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In 1949()became Canada.s tenth province.



Prince Edward Island




British Columbia


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更多 “单选题In 1949()became Canada.s tenth province.A NewfoundlandB Prince Edward IslandC LabradorD British Columbia” 相关考题
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考题 In 1949()became Canada.s tenth province.ANewfoundlandBPrince Edward IslandCLabradorDBritish Columbia

考题 On Easter Monday,April 18,1949,Eire became the Republic of Ireland,formally free of allegiance to the British crown and no longer a member of().Athe Commonwealth of NationsBthe United NationsCthe NATODthe EC

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考题 Canada.s largest city is()AMontrealBTorontoCOttawaDVancouver

考题 革命历史档案的年限为。()A1949年以前B1949年以后C1921年~1949年D1919年~1949年

考题 On Easter Monday,April 18,1949,Eire became the Republic of Ireland,formally free of allegiance to the British crown and no longer a member of().A、the Commonwealth of NationsB、the United NationsC、the NATOD、the EC

考题 Tie guan yin Tea is grown in().A、Longjing,Zhengjiang province.B、Dongting,Hunan provinceC、Anxi,Fujia province.D、Wuyi,Fujian province.

考题 革命历史档案的年限为。()A、1949年以前B、1949年以后C、1921年~1949年D、1919年~1949年

考题 成都是多久解放的()A、1949年5月B、1949年7月C、1949年11月D、1949年12月

考题 西安是什么时候解放的?()A、1949年5月20日B、1949年6月20日C、1949年10月1日D、1949年7月1日

考题 英语中“六点五十分”的表示方法是“()”。A、tenth to sevenB、ten to seventhC、ten past sevenD、ten to seven

考题 中国近代国防是从什么时候到什么时候()。A、1830—1949年B、1840—1949年C、1850—1949年D、1860—1949年

考题 问答题A salesperson made a profit of $50 on the sale of a bicycle that cost the salesperson $180. What is the profit expressed as a percent of the salesperson’s cost? Give your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.

考题 单选题革命历史档案的年限为。()A 1949年以前B 1949年以后C 1921年~1949年D 1919年~1949年

考题 单选题The research done by Israeli researchers shows that the initial reaction-the direct transfer of oxygen from blood cells to neurons-.A occurred in the tenth of a secondB occurred after the first-tenth of a secondC could not be observed by conventional imagingD could be observed by conventional imaging

考题 单选题It was not until the accident happened_______.A when I became aware of my foolishnessB when my foolishness became obviousC that did I realize my foolishnessD that I became aware of my foolishness

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考题 单选题It was not until the accident happened _____.A when I became aware of my foolishnessB when my foolishness became obviousC that did I realize my own follyD that I became aware of my own foolishness

考题 单选题On Easter Monday,April 18,1949,Eire became the Republic of Ireland,formally free of allegiance to the British crown and no longer a member of().A the Commonwealth of NationsB the United NationsC the NATOD the EC

考题 单选题成都是多久解放的()A 1949年5月B 1949年7月C 1949年11月D 1949年12月

考题 问答题What is the number that is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 400?

考题 单选题In 1949()became Canada.s tenth province.A NewfoundlandB Prince Edward IslandC LabradorD British Columbia

考题 单选题Canada.s largest city is()A MontrealB TorontoC OttawaD Vancouver