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更多 “单选题____A onB inC atD for” 相关考题
考题 Many words associated with life in the West are Spanish () origin. A.onB.inC.atD.from

考题 The newly designed machines are high () quality. A.onB.inC.forD.with

考题 Whatever the rule is, you may be sure he will keep () it. A.onB.inC.offD.to

考题 I little understood the pressure __________ her. A.onB.inC.atD.against

考题 High school cheating may be ___________ the rise. A. onB. upC. atD. upward

考题 Our cooperation is ___the basis of mutual trust and confidence. A. onB. inC. forD. under

考题 19.A.onB.inC.atD.to

考题 3. The apples are _______the tree, and the birds(鸟) are ______ the tree.A.in ;onB.on ;inC.on ;onD.in ;in

考题 A onB inC forD with

考题 Kunming is _____the southwest of China.A. onB. inC. to

考题 His younger brother is still ( ) school. A、onB、inC、fromD、at

考题 I first met her ( ) a summer afternoon some twenty years ago. A、onB、inC、atD、/

考题 As the only direct steamer which calls () our port once a month has just departed, goods can only be shipped next month.A、onB、inC、atD、to

考题 The seller asked for amendment()the L/C. A、onB、withC、atD、to

考题 A) overB) inC) atD) about

考题 AllthestudentsinthisclasspassedtheEnglishexam________theexceptionofLiMing.A)onB)inC)forD)with

考题 ______onetime,Manchesterwasthehomeofthemostproductivecottonmillsintheworld.A)OnB)ByC)AtD)Of

考题 ______ one time, Manchester 怎么选择 ______onetime,Manchesterwasthehomeofthemostproductivecottonmillsintheworld.A)OnB)ByC)AtD)Of

考题 ( )A.onB.ofC.atD.by

考题 2. When do you go shopping?‘I usually go shopping _________ Sunday mornings .A.onB.inC.atD.by

考题 6. Chinese is different __________ English.A.fromB.inC.atD.on

考题 19.A.onB.inC.byD.at

考题 14.A.onB.forC.atD.in

考题 The additional cargo is to be loaded________board our ship.A.onB.inC.fromD.to

考题 Please get everything ready prior ______ shifting.A.onB.toC.atD.for

考题 Tickets to special exhibits at the botanical gardens may be reserved __________ advance.A.of B.in C.at D.for

考题 I feel very excited?the thought of joining my family in a week.A.On B.for C.At D.in

考题 Our company has 30years’ experience()the machinery line.A、onB、inC、aboutD、of