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A vessel’s Classification Certificate is issued by the ().

Bureau of Shipping


National Cargo Bureau


Port Authorities


The Customs


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更多 “单选题A vessel’s Classification Certificate is issued by the ().A Bureau of ShippingB National Cargo BureauC Port AuthoritiesD The Customs” 相关考题
考题 Which certificate is always issued by the China Classification Society? ______.A.Loadline certificateB.Safety equipment certificateC.Safety construction certificateD.Safety cargo gear certificate

考题 The official identification of a vessel is found in the ______.A.Certificate of InspectionB.Classification CertificateC.Loadline CertificateD.Certificate of Documentation

考题 A vessel has sustained damage in a collision with another vessel. It is necessary to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the vessel sails. Who will issue this certificate?A.American ConsulB.Classification SocietyC.Captain of the PortD.Officer in Charge Marine Inspection

考题 An International Tonnage Certificate will be issued to a vessel when it meets several requirements,one of which is that the vessel must ______.A.admeasure over 100 GTB.be 79 or more feet in lengthC.engage in intercoastal or international tradeD.be issued a Certificate of Inspection

考题 If your passenger vessel has been issued a stability letter,it must be ______.A.filed in the ship's officeB.posted in a passenger areaC.posted adjacent to the Certificate of InspectionD.posted in the pilothouse

考题 Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate ______.A.has the full force of the regular Certificate of InspectionB.expires six months after it is issuedC.must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 monthsD.is retained in the custody of the Master

考题 A seaman you have just discharged has a Continuous Discharge Book. Which statement is TRUE?A.The record of entry in the continuous discharge book shall agree with the entry made in the Ship's ArticlesB.If the vessel was on coastwise articles,the record of discharge will be made in the Official LogbookC.An entry should be made in the book and a Certificate of Discharge issued to the seamanD.A Certificate of Discharge form should be attached to the book

考题 After an IOPP Certificate is issued to an inspected vessel,how many other surveys of the vessel's pollution prevention equipment are conducted during the period of validity of the certificate?A.NoneB.OneC.TwoD.Three

考题 The document on a vessel,annually endorsed by an American Bureau of Shipping surveyor,is called the ______.A.Certificate of InspectionB.Classification CertificateC.Load Line CertificateD.Seaworthy Certificate

考题 Temporary Certificates of Inspection for offshore drilling units are effective until the ______.A.Operations Manual is approvedB.Minerals Management Service approval is issuedC.classification society approval is issuedD.permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued

考题 Temporary Certificates of Inspection are effective until the ______.A.SOLAS Certificate is issuedB.Loadline Certificate is renewedC.classification society approval is issuedD.permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued

考题 Which document lists all the lifesaving equipment required for a vessel?A.Certificate of InspectionB.American Bureau of Shipping Classification CertificateC.International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea CertificateD.Certificate of Registry

考题 Your load line certificate expires on 27 May 2006.The vessel is surveyed on that date and is found satisfactory.You are sailing foreign the same day.Which statement is TRUE ________.A.A new certificate must be issued before you sailB.The existing certificate is endorsed as valid for a five year period commencing 27 May 2006C.The existing certificate is extended for a period of up to 150 daysD.The existing certificate is extended until the first foreign port of call where a new certificate will be issued by the local surveyor

考题 单选题A seaman you have just discharged has a Continuous Discharge Book. Which statement is TRUE? ()A The record of entry in the continuous discharge book shall agree with the entry made in the Ship's Articles.B If the vessel was on coastwise articles,the record of discharge will be made in the Official Logbook.C An entry should be made in the book and a Certificate of Discharge issued to the seaman.D A Certificate of Discharge form should be attached to the book

考题 单选题Prior to being able to sail in a US port,each vessel that carries grain in bulk must have a certificate of loading issued by the().A American Bureau of ShippingB Lloyds of LondonC National Cargo BureauD US Salvage

考题 单选题Which certificate is always issued by the China Classification Society().A Loadline certificateB Safety equipment certificateC Safety construction certificateD Safety cargogear certificate

考题 单选题A vessel’s Derat Certificate is always issued by ().A China Classification SocietyB Cargo Survey BureauC Environmental Protection AgencyD Public Health

考题 单选题A vessel’s Classification Certificate is issued by the ().A American Bureau of ShippingB National Cargo BureauC United States Coast GuardD United States Customs

考题 单选题A vessel’s Classification Certificate is issued by the ().A Bureau of ShippingB National Cargo BureauC Port AuthoritiesD The Customs

考题 单选题Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel’s fire extinguishing systems shall be()on board until the vessel’s Certificate of Inspection expires.A consealedB detainedC containedD kept

考题 单选题A vessel’s Derat Certificate is always issued by ().A Classification SocietyB Cargo Survey BureauC Environmental Protection AgencyD Public Health

考题 单选题If your passenger vessel has been issued a stability letter,it must be ().A filed in the ship’s officeB posted in a passenger areaC posted adjacent to the Certificate of InspectionD posted in the pilothouse

考题 单选题The vessel’s Loadline Certificate is always issued by ().A The Register of ShippingB Customs HouseC Cargo Survey BureauD Maritime Safety Administration

考题 单选题The vessel’s Load Line Certificate is always issued by ().A The Register of ShippingB Customs HouseC Cargo Survey BureauD Maritime Safety Administration

考题 单选题Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate().A has the full force of the regular Certificate of InspectionB expires six months after it is issuedC must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 monthsD is retained in the custody of the Master

考题 单选题After an IOPP Certificate is issued to an inspected vessel,how many other surveys of the vessel’s pollution prevention equipment are conducted during the period of validity of the certificate?()A NoneB OneC TwoD Three

考题 单选题The certificate of loading required by each vessel carrying grain in bulk is issued by the().A owner or charterer of the vesselB American Bureau of ShippingC shipper of the cargoD National Cargo Bureau

考题 单选题An International Tonnage Certificate will be issued to a vessel when it meets several requirements,one of which is that the vessel must ().A admeasure over 100 GTB be 79 or more feet in lengthC engage in intercoastal or international tradeD be issued a Certificate of Inspection