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A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifolds of propulsion diesel engines to()

reduce heat radiation to the engine room


aid in preventing turbocharger overheating


condense and drain moisture from exhaust gases


dampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold


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更多 “单选题A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifolds of propulsion diesel engines to()A reduce heat radiation to the engine roomB aid in preventing turbocharger overheatingC condense and drain moisture from exhaust gasesD dampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold” 相关考题
考题 The space between cylinder liner and jacket is called _____.A.the cooling waterB.the circulating waterC.the coolerD.the cooling water space

考题 A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifolds of propulsion diesel enginesto( ).A.reduce heat radiation to the engine roomB.aid in preventing turbocharger overheatingC.condense and drain moisture from exhaust gasesD.dampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold

考题 The main propulsion diesel engine jacket water temperature rises above normal, with the raw sea suction and the expansion tank water level being normal. Which of the following problems is most likely the cause?A.Faulty thermostatic bypass valveB.Eroded zinc pencils in the heat exchangerC.Steam formation in the expansion tankD.Excessive leakage from jacket water pump seals

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考题 单选题One of the purposes for water cooling the exhaust manifold in marine diesel engine is to ()A reduce lube oil temperatureB raise exhaust temperature reduceC excessive heating of engine roomD reduce load on cooling water pump

考题 单选题A water jacket is placed around the exhaust manifolds of propulsion diesel engines to()A reduce heat radiation to the engine roomB aid in preventing turbocharger overheatingC condense and drain moisture from exhaust gasesD dampen exhaust gas pulsations in the manifold

考题 单选题Which of the diesel engine cylinder liners listed has internal cooling water passages?()A Internally finned linerB Externally finned linerC Wet linerD Integral water-jacket liner

考题 单选题The three conditions which cause engine shutdown are overspeed,low lube oil pressure,and().A High lube oil pressureB High jacket water pressureC High jacket water temperatureD Low jacket water pressure

考题 单选题If the jacket water temperature of an operating diesel engine suddenly rises above normal, the cause can be attributed to ().A an overfilled expansion tankB excess chromate treatment of the jacket waterC a clogged raw water sea suctionD cavitation erosion of the heat exchanger tubes

考题 单选题If the jacket water temperature in an auxiliary diesel engine cooling system is lower than normal, the probable cause is ()A air binding of the engine cooling systemB a cracked water cooled exhaust manifoldC blockage in the heat exchangerD faulty operation of the thermostat

考题 单选题Engine room fires have been started by neglected oil leaks dripping on to hot pipes or exhaust manifolds () insulation has not been replaced after maintenance.A whichB whenC whoseD what

考题 单选题The main propulsion diesel engine jacket water temperature rises above normal, with the raw water sea suction and the expansion tank water level being normalWhich of the following problems is most likely the cause?()A Faulty thermostatic bypass valveB Eroded zinc pencils in the heat exchangerC Steam formation in the expansion tankD Excessive leakage from jacket water pump seal

考题 单选题The satisfactory operation of diesel engine exhaust valves usually depends on()A the proper back pressureB the cooling water temperatureC correct timing and proper seatingD accurate metering and the exhaust temperature

考题 单选题Keel coolers fouled with marine growth, will result in ()A higher raw water temperaturesB higher jacket water temperaturesC a malfunctioning thermostatD higher fuel temperature

考题 单选题The cylinder liner forming the cylinder wall and the inside of the water jacket is called a()A dry linerB wet linerC jacket linerD corrugated liner

考题 单选题Which pump installation would require an external source of sealing water?()A Main circulator pump jacket water coolingB Salt water service pumpC Auxiliary condensate pumpD Bilge pump

考题 单选题Higher than normal jacket water temperatures occurring in all cylinders of a diesel engine can result from a/an ().A oil suction line restrictionB correct amount of coolantC cavitation erosion in the water jacketsD clogged sea suction strainer

考题 单选题Immediately after starting a diesel engine, normal raw water and jacket water pressure are indicatedHowever, the jacket water temperature continues to rise, if there is no change in the sea temperature, you should suspect()A overloading in all cylindersB a jammed three-way thermostatic valveC chromate PH too lowD a high level in the surge tank

考题 单选题Fuel is ignited in a diesel engine cylinder by ()A a spark plugB injectorsC the heat of compressionD increasing jacket water temperatures

考题 单选题The outlet from an expansion tank of a closed freshwater cooling system should be piped to the ().A cylinder head water outlet headerB cylinder jacket inlet mainC heat exchanger inlet connectionD jacket water pump suction line

考题 单选题Operating a diesel engine under light loads and at low temperatures for an exhaust for an extended period can result in()A formation of carbon on the intake and exhaust portsB high water jacket temperaturesC overheated pistons and cylindersD an increase in lube oil viscosity due to fuel dilution

考题 单选题In a diesel engine cooling system, the high temperature alarm contact maker will be activated on excessively high water discharge temperature from the ()A raw water pump dischargeB expansion tank outletC cooling water heat exchangerD outlet engine jacket water outlet

考题 单选题In a diesel engine jacket water cooler, with seawater cooling the fresh water, the()A sea water temperature must never be warmer than 40℃B jacket water pressure should always be greater than the sea water pressureC jacket water temperature must always be less than 60℃D jacket water pressure must always be less than the sea water pressure

考题 单选题If an auxiliary diesel engine temperature is higher than normal ,but the thermostat is determined not to be defective you would suspect a /an ()A cavitation erosion in the water jacketsB excess corrosion inhibitor in the coolantC dirty jacket water coolerD defective turbocharger

考题 单选题If the jacket water temperature rises rapidly above normal in a diesel engine, you should FIRST ()A place standby cooler in operationB reduce engine loadC check thermostatic valveD clean sea water strainer

考题 单选题Temperature control valves installed in the jacket cooling water system of a diesel engine modulates the rate of water flow through the ().A cooling water pumpB nozzle cooling passagesC cylinder jacketsD heat exchanger

考题 单选题When a vacuum boiling evaporator works, the hot jacket water will pass over the tube stack and () the sea water passing through the tubes.A disposeB dissolveC heatD dissipates

考题 单选题Which of the following conditions will develop if the flow of ‘raw’ cooling water to diesel engine is obstructed?()A Air will enter the cooling systemB Carbon will plug the water cooled exhaust manifoldsC The jacket water temperature will riseD The lube oil viscosity will increase