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更多 “名词解释题抗性(resistance)” 相关考题
考题 社会主义社会基本矛盾的性质是( )。A.对抗性的B.非对抗性的C.对抗性为主、非对抗性为辅D.非对抗性为主、对抗性为辅

考题 Please explain how we describe the resistance in semiconductor. Compare the resistance of a metal,poly and diffusion in tranditional CMOS process.(威盛笔试题circuit design-beijing-03.11.09)

考题 关于水平抗性和垂直抗性,下列说法正确的是()。A、水平抗性中等但其抗性比垂直抗性稳定B、水平抗性常表现高度抗性,抗性比垂直抗性稳定C、垂直抗性的抗性中等,但其抗性比水平抗性稳定D、垂直抗性常表现高度抗性,且抗性比水平抗性稳定

考题 MRC是什么的缩写?()A、Modular Radio ConnectB、Modular Resistance CabinetC、Modular Radio CabinetD、Modular Resistance Connect

考题 对内吸磷产生抗性的棉蚜,对1605也产生抗药性,这是属于()A、行为抗性B、交互抗性C、负交互抗性D、多抗性

考题 小菜蛾几乎对现有的各类药剂都抗药性,这是属于()A、行为抗性B、交互抗性C、负交互抗性D、多抗性

考题 对溴氰菊酯产生抗性的棉蚜,对百树得、功夫也产生抗药性,这是属于()A、行为抗性B、交互抗性C、负交互抗性D、多抗性

考题 关于水平抗性和垂直抗性,下列说法正确的是()。A、水平抗性的抗性中等,但其抗性比垂直抗性稳定B、水平抗性常表现高度抗性,抗性比垂直抗性稳定C、垂直抗性的抗性中等,但其抗性比水平抗性稳定D、垂直抗性常表现高度抗性,且抗性比水平抗性稳定

考题 抗药性(drug resistance)

考题 特异性抗性的优点是抗性强,抗性不易丧失。

考题 抗逆性(resistance)

考题 非寄主抗性(non-host-resistance)

考题 曲线阻力 curve resistance

考题 According to Ohm’s Law, which of the following is correct?()A、As voltage increases, resistance decreasesB、As amperage decreases, resistance decreasesC、As resistance decreases, amperage increasesD、As resistance increases, voltage increases

考题 名词解释题抗病性(resistance to disease)

考题 单选题If a voltmeter is connected across a line, it must be protected with a()A shuntB high-resistance coil in the armature circuitC low-resistance coil in the armature circuitD shunt and a coil of high resistance

考题 单选题For practical purposes, in a simple series circuit, the source voltage will be dropped across one resistor if it has().A half the resistance of the other resistorB a resistance equal to the otherC at least ten times the resistance of the otherD a partial short circuit

考题 单选题对溴氰菊酯产生抗性的棉蚜,对百树得、功夫也产生抗药性,这是属于()A 行为抗性B 交互抗性C 负交互抗性D 多抗性

考题 单选题The unit of electrical resistance is the ()A ampereB voltC wattD ohm

考题 单选题对内吸磷产生抗性的棉蚜,对1605也产生抗药性,这是属于()A 行为抗性B 交互抗性C 负交互抗性D 多抗性

考题 单选题According to Ohm’s Law, which of the following is correct?()A As voltage increases, resistance decreasesB As amperage decreases, resistance decreasesC As resistance decreases, amperage increasesD As resistance increases, voltage increases

考题 名词解释题抗逆性(resistance)

考题 名词解释题英译汉:resistance

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning simple parallel resistance circuits?()A The total current flow equals the sum of the individual currentsB The total current flow equals the reciprocal of the sum of the individual currentsC The total resistance equals the sum of the individual resistanceD The total voltage equals the sum of the individual voltages across each resistance

考题 单选题A resistance in a circuit of unknown value is to be tested using the voltmeter/ammeter methodTherefore, the meters should be connected with().A both meters in series with the resistanceB both meters in parallel with the resistanceC the ammeter in series and the voltmeter in parallel with the resistanceD the ammeter in parallel and the voltmeter in series with the resistance

考题 单选题Most conducting materials such as copper, aluminum, iron, nickel, and tungsten ().A increase in resistance with increased temperatureB increase in resistance with decreased temperatureC decrease in resistance with increased temperatureD increase in conductance with increased temperature

考题 名词解释题非寄主抗性(non-host-resistance)