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it takes sb. some time/ money to do sth.结构,表示“某人花费多少时间/金钱去做某事”。spend的常用结构为sb. spend time/money on sth./ (in) doing sth。cost的常用结构为sth. costs (sb.)+金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱;(doing) sth. costs (sb.)+时间。use作“使用”讲,无“花费”之意。由本题的句式结构可知这里应选took。故本题的答案为B。
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考题 单选题_____A holdB leaveC dropD give

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考题 单选题_____A ideaB understandingC opinionD feeling

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考题 单选题_____ the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it.A DoesB HasC IsD Are

考题 填空题____

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