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The ship will be()demurrage soon.









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更多 “单选题The ship will be()demurrage soon.A atB forC inD on” 相关考题
考题 What the doctor really doubts is () his mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A、whenB、howC、whetherD、if

考题 They look forward to __________the new products soon. A.sawB.seeC.seeingD.to see

考题 He ought ( ) so soon. A、to not have leftB、to have not leftC、not to have leftD、not have left

考题 The phrase VESSEL IN BALLAST usually means________.A.the ship is fully loadedB.the ship loaded with waterC.a ship with cargoD.a ship with no cargo

考题 The laydays according to the Charter Party commence at 0800 hrs on 13th June,and will expire at 1600 hrs on 19th June,after that the vessel will be on demurrage.A.This kind of wording usually appears in ______.B.a ship's certificateC.a Note of Sea ProtestD.a Notice of Readiness

考题 In a charter-party,the amount of despatch money payable is often fixed ______.A.at one fourth the demurrage rateB.at one third the demurrage rateC.at half the demurrage rateD.at the demurrage rate

考题 The cesser clause mainly purports to relieve ______ from paying demurrage.A.the ShipownerB.the carrierC.the shipperD.the Charterer

考题 Usually it will be ______ who will be liable for the payment of demurrage.A.the ShipownerB.the shipperC.the carrierD.the Charterer

考题 Owner shall have a lien on the cargo for freight,dead-freight,demurrage and damages for detention.It means that ______.A.Owner will not deliver the cargo if freight not paidB.Owner will keep the dead-freight until the cargo has been deliveredC.Owner will keep the demurrage as soon as the cargo be deliveredD.Owner shall have no right of detention for the damaged cargo to be delivered

考题 The Insurance Company shall be liable for ______.A.loss or damage caused by unseaworthiness of the insured shipB.demurrage of the insured ship and other indirect expensesC.reasonable expenses for ascertaining the loss or damage within the scope of CoverD.A,B,C are all wrong

考题 翻译once on demurrage always on demurrage

考题 最大的货船是油轮。()A、The largest cargo ship is the tankerB、The largest cargo ship is the container ship .C、The largest cargo ship is the bulk carrier.D、The largest cargo ship is the tug.

考题 请解释Once on demurrage always on demurrage这一术语的含义是什么?

考题 翻译:Neither the consignee nor the holder of the bill of lading shall be liable for the demurragedead freight and all other expenses in respect of loading occurred at the loading port unless the bill of lading clearly states that the aforesaid demurragedead freight and all other expenses shall be borne by the consignee and the holder of the bill of lading。

考题 翻译:Time Sheet 或者 Despatch Money /Demurrage Calculation Sheet

考题 翻译:We hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon.

考题 In marine time chartering, the following()terms are normally appeared in the time charter party.A、freight paymentB、payment of hireC、trading limitsD、demurrage

考题 Demurrage charges()from $ 5 to $ 50 per day across countries.A、rangeB、alteredC、separatedD、differed

考题 翻译:Demurrage()

考题 问答题翻译once on demurrage always on demurrage

考题 单选题The cesser clause mainly purports to relieve()from paying demurrage.A the ShipownerB the carrierC the shipperD the Charterer

考题 问答题翻译:Neither the consignee nor the holder of the bill of lading shall be liable for the demurragedead freight and all other expenses in respect of loading occurred at the loading port unless the bill of lading clearly states that the aforesaid demurragedead freight and all other expenses shall be borne by the consignee and the holder of the bill of lading。

考题 单选题When the ship security alert system is activated, it shall not()A initiate a ship-to-shore security alertB transmit a ship-to-shore security alertC initiate an alert identifying the ship, its locationD raise a security alarm on-board the ship indicating that the ship is under threat

考题 单选题Owner shall have a lien on the cargo for freight,dead-freight,demurrage and damages for detention.It means that().A Owner will not deliver the cargo if freight not paidB Owner will keep the dead-freight until the cargo has been deliveredC Owner will keep the demurrage as soon as the cargo be deliveredD Owner shall have no right of detention for the damaged cargo to be delivered

考题 问答题翻译:Time Sheet 或者 Despatch Money /Demurrage Calculation Sheet

考题 单选题The ship will be()demurrage soon.A atB forC inD on

考题 单选题We’ll finish loading the trucks soon. Please get ready for ().A lashingB dischargingC cleaningD loading

考题 填空题翻译:Demurrage()