency planning.

考题 121 Project management/project planning is most closely aligned with:A. Long range/strategic planning (5 years or more).B. Intermediate range planning (1 to 5 years)C. Short range/tactical planning (1 year or less).D. All of the above.E. B and C

考题 Christopher Columbus never saw the mainland United States.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 116 Planning activities such that predetermined resource availability pools are not exceeded is called: A. Resource leveling.B. Manpower leveling.C. Resource limited planning.D. Manpower planning.E. Manpower contingency planning.

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考题 People who are entitled to _vote_ (vote) should be over eighteen.

考题 After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in ____ later proved a new continent. A、 whereB、 whichC、whatD、that

考题 Columbus proved that the earth () (be) round.

考题 ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: _______________. A. before-class planning and after-class planningB. before-class preparation and after-class feedbackC. before-class planning and after-class reflectionD. macro planning and micro planning

考题 ( ) Superman, Christopher was dashing, handsome, and strong. A、LikelyB、UnlikelyC、AlikeD、Like

考题 The woman in the passage______.A.fell in love with Christopher at first sightB.managed a yoga studio with her husbandC.felt really uncomfortable With a smart manD.married Christopher because of a broken heart

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考题 What are members of the fitness center asked not to do?A.Bring guests who are under eighteen years old B.Leave classes early C.Use equipment for which they have not signed up D.Bring bags to classes

考题 共用题干 The Beginning of American Literature America has always been a land of beginnings.After Europeans"discovered"America in the fifteenth century,the mysterious New World became for many people a genuine hope of a new life,an escape from poverty and persecution,a chance to start again.We can say that,as a nation,America begins with that hope.When,however,does American literature begin? American literature begins with American experiences.Long before the first colonists arrived,before Christopher Columbus,before the Northmen who"found"America about the year 1000,native Americans lived here.Each tribe's literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daily life and reflected the unmistakably American experience of linking with the land.Another kind of experience,one filled with fear and excitement,found its expression in the reports that Columbus and other explorers sent home in Spain, French and English.In addition,the journals of the people who lived and died in the New England wilder- ness tell unforgettable tales of hard and sometimes heartbreaking experiences of those early years. Experience,then, is the key to early American literature.The New World provided a great variety of experiences,and these experiences demanded a wide variety of expressions by an even wider variety of early American writers.These writers included John Smith,who spent only two-and-a-half year on the American continent.They included Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd,who thought of themselves as British subjects,never suspecting a revolution that would create a United States of America with a literature of its own.American Indians,explorers,Puritan ministers,frontier wives,plantation owners-they are all the creators of the first American literature.When did American literature begin?A:Before the American natives lived there.B:When Columbus and other explorers sent reports back home.C:When the Northmen found America in about 1000.D:Long before the year 1000.

考题 共用题干 The Beg i n n i ng of America n LiteratureAmerican has always been a land of beginnings._____(51)Europeans“discovered”America in the fifteenth century,the mysterious New World became for many people a genuine hope of a new life,an escape from_____(52)and persecution,a chance to start again.We can say that,as nation,America begins with that hope.When,______(53),does American literature begin?American literature begins with American experiences.Long before the first colonists ar-rived,before Christopher Columbus,before the Northmen who“found”America about the year 1,000,_____(54)Americans lived here.Each tribe's literature was______(55)woven into the fabric of daily life and reflected the unmistakably American experience of lining with the land._______(56)kind of experience,one filled with fear and excitement,found its expression in the reports that Columbus and other explorers________(57)home in Spain,French and Eng-lish.In addition,the journals of the people who lived and died in the New England wilderness tell unforgettable tales of hard and sometimes______(58)experiences of those______(59) years.Experience,then,is the key to early American literature .The New World______(60)a great variety of experiences,and these experiences______(61)a wide variety of expressions by an even wider variety of early American writers.These writers,included John Smith,______ (62)spent only two-and-a-half years on the American continent. They included Jonathan Ed-wards and William Byrd,who______(63)of themselves as British subjects,never______(64)a revolution that would create a United States of America with a literature of its own.Ameni-can Indians,explorers,Puritan ministers,frontier wives,plantation owner-they are all the______(65)of the first American literature.54._________A: naughtyB: naturalC: nationalD: native

考题 Washington D.C.is named after( ). A.The U.S.President George Washington B.Christopher Columbus C.Both George Washington and Christopher Columbus D.None of them

考题 Christopher Marlowe is the most gifted of the "()".

考题 ()is the management system to control the material consumed, reduce inventory in the manufacture company.A、DRP (Distribution Resource Planning)B、LRP (Logistics Resource Planning)C、MRP (Material Requirements Planning)D、ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

考题 单选题Christopher Columbus () eighteen years () planning for that wonderful voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean.A spends;inB spent;onC has spent;onD had spent;in

考题 问答题When Christopher Columbus reached America, he thought he arrived in 21 .The population of Native Americans in the US:  22 .Regions where Indians live:  23 ,  24 or cities.Why young Indians leave their hometown:for  25 reasons.Rate of unemployment in reservations:around  26 percent.Jobs held by Indians:mostly  27 and  28 .Health problem: Indians commonly leads a(an)  29 life than other Americans.College education: finished by at least  30 of Indians over 25 years old.

考题 填空题Christopher Marlowe is the most gifted of the "()".

考题 单选题The age of the students in this class ______ from eighteen to twenty.A changesB altersC rangesD limits

考题 单选题A child under eighteen years old must have a legal _____.A guardianB spouseC bachelorD servant

考题 单选题A customer has implemented several IBM AIX systems over the past several years and feels comfortable with their AIX skills.  They are planning to implement their first HACMP cluster of two p5-570s.  Which of the following should be included in the IBM proposal?()A HACMP Hardware ServicesB p5-570 differences updateC HACMP SmoothStart ServicesD AIX installation education

考题 问答题Practice 1  Born in 1451, the son of an Italian weaver, Christopher Columbus took to the sea at an early age, making up for his lack of formal education by teaching himself geography, navigation, and Latin. By the 1480s Columbus—a tall, red-haired, long-faced man with a ruddy complexion, oval eyes, and a prominent nose—was an experienced seaman. Dazzled by the prospect of Asian riches, he hatched a scheme to reach the Indies (India, China, the East Indies, or Japan) by sailing west. After the courts of Portugal, England, and France showed little interest in his plan, Columbus turned to Spain for backing. He won the support of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Spanish monarchs, and himself raised much of the money needed to finance the voyage. The legend that the queen had to hock the crown jewels is as spurious as the fable that Columbus set out to prove the earth was round.  Columbus chartered one seventy-five-foot ship, the Santa María, and the Spanish city of Palos supplied two smaller caravels, the Pinta and Nina. From Palos this little squadron, with eighty-seven officers and men, set sail westward for what Columbus thought was Asia. The first leg of the journey went well, thanks to a strong trade wind. But then the breeze lagged, the days passed, and the crew began to grumble about their captain’s farfetched plan. To rally flagging morale, he reminded the crew of the dazzling riches awaiting them. Yet skepticism remained rife, and he finally promised that the expedition would turn back if land were not sighted in three days.  Early on October 12, 1492, after thirty-three days at sea, a lookout on the Santa María yelled “Tierra! Tierra! [Land! Land!]” It was an island in the Bahamas that Columbus named San Salvador (Blessed Savior). According to Columbus’s own reckoning he was near the Indies, so he called the island people los Indios. He described the Indians as naked people, “very well made, of very handsome bodies and very good faces.” The Arawak Indians paddled out in dugout logs, which they called canoes, and offered gifts to the strangers. Their warm generosity and docile temperament led Columbus to write in his journal that “they invite you to share anything that they possess, and show as much love as if their hearts went with it.” Yet he added that “with fifty men they could all be subjugated and compelled to do anything one wishes.”

考题 单选题What did Columbus bring to Europe in 1492?A Rubber.B Umbrellas.C Erasers.D Raincoats.

考题 单选题You can’t drink alcohol _____ you are at least eighteen years old in some states of the US.A ifB unlessC thoughD when